Binder DOI Build Status bioconda-badge membrane

An IPython/Jupyter widget to interactively view molecular structures and trajectories. Utilizes the embeddable NGL Viewer for rendering. Support for showing data from the file-system, RCSB PDB, simpletraj and from objects of analysis libraries mdtraj, pytraj, mdanalysis.

Should work with Python 2 and 3. If you experience problems, please file an issue.




Released version

  • Available on bioconda channel

    conda install nglview -c bioconda

  • Available on PyPI

    pip install nglview

Development version

The development version can be installed directly from github:

python -m pip install git+

If for any reasons that the widget is not shown, try reinstall below packages

conda install traitlets=4.2.1 ipywidgets==4.1.1 notebook=4.1.0


Please see our Jupyter notebook examples


Open a notebook

jupyter notebook

and issue

import nglview
view = nglview.show_pdbid("3pqr")  # load "3pqr" from RCSB PDB and display viewer widget

A number of convenience functions are available to quickly display data from the file-system, RCSB PDB, simpletraj and from objects of analysis libraries mdtraj, pytraj, mdanalysis, ParmEd.

Function Description
show_structure_file(path) Shows structure (pdb, gro, mol2, sdf) in path
show_pdbid(pdbid) Shows pdbid fetched from RCSB PDB
show_simpletraj(struc_path, traj_path) Shows structure & trajectory loaded with simpletraj
show_mdtraj(traj) Shows MDTraj trajectory traj
show_pytraj(traj) Shows PyTraj trajectory traj
show_parmed(structure) Shows ParmEd structure
show_mdanalysis(univ) Shows MDAnalysis Universe or AtomGroup univ



view.add_representation(repr_type='cartoon', selection='protein')

# or shorter
view.add_surface(selection="protein", opacity=0.3)

# specify color
view.add_cartoon(selection="protein", color='blue')

# specify residue
view.add_licorice('ALA, GLU')

# clear representations

And many more, please check Selection language

Representations can also be changed by overwriting the representations property of the widget instance view. The available type and params are described in the NGL Viewer documentation.

view.representations = [
    {"type": "cartoon", "params": {
        "sele": "protein", "color": "residueindex"
    {"type": "ball+stick", "params": {
        "sele": "hetero"

The widget constructor also accepts a representation argument:

initial_repr = [
    {"type": "cartoon", "params": {
        "sele": "protein", "color": "sstruc"

view = nglview.NGLWidget(struc, representation=initial_repr)


# set the frame number
view.frame = 100
# parameters for the NGL stage object
view.parameters = {
    # "percentages, "dist" is distance too camera in Angstrom
    "clipNear": 0, "clipFar": 100, "clipDist": 10,
    # percentages, start of fog and where on full effect
    "fogNear": 0, "fogFar": 100,
    # background color
    "backgroundColor": "black",

# note: NGLView accepts both origin camel NGL keywords (e.g. "clipNear")
# and snake keywords (e.g "clip_near")
# parameters to control the `delay` between snapshots
# change `step` to play forward (positive value) or backward (negative value)
# note: experimental code
view.player.parameters = dict(delay=0.04, step=-1)
# update camera type = 'orthographic'
# change background color
view.background = 'black'


# adding new one

# traj could be `pytraj.Trajectory`, `mdtraj.Trajectory`, `MDAnalysis.Universe`, `parmed.Structure`
# change representation

Add extra component

# Density volumes (MRC/MAP/CCP4, DX/DXBIN, CUBE)

Multiple widgets

You can have multiple widgets per notebook cell:

from ipywidgets.widgets import Box
w1 = NGLWidget(...)
w2 = NGLWidget(...)


Generally MIT, see the LICENSE file for details.