Static Public Summary | ||
public |
public |
Ball And Stick representation parameter object. |
public |
Buffer parameter object. |
public |
Colormaker parameter object. |
public |
Component parameter object. |
public |
public |
public |
Distance representation parameter object. |
public |
Dot representation parameter object. |
public |
Image parameter object. |
public |
Label representation parameter object. |
public |
Loader parameter object. |
public |
Measurement representation parameter object. |
public |
Molecular surface parameter object. |
public |
public |
Orientation matrix, a 4x4 transformation matrix with rotation part used for scene rotation, scale part for scene camera distance and position part for scene translation |
public |
Picking data object. |
public |
Extends ComponentSignals |
public |
Representation parameter object. |
public |
Slice representation parameter object. |
public |
Stage parameter object. |
public |
public |
Extends ComponentSignals |
public |
Structure extra data. |
public |
Structure header object. |
public |
Structure representation parameter object. |
public |
Surface representation parameter object. |
public |
Text buffer parameter object. |
public |
Trajectory component parameter object. |
public |
Extends ComponentSignals |
public |
Trajectory parameter object. |
public |
Trajectory player parameter object. |
public |
Trajectory representation parameter object. |
public |
public |
Strings to describe mouse events (including optional keyboard modifiers). |
Static Public
public AngleRepresentationParameters: Object source
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
atomTriple | String | list of triplets of selection strings or atom indices |
vectorVisible | Boolean | Indicate the 3 points for each angle by drawing lines 1-2-3 |
arcVisible | Boolean | Show the arc outline for each angle |
lineOpacity | Number | opacity for the line part of the representation |
linewidth | Number | width for line part of representation |
sectorVisible | Boolean | Show the filled arc for each angle |
public BallAndStickRepresentationParameters: Object source
Ball And Stick representation parameter object. Extends RepresentationParameters and StructureRepresentationParameters.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
sphereDetail | Integer | sphere quality (icosahedron subdivisions) |
radialSegments | Integer | cylinder quality (number of segments) |
openEnded | Boolean | capped or not |
disableImpostor | Boolean | disable use of raycasted impostors for rendering |
aspectRatio | Float | size difference between atom and bond radii |
lineOnly | Boolean | render only bonds, and only as lines |
linewidth | Integer | width of lines |
cylinderOnly | Boolean | render only bonds (no atoms) |
multipleBond | String | one off "off", "symmetric", "offset" |
bondSpacing | Float | spacing for multiple bond rendering |
bondScale | Float | scale/radius for multiple bond rendering |
public BufferParameters: Object source
Buffer parameter object.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
opaqueBack | Boolean | render back-side opaque |
dullInterior | Boolean | render back-side with dull lighting |
side | String | which triangle sides to render, "front" front-side, "back" back-side, "double" front- and back-side |
opacity | Float | translucency: 1 is fully opaque, 0 is fully transparent |
depthWrite | Boolean | depth write |
clipNear | Integer | position of camera near/front clipping plane in percent of scene bounding box |
flatShaded | Boolean | render flat shaded |
wireframe | Boolean | render as wireframe |
roughness | Float | how rough the material is, between 0 and 1 |
metalness | Float | how metallic the material is, between 0 and 1 |
diffuse | Color | diffuse color for lighting |
forceTransparent | Boolean | force the material to allow transparency |
matrix | Matrix4 | additional transformation matrix |
disablePicking | Boolean | disable picking |
public ColormakerParameters: Object source
Colormaker parameter object.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
scale | String | Array |
color scale, either a string for a predefined scale or an array of colors to be used as the scale |
mode | String |
color mode, one of rgb, hsv, hsl, hsi, lab, hcl |
colorDomain | Integer[] |
scale value range |
colorDomain.0 | Integer | min value |
colorDomain.1 | Integer | max value |
value | Color | String | Integer |
color value |
structure | Structure |
structure object |
volume | Volume |
volume object |
surface | Surface |
surface object |
public ComponentSignals: Object source
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
representationAdded | Signal<RepresentationComponent> | when a representation is added |
representationRemoved | Signal<RepresentationComponent> | when a representation is removed |
matrixChanged | Signal<Matrix4> | on matrix change |
visibilityChanged | Signal<Boolean> | on visibility change |
statusChanged | Signal<String> | on status change |
nameChanged | Signal<String> | on name change |
disposed | Signal | on dispose |
component.signals.representationAdded.add(function (representationComponent) { ... });
public DihedralRepresentationParameters: Object source
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
atomQuad | String | list of quadruplets of selection strings or atom indices |
