Protected assembly
assembly: string
Protected clipCenter
clipCenter: Vector3
Protected clipNear
clipNear: number
Protected clipRadius
clipRadius: number
Protected colorDomain
colorDomain: number[]
Protected colorReverse
colorReverse: boolean
Protected colorScale
colorScale: string | string[]
Protected colorScheme
colorScheme: string
Protected colorValue
colorValue: number
Protected defaultAssembly
defaultAssembly: string
Protected depthWrite
depthWrite: boolean
Protected diffuse
diffuse: number
Protected Optional diffuseInterior
diffuseInterior: undefined | false | true
Protected disableImpostor
disableImpostor: boolean
Protected disablePicking
disablePicking: boolean
Protected disposed
disposed: boolean
Protected flatShaded
flatShaded: boolean
Protected interiorColor
interiorColor: number
Protected interiorDarkening
interiorDarkening: number
Protected manualAttach
manualAttach: () => any
Protected matrix
matrix: Matrix4
Protected metalness
metalness: number
Protected name
name: string
Protected needsBuild
needsBuild: boolean
Protected opacity
opacity: number
Protected openEnded
openEnded: boolean
parameters: any
Protected radialSegments
radialSegments: number
Protected radiusData
radiusData: {}
Protected radiusScale
radiusScale: number
Protected radiusSize
radiusSize: number
Protected roughness
roughness: number
Protected showAxes
showAxes: boolean
Protected showBox
showBox: boolean
Protected sphereDetail
sphereDetail: number
Protected toBePrepared
toBePrepared: boolean
Protected Optional useInteriorColor
useInteriorColor: undefined | false | true
Protected wireframe
wireframe: boolean
Axes representation. Show principal axes and/or a box aligned with them that fits the structure or selection.
Name: axes
stage.loadFile( "rcsb://3pqr", { assembly: "BU1" } ).then( function( o ){ o.addRepresentation( "cartoon" ); o.addRepresentation( "axes", { sele: "RET", showAxes: false, showBox: true, radius: 0.2 } ); o.addRepresentation( "ball+stick", { sele: "RET" } ); o.addRepresentation( "axes", { sele: ":B and backbone", showAxes: false, showBox: true, radius: 0.2 } ); stage.autoView(); var pa = o.structure.getPrincipalAxes(); stage.animationControls.rotate( pa.getRotationQuaternion(), 1500 ); } );