General ======= - Please follow `pep8 `__ to format Python code. Install all required packages for testing ----------------------------------------- .. code:: bash pip install -r pip-requirements-test.txt sh Making a Release ---------------- We use `Versioneer `__ to automatically update the version string (of a release but also in development). This means for a release a new git tag should be created. The tag should be of the form vX.Y or vX.Y.Z and generally follow `pep440 `__ with a prefixed “v”. .. code:: bash git tag -a vX.Y -m "version X.Y" git push git push origin --tags python sdist # Upload with twine: twine upload dist/nglview*gz Install ------- Install developer mode so you don’t need to re-install after chaning your code. .. code:: python pip install -e . Test ---- .. code:: bash pytest -vs nglview/tests/ Sync versions ------------- There is not yet an elegant way to sync version in nglview/; js/package.json and jslab/package.json So make sure to update those .. code:: python nglview/ __frontend_version__ = '0.5.4-dev.13' js/package.json: "version": "0.5.4-dev.13", jslab/package.json: "@jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager": "^0.25.11", # make sure this compat with ipywidgets jslab/package.json: "nglview-js-widgets": "0.5.4-dev.13" Update Javascript build ----------------------- .. code:: bash # install nodejs # conda install -c javascript nodejs cd js npm install # known working versions: # node: v6.6.0 # npm: 4.4.4 # then python install or pip install -e . # development, you can edit the source code without re-installing # Tips # - After changing js code: # - Kernel --> Restart and Clear Output # - Refresh webpage (F5) # run quick test in terminal nglview demo My (Hai) workflow ----------------- .. code:: bash cd /nglview/root/folder # install development version for Python code # so we can update Python source code without reinstall pip install -e . # Now you can start changing Python source code. # make symlink the js code (nglview/static/*js) # to $PREFIX/share/jupyter/nbextensions # Example of $PREFIX: $HOME/miniconda3/ # Double-check # $ ll $HOME/miniconda3/share/jupyter/nbextensions/ # Will see something like # nglview-js-widgets@ -> $HOME/3d/nglview/nglview/static nglview install --symlink nglview enable # Now, you can update JS code in js/src folder cd js npm install # If your notebook is openning and you did above step, you need to clear the web cache via two steps - Restart your notebook (Kernel -> Restart and Clear Output) - Refresh browser (F5) Jupyterlab Development ---------------------- Installation: .. code:: bash # Install deps conda create -n ngl python>=3.5 conda activate ngl conda env update -f environment.yml # Install nglview Python package python -m pip install --no-deps -e . # Install ipywidgets JLab extension jupyter labextension install @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager For a development install (requires npm version 4 or later), do the following in the repository directory: .. code:: bash cd js/ jlpm jlpm build jupyter labextension link . You can watch the source directory and run JupyterLab in watch mode to watch for changes in the extension’s source and automatically rebuild the extension and application. .. code:: bash # Watch the source directory in another terminal tab jlpm watch # Run jupyterlab in watch mode in one terminal tab cd ../ jupyter lab --watch --no-browser Using ``NGL`` locally --------------------- 1. Change ``var NGL = require('ngl');`` to ``var NGL = require('./ngl');`` 2. Then, `build NGL `__, then copy ``ngl.js`` (or ````) to ``nglview/js/src/`` 3. Rebuild js code .. code:: bash cd js npm install nglview install # install updated js code nglview enable # enable again, (not sure if needed) You need to install ``nodejs`` (which includes ``npm``). Tips: ``conda install nodejs -c conda-forge`` (and so on) Test notebook ------------- - [edit to add more notebooks] and update notebook files .. code:: bash python ./devtools/ --api - Install chromedriver: - Download, unzip and copy chromedriver to /use/local/bin or anywhere in your PATH (tested on MacOS 10.12.5) - Install nightwatch .. code:: bash npm install -g nightwatch - install notebook runner :: source devtools/travis-ci/ # only once - (may be): To avoid entering notebook token or password, you might want to update .. code:: python # in $HOME/.jupyter/ c.NotebookApp.token = '' - Run notebook server .. code:: bash jupyter notebook --port=8889 & - Run all tests .. code:: bash nightwatch - Run a single test .. code:: bash # nightwatch /path/to/your/file.js nightwatch nglview/tests/js/render_image.js More stuff ---------- `wiki `__