- /**
- * @file Cylinder Geometry Buffer
- * @author Alexander Rose <>
- * @private
- */
- import { Matrix4, Vector3, CylinderBufferGeometry } from '../../lib/three.es6.js'
- import { defaults } from '../utils.js'
- import { calculateCenterArray, serialBlockArray } from '../math/array-utils.js'
- import GeometryBuffer from './geometry-buffer.js'
- const scale = new Vector3()
- const eye = new Vector3()
- const target = new Vector3()
- const up = new Vector3(0, 1, 0)
- /**
- * Cylinder geometry buffer.
- *
- * @example
- * var cylinderGeometryBuffer = new CylinderGeometryBuffer({
- * position1: new Float32Array([ 0, 0, 0 ]),
- * position2: new Float32Array([ 1, 1, 1 ]),
- * color: new Float32Array([ 1, 0, 0 ]),
- * color2: new Float32Array([ 0, 1, 0 ]),
- * radius: new Float32Array([ 1 ])
- * });
- */
- class CylinderGeometryBuffer extends GeometryBuffer {
- /**
- * @param {Object} data - buffer data
- * @param {Float32Array} data.position1 - from positions
- * @param {Float32Array} data.position2 - to positions
- * @param {Float32Array} data.color - from colors
- * @param {Float32Array} data.color2 - to colors
- * @param {Float32Array} data.radius - radii
- * @param {Picker} [data.picking] - picking ids
- * @param {BufferParameters} [params] - parameters object
- */
- constructor (data, params) {
- const d = data || {}
- const p = params || {}
- const radialSegments = defaults(p.radialSegments, 10)
- const openEnded = defaults(p.openEnded, true)
- const matrix = new Matrix4().makeRotationX(Math.PI / 2)
- const geo = new CylinderBufferGeometry(
- 1, // radiusTop,
- 1, // radiusBottom,
- 1, // height,
- radialSegments, // radialSegments,
- 1, // heightSegments,
- openEnded // openEnded
- )
- geo.applyMatrix(matrix)
- const n = d.position1.length
- const m = d.radius.length
- //
- const geoLength = geo.attributes.position.array.length / 3
- const count = n / 3
- const primitiveId = new Float32Array(count * 2 * geoLength)
- serialBlockArray(count, geoLength, 0, primitiveId)
- serialBlockArray(count, geoLength, count * geoLength, primitiveId)
- //
- const position = new Float32Array(n * 2)
- const color = new Float32Array(n * 2)
- super({
- position: position,
- color: color,
- primitiveId: primitiveId,
- picking: d.picking
- }, p, geo)
- this.__center = new Float32Array(n)
- this._position = position
- this._color = color
- this._from = new Float32Array(n * 2)
- this._to = new Float32Array(n * 2)
- this._radius = new Float32Array(m * 2)
- this.setAttributes(d, true)
- }
- applyPositionTransform (matrix, i, i3) {
- eye.fromArray(this._from, i3)
- target.fromArray(this._to, i3)
- matrix.lookAt(eye, target, up)
- const r = this._radius[ i ]
- scale.set(r, r, eye.distanceTo(target))
- matrix.scale(scale)
- }
- setAttributes (data, initNormals) {
- const meshData = {}
- if (data.position1 && data.position2) {
- calculateCenterArray(
- data.position1, data.position2, this.__center
- )
- calculateCenterArray(
- data.position1, this.__center, this._position
- )
- calculateCenterArray(
- this.__center, data.position2, this._position, data.position1.length
- )
- this._from.set(data.position1)
- this._from.set(this.__center, data.position1.length)
- this._to.set(this.__center)
- this._to.set(data.position2, this.__center.length)
- meshData.position = this._position
- }
- if (data.color && data.color2) {
- this._color.set(data.color)
- this._color.set(data.color2, data.color.length)
- meshData.color = this._color
- }
- if (data.radius) {
- this._radius.set(data.radius)
- this._radius.set(data.radius, data.radius.length)
- meshData.radius = this._radius
- }
- super.setAttributes(meshData, initNormals)
- }
- get updateNormals () { return true }
- }
- export default CylinderGeometryBuffer