lineOpacity | Number | Opacity for the line part of the representation |
lineVisible | Boolean | Display the line part of the representation |
linewidth | Number | width for line part of representation |
planeVisible | Boolean | Display the two planes corresponding to dihedral |
sectorVisible | Boolean | Display the filled arc for each angle |
public DistanceRepresentationParameters: Object source
Distance representation parameter object.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
labelUnit | String | distance unit (e.g. "angstrom" or "nm"). If set, a distance symbol is appended to the label (i.e. 'nm' or '\u00C5'). In case of 'nm', the distance value is computed in nanometers instead of Angstroms. |
atomPair | Array[] | list of pairs of selection strings (see Selection) or pairs of atom indices. Using atom indices is much more when the representation is updated often, e.g. by changing the selection or the atom positions, as their are no selection strings to be evaluated. |
radialSegments | Integer | cylinder quality (number of segments) |
disableImpostor | Boolean | disable use of raycasted impostors for rendering |
public DotRepresentationParameters: Object source
Dot representation parameter object. Extends RepresentationParameters
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
thresholdType | String | Meaning of the threshold values. Either value for the literal value or sigma as a factor of the sigma of the data. For volume data only. |
thresholdMin | Number | Minimum value to be displayed. For volume data only. |
thresholdMax | Number | Maximum value to be displayed. For volume data only. |
thresholdOut | Number | Show only values falling outside of the treshold minumum and maximum. For volume data only. |
public LabelRepresentationParameters: Object source
Label representation parameter object. Extends RepresentationParameters and StructureRepresentationParameters.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
clipNear | Integer | position of camera near/front clipping plane in percent of scene bounding box |
opacity | Float | translucency: 1 is fully opaque, 0 is fully transparent |
labelType | String | type of the label, one of:
"atomname", "atomindex", "occupancy", "bfactor",
"serial", "element", "atom", "resname", "resno",
"res", "text", "qualified". When set to "text", the
labelText | String[] | list of label strings, must set |
fontFamily | String | font family, one of: "sans-serif", "monospace", "serif" |
fontStyle | String | font style, "normal" or "italic" |
fontWeight | String | font weight, "normal" or "bold" |
sdf | Boolean | use "signed distance field"-based rendering for sharper edges |
xOffset | Float | offset in x-direction |
yOffset | Float | offset in y-direction |
zOffset | Float | offset in z-direction (i.e. in camera direction) |
attachment | String | attachment of the label, one of: "bottom-left", "bottom-center", "bottom-right", "middle-left", "middle-center", "middle-right", "top-left", "top-center", "top-right" |
showBorder | Boolean | show border/outline |
borderColor | Color | color of the border/outline |
borderWidth | Float | width of the border/outline |
showBackground | Boolean | show background rectangle |
backgroundColor | Color | color of the background |
backgroundMargin | Float | width of the background |
backgroundOpacity | Float | opacity of the background |
public MeasurementRepresentationParameters: Object source
Measurement representation parameter object.
public MouseSignals: Object source
mouseObserver.signals.scrolled.add( function( delta ){ ... } );
public OrientationMatrix: Matrix4 source
Orientation matrix, a 4x4 transformation matrix with rotation part used for scene rotation, scale part for scene camera distance and position part for scene translation
public RepresentationComponentSignals: Object source
Extends ComponentSignals
public RepresentationParameters: Object source
Representation parameter object.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
lazy | Boolean |
only build & update the representation when visible otherwise defer changes until set visible again |
clipNear | Integer |
position of camera near/front clipping plane in percent of scene bounding box |
clipRadius | Integer |
radius of clipping sphere |
clipCenter | Vector3 |
position of for spherical clipping |
flatShaded | Boolean |
render flat shaded |
opacity | Float |
translucency: 1 is fully opaque, 0 is fully transparent |
depthWrite | Boolean |
depth write |
side | String |
which triangle sides to render, "front" front-side, "back" back-side, "double" front- and back-side |
wireframe | Boolean |
render as wireframe |
colorScheme | String |
color scheme |
colorScale | String |
color scale, either a string for a predefined scale or an array of colors to be used as the scale |
colorReverse | Boolean |
reverse color scale |
colorValue | Color |
color value |
colorDomain | Integer[] |
scale value range |
colorDomain.0 | Integer | min value |
colorDomain.1 | Integer | max value |
colorMode | String |
color mode, one of rgb, hsv, hsl, hsi, lab, hcl |
roughness | Float |
how rough the material is, between 0 and 1 |
metalness | Float |
how metallic the material is, between 0 and 1 |
diffuse | Color |
diffuse color for lighting |
disablePicking | Boolean |
disable picking |
public SliceRepresentationParameters: Object source
