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 * @file Kdtree
 * @author Alexander Rose <>
 * @private

import BinaryHeap from './binary-heap.js'

 * Kdtree
 * @class
 * @author Alexander Rose <>, 2016
 * @author Roman Bolzern <>, 2013
 * @author I4DS, 2013
 * @license MIT License <>
 * @description
 * k-d Tree for typed arrays of 3d points (e.g. for Float32Array), in-place
 * provides fast nearest neighbour search
 * Based on by Ubilabs
 * Further information (including mathematical properties)
 * @example
 * points: [x, y, z, x, y, z, x, y, z, ...]
 * metric: function(a, b){
 *    return Math.pow(a[0]-b[0], 2) + Math.pow(a[1]-b[1], 2) + Math.pow(a[2]-b[2], 2);
 * }
 * @param {Float32Array} points - points
 * @param {Function} metric - metric
function Kdtree (points, metric) {
  var n = points.length / 3
  var maxDepth = 0

  var indices = new Uint32Array(n)
  for (var i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    indices[ i ] = i
  var nodes = new Int32Array(n * 4)
  // pos, left, right, parent

  var currentNode = 0
  var currentDim = 0

  function buildTree (depth, parent, arrBegin, arrEnd) {
    if (depth > maxDepth) maxDepth = depth

    var plength = arrEnd - arrBegin
    if (plength === 0) {
      return -1
    var nodeIndex = currentNode * 4
    currentNode += 1
    if (plength === 1) {
      nodes[ nodeIndex ] = arrBegin
      nodes[ nodeIndex + 1 ] = -1
      nodes[ nodeIndex + 2 ] = -1
      nodes[ nodeIndex + 3 ] = parent
      return nodeIndex
    // if( plength <= 32 ){
    //     return nodeIndex;
    // }

    var arrMedian = arrBegin + Math.floor(plength / 2)
    currentDim = depth % 3

    // inlined quickselect function
    var j, tmp, pivotIndex, pivotValue, storeIndex
    var left = arrBegin
    var right = arrEnd - 1
    while (right > left) {
      pivotIndex = (left + right) >> 1
      pivotValue = points[ indices[ pivotIndex ] * 3 + currentDim ]
      // swap( pivotIndex, right );
      tmp = indices[ pivotIndex ]
      indices[ pivotIndex ] = indices[ right ]
      indices[ right ] = tmp
      storeIndex = left
      for (j = left; j < right; ++j) {
        if (points[ indices[ j ] * 3 + currentDim ] < pivotValue) {
          // swap( storeIndex, j );
          tmp = indices[ storeIndex ]
          indices[ storeIndex ] = indices[ j ]
          indices[ j ] = tmp
      // swap( right, storeIndex );
      tmp = indices[ right ]
      indices[ right ] = indices[ storeIndex ]
      indices[ storeIndex ] = tmp
      pivotIndex = storeIndex
      if (arrMedian === pivotIndex) {
      } else if (arrMedian < pivotIndex) {
        right = pivotIndex - 1
      } else {
        left = pivotIndex + 1

    nodes[ nodeIndex ] = arrMedian
    nodes[ nodeIndex + 1 ] = buildTree(depth + 1, nodeIndex, arrBegin, arrMedian)
    nodes[ nodeIndex + 2 ] = buildTree(depth + 1, nodeIndex, arrMedian + 1, arrEnd)
    nodes[ nodeIndex + 3 ] = parent
    return nodeIndex

  function getNodeDepth (nodeIndex) {
    var parentIndex = nodes[ nodeIndex + 3 ]
    if (parentIndex === -1) {
      return 0
    } else {
      return getNodeDepth(parentIndex) + 1

  // TODO
  // function getNodePos( node ){}

  var rootIndex = buildTree(0, -1, 0, n)

