Source code for nglview.layout

# TODO: reorg
# simplify code
from ipywidgets import Box, Button, Label, Layout, Tab, ToggleButton

[docs]def make_form_item_layout(): # protect nglview if it is not used in notebook (wheen there is not `comm` return Layout( display='flex', flex_flow='row', justify_content='space-between', )
def _make_box_layout(width='100%'): return Layout(display='flex', flex_flow='column', align_items='stretch', width=width) def _relayout(box, form_item_layout): form_items = [] for kid in box.children: if hasattr(kid, 'description') and not isinstance(kid, (Button, ToggleButton)): label_value = kid.description kid.description = '' else: label_value = '' if isinstance(kid, Button): box2 = Box([ kid, ], layout=form_item_layout) else: box2 = Box([Label(value=label_value), kid], layout=form_item_layout) form_items.append(box2) return form_items def _relayout_master(box, width='20%'): """make nicer layout for box. This method will take the `description` of each child to make corresponding Label The `description` will be cleared. """ old_children = box.children[:] form_items = _relayout(box, make_form_item_layout()) form = Box(form_items, layout=_make_box_layout(width=width)) form._ngl_children = old_children return form def _make_autofit(box): ''' Parameters ---------- box : ipywidgets.Box children is a list of buttons Returns ------- relayouted box ''' items_layout = Layout(flex='1 1 auto', width='auto') box.layout = items_layout return box def _make_delay_tab(box_factory, selected_index=0): """ Parameters ---------- box_factory : list of (func, tab_name) Example of box_factory: [(_make_gen_box, 'General'), (_make_repr_box, 'Representation')] """ tab = Tab([Box() for box, _ in box_factory]) [tab.set_title(i, title) for i, (_, title) in enumerate(box_factory)] # trick if not tab.children[selected_index].children: tab.selected_index = 1 def on_update_selected_index(change): index = change['new'] if not tab.children[index].children: # make widget on demand tab.children[index].children = [ box_factory[index][0](), ] tab.observe(on_update_selected_index, names='selected_index') # trigger tab.selected_index = selected_index return tab