Slice representation parameter object. Extends RepresentationParameters
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
filter | String | filter applied to map the volume data on the slice, one of "nearest", "linear", "cubic-bspline", "cubic-catmulrom", "cubic-mitchell". |
positionType | String | Meaning of the position value. Either "persent" od "coordinate". |
position | Number | position of the slice. |
dimension | String | one of "x", "y" or "z" |
thresholdType | String | Meaning of the threshold values. Either value for the literal value or sigma as a factor of the sigma of the data. For volume data only. |
thresholdMin | Number | Minimum value to be displayed. For volume data only. |
thresholdMax | Number | Maximum value to be displayed. For volume data only. |
normalize | Boolean | Flag indicating wheather to normalize the data in a slice when coloring. |
public StageParameters: Object source
Stage parameter object.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
backgroundColor | Color | background color |
sampleLevel | Integer | sampling level for antialiasing, between -1 and 5; -1: no sampling, 0: only sampling when not moving |
workerDefault | Boolean | default value for useWorker parameter of representations |
rotateSpeed | Float | camera-controls rotation speed, between 0 and 10 |
zoomSpeed | Float | camera-controls zoom speed, between 0 and 10 |
panSpeed | Float | camera-controls pan speed, between 0 and 10 |
clipNear | Integer | position of camera near/front clipping plane in percent of scene bounding box |
clipFar | Integer | position of camera far/back clipping plane in percent of scene bounding box |
clipDist | Float | camera clipping distance in Angstrom |
fogNear | Integer | position of the start of the fog effect in percent of scene bounding box |
fogFar | Integer | position where the fog is in full effect in percent of scene bounding box |
cameraType | String | type of camera, either 'persepective' or 'orthographic' |
cameraFov | Float | camera field of view in degree, between 15 and 120 |
lightColor | Color | point light color |
lightIntensity | Float | point light intensity |
ambientColor | Color | ambient light color |
ambientIntensity | Float | ambient light intensity |
hoverTimeout | Integer | timeout for hovering |
public StageSignals: Object source
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
parametersChanged | Signal<StageParameters> | on parameters change |
fullscreenChanged | Signal<Boolean> | on fullscreen change |
componentAdded | Signal<Component> | when a component is added |
componentRemoved | Signal<Component> | when a component is removed |
clicked | Signal<PickingProxy|undefined> | on click |
hovered | Signal<PickingProxy|undefined> | on hover |
stage.signals.componentAdded.add( function( component ){ ... } );
public StructureComponentSignals: Object source
Extends ComponentSignals
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
trajectoryAdded | Signal<RepresentationComponent> | when a trajectory is added |
trajectoryRemoved | Signal<RepresentationComponent> | when a trajectory is removed |
defaultAssemblyChanged | Signal<String> | on default assembly change |
component.signals.representationAdded.add( function( representationComponent ){ ... } );
public StructureHeader: Object source
Structure header object.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
releaseDate | String |
release data, YYYY-MM-DD |
depositionDate | String |
deposition data, YYYY-MM-DD |
resolution | Float |
experimental resolution |
rFree | Float |
r-free value |
rWork | Float |
r-work value |
experimentalMethods | String[] |
experimental methods |
public StructureRepresentationParameters: Object source
Structure representation parameter object.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
radiusType | String | A list of possible sources of the radius used for rendering the representation. The radius can be based on the vdW radius, the covalent radius or the B-factor value of the corresponding atom. Additionally the radius can be based on the secondary structure. Alternatively, when set to size, the value from the radius parameter is used for all atoms. |
radius | Float | A number providing a fixed radius used for rendering the representation. |
scale | Float | A number that scales the value defined by the radius or the radiusType parameter. |
assembly | String | name of an assembly object. Included are the asymmetric unit (AU) corresponding to the coordinates given in the structure file, biological assemblies from PDB, mmCIF or MMTF files (BU1, BU2, ...), a filled (crystallographic) unitcell of a given space group (UNITCELL), a supercell consisting of a center unitcell and its 26 direct neighbors (SUPERCELL). Set to default to use the default asemmbly of the structure object. |
public SurfaceRepresentationParameters: Object source
Surface representation parameter object. Extends RepresentationParameters
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
isolevelType | String | Meaning of the isolevel value. Either value for the literal value or sigma as a factor of the sigma of the data. For volume data only. |
isolevel | Float | The value at which to create the isosurface. For volume data only. |
smooth | Integer | How many iterations of laplacian smoothing after surface triangulation. For volume data only. |
