Changelog ========= Dev --- - MIGRATION: only support ``ipywidgets >= 5.2`` - ADD: ``ngl v0.8`` Version 0.5.2 ------------- - ADD: ``nglview`` command line for quickly opening notebook. - ADD: ``add_text`` to display - FIX: view.background assignment. Version 0.5.1 ------------- - FIX: correctly handle player when adding a structure first - FIX: cleaned-up outdated notebooks Version 0.5 ----------- |DOI| - ADD: basic use of binary messages for faster coordinate data transfer - ADD: updated to newer ``NGL`` version, (e.g. orthographic camera, anti-aliasing, much faster rendering, ...) - ADD: ``view.delay`` property to adjust trajectory playback - ADD: ``show_url`` function for loading & viewing from an url - ADD: ``view.hide()`` and ``view.show_only()`` convenience methods - ADD: ``show_rdkit`` function to view rdkit Mol objects - ADD: ``view.clear()`` for clearing all representations - ADD: ``view.add_unitcell()``, support for the new NGL unitcell representation - ADD: automatic creation of attributes: ``view.trajectory_0``, ``view.trajectory_1``, ``view.component_0``, ... - ADD: specify ``component`` index in ``view.add_representations``, ``view.clear_representations`` - ADD: drag and drop files into widget - ADD: extra TrajectoryPlayer widget available via ``view.player`` - ADD: ```` property (``perspective`` and ``orthographic``, new in NGL) - ADD: ``view.background`` property to change the viewer background (color name or hex value) - ADD: ``view.orientation`` property to synchronize cameras of two viewer widgets - ADD: view multiple trajectories via ``view.add_trajectory()``, ``view.add_component()`` - ADD: ``view.download_image()`` to render high quality image and trigger download in browser - ADD: ``view.render_image()`` to render image for display in the notebook - ADD: ``view.center_view()`` to center - ADD: select atoms by their indices, given as a List - ADD: shortcuts for view.add\_representation (view.add\_cartoon, view.add\_rope, ...) - ADD: ``ParmEdTrajectory`` adaptor and ``show_parmed`` function to view ParmEd objects - ENH: ``view.add_trajectory`` now accept ``pytraj.Trajectory``, ``mdtraj.Trajectory``, ``MDAnalysis.Universe``, ``parmed.Structure`` - ENH: view.add\_representations now accepts keywords in both snake\_case and CamelCase - ENH: smoother trajectory playing - ENH: smoother rendering when adding new representation - MIGRATION: change html/static to js/ - MIGRATION: change sending base64 to binary coordinates - MIGRATION: change ``view.trajectory`` to ``view.trajlist`` - MIGRATION: change ``get_frame_count`` method to ``n_frames`` property - MIGRATION: remove ``get_coordinates_dict`` - FIX: symlink error Version 0.4 ----------- |DOI| - ADD: Convenience methods to show widget from various sources - ADD: ``PyTrajTrajectory`` adaptor - ADD: ``MDAnalysisTrajectory`` adaptor - ADD: ``NGLWidget.add_representation()`` method - ADD: append a "WebGL not supported message" to widget if so - ADD: ``parameters`` widget property, passed to NGL stage object - ADD: ``params`` property for ``Structure``, dict passed to NGL - CODE: be less noisy when importing nglview - DOC: more usage examples, API description - DOC: added CHANGELOG file - BUILD: added example files in the package Version 0.3 ----------- |DOI| - MIGRATION: ``Trajectory`` classes need ``get_frame_count`` method - MIGRATION: removed ``set_frame`` method use new ``frame`` property - ADD: simple trajectory player - ADD: widget resizing support - ADD: picking support (gui info; ``picked`` property) - CODE: check for file existence in ``FileStructure`` and ``SimpletrajTrajectory`` Version 0.2 ----------- - MIGRATION: changed ``get_string`` to ``get_structure_string`` - MIGRATION: changed ``get_coordinates`` to ``get_coordinates_list`` - DOC: usage, interface classes - ADD: MDTrajTrajectory adaptor - CODE: added interface classes - CODE: suggested packages; mdtraj, simpletraj Version 0.1 ----------- - initial version, no release .. |DOI| image:: :target: .. |DOI| image:: :target: .. |DOI| image:: :target: