- /**
- * @file Cartoon Representation
- * @author Alexander Rose <>
- * @private
- */
- import { defaults } from '../utils.js'
- import { Debug, Log, RepresentationRegistry } from '../globals.js'
- import Spline from '../geometry/spline.js'
- import StructureRepresentation from './structure-representation.js'
- import TubeMeshBuffer from '../buffer/tubemesh-buffer.js'
- /**
- * Cartoon representation. Show a thick ribbon that
- * smoothly connecting backbone atoms in polymers.
- *
- * __Name:__ _cartoon_
- *
- * @example
- * stage.loadFile( "rcsb://1crn" ).then( function( o ){
- * o.addRepresentation( "cartoon" );
- * o.autoView();
- * } );
- */
- class CartoonRepresentation extends StructureRepresentation {
- /**
- * Create Cartoon representation object
- * @param {Structure} structure - the structure to be represented
- * @param {Viewer} viewer - a viewer object
- * @param {StructureRepresentationParameters} params - representation parameters
- */
- constructor (structure, viewer, params) {
- super(structure, viewer, params)
- this.type = 'cartoon'
- this.parameters = Object.assign({
- aspectRatio: {
- type: 'number', precision: 1, max: 10.0, min: 1.0
- },
- subdiv: {
- type: 'integer', max: 50, min: 1, rebuild: true
- },
- radialSegments: {
- type: 'integer', max: 50, min: 1, rebuild: true
- },
- tension: {
- type: 'number', precision: 1, max: 1.0, min: 0.1
- },
- capped: {
- type: 'boolean', rebuild: true
- },
- smoothSheet: {
- type: 'boolean', rebuild: true
- }
- }, this.parameters)
- this.init(params)
- }
- init (params) {
- var p = params || {}
- p.colorScheme = defaults(p.colorScheme, 'chainname')
- p.colorScale = defaults(p.colorScale, 'RdYlBu')
- p.radius = defaults(p.radius, 'sstruc')
- p.scale = defaults(p.scale, 0.7)
- this.aspectRatio = defaults(p.aspectRatio, 5.0)
- this.tension = defaults(p.tension, NaN)
- this.capped = defaults(p.capped, true)
- this.smoothSheet = defaults(p.smoothSheet, false)
- if (p.quality === 'low') {
- this.subdiv = 3
- this.radialSegments = 6
- } else if (p.quality === 'medium') {
- this.subdiv = 6
- } else if (p.quality === 'high') {
- this.subdiv = 12
- } else {
- this.subdiv = defaults(p.subdiv, 6)
- }
- super.init(p)
- }
- getSplineParams (params) {
- return Object.assign({
- subdiv: this.subdiv,
- tension: this.tension,
- directional: this.aspectRatio !== 1.0,
- smoothSheet: this.smoothSheet
- }, params)
- }
- getSpline (polymer) {
- return new Spline(polymer, this.getSplineParams())
- }
- getScale (polymer) {
- return polymer.isCg() ? this.scale * this.aspectRatio : this.scale
- }
- getAspectRatio (polymer) {
- return polymer.isCg() ? 1.0 : this.aspectRatio
- }
- createData (sview) {
- var bufferList = []
- var polymerList = []
- this.structure.eachPolymer(polymer => {
- if (polymer.residueCount < 4) return
- polymerList.push(polymer)
- var spline = this.getSpline(polymer)
- var subPos = spline.getSubdividedPosition()
- var subOri = spline.getSubdividedOrientation()
- var subCol = spline.getSubdividedColor(this.getColorParams())
- var subPick = spline.getSubdividedPicking()
- var subSize = spline.getSubdividedSize(this.radius, this.getScale(polymer))
- bufferList.push(
- new TubeMeshBuffer(
- Object.assign({}, subPos, subOri, subCol, subPick, subSize),
- this.getBufferParams({
- radialSegments: this.radialSegments,
- aspectRatio: this.getAspectRatio(polymer),
- capped: this.capped,
- dullInterior: true
- })
- )
- )
- }, sview.getSelection())
- return {
- bufferList: bufferList,
- polymerList: polymerList
- }
- }
- updateData (what, data) {
- if (Debug) Log.time(this.type + ' repr update')
- what = what || {}
- for (var i = 0, il = data.polymerList.length; i < il; ++i) {
- var bufferData = {}
- var polymer = data.polymerList[ i ]
- var spline = this.getSpline(polymer)
- data.bufferList[ i ].aspectRatio = this.getAspectRatio(polymer)
- if (what.position || what.radius) {
- var subPos = spline.getSubdividedPosition()
- var subOri = spline.getSubdividedOrientation()
- var subSize = spline.getSubdividedSize(this.radius, this.getScale(polymer))
- bufferData.position = subPos.position
- bufferData.normal = subOri.normal
- bufferData.binormal = subOri.binormal
- bufferData.tangent = subOri.tangent
- bufferData.size = subSize.size
- }
- if (what.color) {
- var subCol = spline.getSubdividedColor(this.getColorParams())
- bufferData.color = subCol.color
- }
- if (what.picking) {
- var subPick = spline.getSubdividedPicking()
- bufferData.picking = subPick.picking
- }
- data.bufferList[ i ].setAttributes(bufferData)
- }
- if (Debug) Log.timeEnd(this.type + ' repr update')
- }
- setParameters (params) {
- var rebuild = false
- var what = {}
- if (params && params.aspectRatio) {
- what.radius = true
- }
- if (params && params.tension) {
- what.position = true
- }
- super.setParameters(params, what, rebuild)
- return this
- }
- }
- RepresentationRegistry.add('cartoon', CartoonRepresentation)
- export default CartoonRepresentation