background | Boolean | Render the surface in the background, unlit. |
opaqueBack | Boolean | Render the back-faces (where normals point away from the camera) of the surface opaque, ignoring the transparency parameter. |
boxSize | Integer | Size of the box to triangulate volume data in. Set to zero to triangulate the whole volume. For volume data only. |
useWorker | Boolean | Weather or not to triangulate the volume asynchronously in a Web Worker. For volume data only. |
wrap | Boolean | Wrap volume data around the edges; use in conjuction with boxSize but not larger than the volume dimension. For volume data only. |
public TextBufferParameters: Object source
Text buffer parameter object.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
opacity | Float | translucency: 1 is fully opaque, 0 is fully transparent |
clipNear | Integer | position of camera near/front clipping plane in percent of scene bounding box |
labelType | String | type of the label, one of:
"atomname", "atomindex", "occupancy", "bfactor",
"serial", "element", "atom", "resname", "resno",
"res", "text", "qualified". When set to "text", the
labelText | String[] | list of label strings, must set |
fontFamily | String | font family, one of: "sans-serif", "monospace", "serif" |
fontStyle | String | font style, "normal" or "italic" |
fontWeight | String | font weight, "normal" or "bold" |
sdf | Boolean | use "signed distance field"-based rendering for sharper edges |
xOffset | Float | offset in x-direction |
yOffset | Float | offset in y-direction |
zOffset | Float | offset in z-direction (i.e. in camera direction) |
attachment | String | attachment of the label, one of: "bottom-left", "bottom-center", "bottom-right", "middle-left", "middle-center", "middle-right", "top-left", "top-center", "top-right" |
showBorder | Boolean | show border/outline |
borderColor | Color | color of the border/outline |
borderWidth | Float | width of the border/outline |
showBackground | Boolean | show background rectangle |
backgroundColor | Color | color of the background |
backgroundMargin | Float | width of the background |
backgroundOpacity | Float | opacity of the background |
public TrajectoryComponentParameters: Object source
Trajectory component parameter object.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
name | String | component name |
initialFrame | Integer | initial frame the trajectory is set to |
defaultStep | Integer | default step size to be used by trajectory players |
defaultTimeout | Integer | default timeout to be used by trajectory players |
defaultInterpolateType | String | one of "" (empty string), "linear" or "spline" |
defaultInterpolateStep | Integer | window size used for interpolation |
defaultMode | String | either "loop" or "once" |
defaultDirection | String | either "forward" or "backward" |
public TrajectoryComponentSignals: Object source
Extends ComponentSignals
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
frameChanged | Signal<RepresentationComponent> | on frame change |
playerChanged | Signal<RepresentationComponent> | on player change |
countChanged | Signal<Integer> | when frame count is available |
parametersChanged | Signal<TrajectoryComponentParameters> | on parameters change |
component.signals.representationAdded.add( function( representationComponent ){ ... } );
public TrajectoryParameters: Object source
Trajectory parameter object.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
deltaTime | Number | timestep between frames in picoseconds |
timeOffset | Number | starting time of frames in picoseconds |
sele | String | to restrict atoms used for superposition |
centerPbc | Boolean | center on initial frame |
removePeriodicity | Boolean | move atoms into the origin box |
remo | Boolean | try fixing periodic boundary discontinuities |
superpose | Boolean | superpose on initial frame |
public TrajectoryPlayerParameters: Object source
Trajectory player parameter object.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
step | Integer | how many frames to skip when playing |
timeout | Integer | how many milliseconds to wait between playing frames |
start | Integer | first frame to play |
end | Integer | last frame to play |
interpolateType | String | one of "" (empty string), "linear" or "spline" |
interpolateStep | Integer | window size used for interpolation |
mode | String | either "loop" or "once" |
direction | String | either "forward", "backward" or "bounce" |
public TrajectoryRepresentationParameters: Object source
Trajectory representation parameter object.
public TrajectorySignals: Object source
trajectory.signals.frameChanged.add( function(i){ ... } );
public TriggerString: String source
Strings to describe mouse events (including optional keyboard modifiers). Must contain an event type: "scroll", "drag", "click", "doubleClick", "hover", "clickPick" or "hoverPick". Optionally contain one or more (seperated by plus signs) keyboard modifiers: "alt", "ctrl", "meta" or "shift". Can contain the mouse button performing the event: "left", "middle" or "right". The type, key and button parts must be seperated by dashes.
// triggered on scroll event (no key or button)
// triggered on scroll event while shift key is pressed
// triggered on drag event with left mouse button
// triggered on drag event with right mouse button
// while ctrl and shift keys are pressed