Source code for nglview.scripts.nglview

#!/usr/bin/env python

import argparse
import json
import os
import subprocess
import sys

from .cmd_example import CMD_EXAMPLE

bin_path = os.path.join(sys.prefix, 'bin')

simple_source = """
import nglview as nv

demo_source = """
import nglview as nv

view = nv.demo(gui=True)

density_source = """
import nglview as nv

view = nv.NGLWidget(gui=True)

def _is_density_data(filename):
    from nglview.utils import FileManager

        fm = FileManager(filename)

        return fm.ext.lower() in ['dx', 'ccp4', 'mrc', 'map', 'dxbin', 'cube']
    except ValueError:
        return False

notebook_dict = {
    "cells": [{
        "metadata": {
            "collapsed": True
        "outputs": [],
        "source": [
            "import nglview as nv\n", "import pytraj as pt\n", "\n",
            "traj = pt.iterload('', top='prmtop')\n",
            "view = nv.show_pytraj(traj)\n", "view"
    "metadata": {
        "kernelspec": {
            "display_name": "Python 3",
            "language": "python",
            "name": "python3"
        "language_info": {
            "codemirror_mode": {
                "name": "ipython",
                "version": 3
            "file_extension": ".py",
            "mimetype": "text/x-python",
            "name": "python",
            "nbconvert_exporter": "python",
            "pygments_lexer": "ipython",
            "version": "3.5.1"

remote_msg = """
Try to use port = {port}

\033[32m In your local machine, run: \033[0m


\033[32m NOTE: you might want to replace {hostname} by full hostname with domain name \033[0m

\033[32m Then open your web browser, copy and paste: \033[0m

[docs]def get_remote_port(port=None, notebook_path=''): import os, socket from import NGLViewApp port = NGLViewApp().get_port(port=port) username = os.getlogin() hostname = socket.gethostname() client_cm = "ssh -NL localhost:{port}:localhost:{port} {username}@{hostname}".format( username=username, hostname=hostname, port=port) base_notebook_name = os.path.basename(notebook_path) print( remote_msg.format(client_cm=client_cm, port=port, hostname=hostname, notebook_name=base_notebook_name)) return port
[docs]def main(notebook_dict=notebook_dict, cmd=None): # typte: (Dict, List[str]) -> None pyv_full_string = ','.join(str(i) for i in sys.version_info) pyv_short_string = str(sys.version_info[0]) default_jexe = ' '.join((sys.executable, '-m jupyter_core')) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='NGLView: An IPython/Jupyter widget to ' 'interactively view molecular structures and trajectories.', formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog=CMD_EXAMPLE) parser.add_argument( 'command', nargs='?', help= 'command could be a topology filename (.pdb, .mol2, .parm7, ...) or \n' 'could be a python script (.py), a notebook (.ipynb). ' 'If not given, a notebook will be created with only nglview imported') parser.add_argument('traj', nargs='?', help='coordinate filename, optional') parser.add_argument('-c', '--crd', help='coordinate filename') parser.add_argument('--browser', help='web browser') parser.add_argument('-j', '--jexe', default=default_jexe, help='jupyter path') parser.add_argument('--notebook-name', default='tmpnb_ngl.ipynb', help='notebook name') parser.add_argument('--port', type=int, help='port number') parser.add_argument('--remote', action='store_true', help='create remote notebook') parser.add_argument('--clean', action='store_true', help='delete temp file after closing notebook') parser.add_argument('--auto', action='store_true', help='Run 1st cell right after openning notebook') parser.add_argument( '--symlink', action='store_true', help='Create symlink for nglview-js-widgets (developer mode)') args = parser.parse_args(cmd) command = args.command if command in ['install', 'enable', 'uninstall']: cmds = [ 'jupyter', 'nbextension', command, '--py', '--sys-prefix', 'nglview' ] if command == 'install': cmds.append('--overwrite') if args.symlink: cmds.append('--symlink') subprocess.check_call(cmds) sys.exit(0) crd = args.traj if args.traj is not None else args.crd if crd is None: crd = command browser = '--browser ' + args.browser if args.browser else '' create_new_nb = False if command is not None and command.endswith('.ipynb'): notebook_name = command else: notebook_name = args.notebook_name if command is None: # create a notebook and import nglview notebook_dict['cells'][0]['source'] = simple_source nb_json = json.dumps(notebook_dict) nb_json = nb_json.replace('"null"', 'null') elif command.endswith('.py'): # a Python script pycontent = open(command).read().strip() notebook_dict['cells'][0]['source'] = pycontent nb_json = json.dumps(notebook_dict) elif command == 'demo': # running demo notebook_dict['cells'][0]['source'] = demo_source nb_json = json.dumps(notebook_dict) nb_json = nb_json.replace('"null"', 'null').replace( '', crd).replace('prmtop', command) elif _is_density_data(command): # check if density data notebook_dict['cells'][0]['source'] = density_source.replace( 'filename', command) nb_json = json.dumps(notebook_dict) else: nb_json = json.dumps(notebook_dict) nb_json = nb_json.replace('"null"', 'null').replace( '', crd).replace('prmtop', command) assert os.path.exists(command), '{} does not exists'.format( command) nb_json = nb_json.replace('"null"', 'null') with open(notebook_name, 'w') as fh: fh.write(nb_json) create_new_nb = True dirname = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(notebook_name)) if not args.remote: cm = '{jupyter} notebook {notebook_name} {browser}'.format( jupyter=args.jexe, notebook_name=notebook_name, browser=browser) else: port = get_remote_port(args.port, notebook_name) cm = '{jupyter} notebook --no-browser --port {port} ' \ '--notebook-dir {dirname}'.format(jupyter=args.jexe, port=port, dirname=dirname) print('NOTE: make sure to open {} in your local machine\n'.format( notebook_name)) try: subprocess.check_call(cm.split()) except KeyboardInterrupt: if args.clean and create_new_nb: print(f"deleting {notebook_name}") os.remove(notebook_name) if disable_extension(jupyter=args.jexe)
if __name__ == '__main__': main(cmd=sys.argv[1:])