   * find nearest points
   * @param {Array} point - array of size 3
   * @param {Integer} maxNodes - max amount of nodes to return
   * @param {Float} maxDistance - maximum distance of point to result nodes
   * @return {Array} array of point, distance pairs
  function nearest (point, maxNodes, maxDistance) {
    var bestNodes = new BinaryHeap(
      function (e) { return -e[ 1 ] }

    function nearestSearch (nodeIndex) {
      var bestChild, otherChild
      var dimension = getNodeDepth(nodeIndex) % 3
      var pointIndex = indices[ nodes[ nodeIndex ] ] * 3
      var ownPoint = [
        points[ pointIndex + 0 ],
        points[ pointIndex + 1 ],
        points[ pointIndex + 2 ]
      var ownDistance = metric(point, ownPoint)

      function saveNode (nodeIndex, distance) {
        bestNodes.push([ nodeIndex, distance ])
        if (bestNodes.size() > maxNodes) {

      var leftIndex = nodes[ nodeIndex + 1 ]
      var rightIndex = nodes[ nodeIndex + 2 ]

            // if it's a leaf
      if (rightIndex === -1 && leftIndex === -1) {
        if ((bestNodes.size() < maxNodes || ownDistance < bestNodes.peek()[ 1 ]) &&
          ownDistance <= maxDistance
        ) {
          saveNode(nodeIndex, ownDistance)

      if (rightIndex === -1) {
        bestChild = leftIndex
      } else if (leftIndex === -1) {
        bestChild = rightIndex
      } else {
        if (point[ dimension ] <= points[ pointIndex + dimension ]) {
          bestChild = leftIndex
        } else {
          bestChild = rightIndex

      // recursive search

      if ((bestNodes.size() < maxNodes || ownDistance < bestNodes.peek()[ 1 ]) &&
        ownDistance <= maxDistance
      ) {
        saveNode(nodeIndex, ownDistance)

      // if there's still room or the current distance is nearer than the best distance

      var linearPoint = []
      for (var i = 0; i < 3; i += 1) {
        if (i === dimension) {
          linearPoint[ i ] = point[ i ]
        } else {
          linearPoint[ i ] = points[ pointIndex + i ]
      var linearDistance = metric(linearPoint, ownPoint)

      if ((bestNodes.size() < maxNodes || Math.abs(linearDistance) < bestNodes.peek()[ 1 ]) &&
        Math.abs(linearDistance) <= maxDistance
      ) {
        if (bestChild === leftIndex) {
          otherChild = rightIndex
        } else {
          otherChild = leftIndex
        if (otherChild !== -1) {


    var result = []
    for (var i = 0, il = Math.min(bestNodes.size(), maxNodes); i < il; i += 1) {
      result.push(bestNodes.content[ i ])

    return result

  function verify (nodeIndex, depth) {
    var count = 1

    if (nodeIndex === undefined) {
      nodeIndex = rootIndex
      depth = 0

    if (nodeIndex === -1) {
      throw new Error('node is null')

    var dim = depth % 3

    var leftIndex = nodes[ nodeIndex + 1 ]
    var rightIndex = nodes[ nodeIndex + 2 ]

    if (leftIndex !== -1) {
      if (points[ indices[ nodes[ leftIndex ] ] * 3 + dim ] >
        points[ indices[ nodes[ nodeIndex ] ] * 3 + dim ]
      ) {
        throw new Error('left child is > parent!')
      count += verify(leftIndex, depth + 1)

    if (rightIndex !== -1) {
      if (points[ indices[ nodes[ rightIndex ] ] * 3 + dim ] <
        points[ indices[ nodes[ nodeIndex ] ] * 3 + dim ]
      ) {
        throw new Error('right child is < parent!')
      count += verify(rightIndex, depth + 1)

    return count

  // API

  this.rootIndex = rootIndex
  this.maxDepth = maxDepth
  this.nearest = nearest
  this.indices = indices
  this.nodes = nodes
  this.verify = verify

export default Kdtree