- /**
- * @file Pdb Writer
- * @author Alexander Rose <>
- * @private
- */
- import { defaults, ensureArray } from '../utils.js'
- import Writer from './writer.js'
- import { sprintf } from '../../lib/sprintf.es6.js'
- //
- // Sample PDB line, the coords X,Y,Z are fields 5,6,7 on each line.
- // ATOM 1 N ARG 1 29.292 13.212 -12.751 1.00 33.78 1BPT 108
- const AtomFormat =
- 'ATOM %5d %-4s %3s %1s%4d %8.3f%8.3f%8.3f%6.2f%6.2f %4s%2s'
- const HetatmFormat =
- 'HETATM%5d %-4s %3s %1s%4d %8.3f%8.3f%8.3f%6.2f%6.2f %4s%2s'
- /**
- * Create a PDB file from a Structure object
- */
- class PdbWriter extends Writer {
- /**
- * @param {Structure} structure - the structure object
- * @param {Object} params - parameters]
- */
- constructor (structure, params) {
- const p = Object.assign({}, params)
- super()
- this.renumberSerial = defaults(p.renumberSerial, true)
- this.remarks = ensureArray(defaults(p.remarks, []))
- this.structure = structure
- this._records = []
- }
- get mimeType () { return 'text/plain' }
- get defaultName () { return 'structure' }
- get defaultExt () { return 'pdb' }
- _writeRecords () {
- this._records.length = 0
- this._writeTitle()
- this._writeRemarks()
- this._writeAtoms()
- }
- _writeTitle () {
- // FIXME multiline if title line longer than 80 chars
- this._records.push(sprintf('TITLE %-74s',
- }
- _writeRemarks () {
- this.remarks.forEach(str => {
- this._records.push(sprintf('REMARK %-73s', str))
- })
- if (this.structure.trajectory) {
- this._records.push(sprintf(
- 'REMARK %-73s',
- "Trajectory '" + + "'"
- ))
- this._records.push(sprintf(
- 'REMARK %-73s',
- 'Frame ' + this.structure.trajectory.frame + ''
- ))
- }
- }
- _writeAtoms () {
- let ia = 1
- let im = 1
- this.structure.eachModel(m => {
- this._records.push(sprintf('MODEL %-74d', im++))
- m.eachAtom(a => {
- const formatString = a.hetero ? HetatmFormat : AtomFormat
- const serial = this.renumberSerial ? ia : a.serial
- // Alignment of one-letter atom name such as C starts at column 14,
- // while two-letter atom name such as FE starts at column 13.
- let atomname = a.atomname
- if (atomname.length === 1) atomname = ' ' + atomname
- this._records.push(sprintf(
- formatString,
- serial,
- atomname,
- a.resname,
- defaults(a.chainname, ' '),
- a.resno,
- a.x, a.y, a.z,
- defaults(a.occurence, 1.0),
- defaults(a.bfactor, 0.0),
- defaults(a.segid, ''),
- defaults(a.element, '')
- ))
- ia += 1
- })
- this._records.push(sprintf('%-80s', 'ENDMDL'))
- im += 1
- })
- this._records.push(sprintf('%-80s', 'END'))
- }
- getString () {
- console.warn('PdbWriter.getString() is deprecated, use .getData instead')
- return this.getData()
- }
- /**
- * Get string containing the PDB file data
- * @return {String} PDB file
- */
- getData () {
- this._writeRecords()
- return this._records.join('\n')
- }
- }
- export default PdbWriter