NGL@1.0.0-beta.7 Home Manual Reference Source Gallery


 * @file Bit array
 * @author Alexander Rose <>
 * @author Paul Pillot <>
 * @private

 * Compute the Hamming weight of a 32-bit unsigned integer
 * @param  {Integer} v - a 32-bit unsigned integer
 * @return {Integer} the Hamming weight
function hammingWeight (v) {
    // works with signed or unsigned shifts
  v -= ((v >>> 1) & 0x55555555)
  v = (v & 0x33333333) + ((v >>> 2) & 0x33333333)
  return ((v + (v >>> 4) & 0xF0F0F0F) * 0x1010101) >>> 24

 * Bit array
 * Based heavily on
 * which is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
class BitArray {
     * @param  {Integer} length - array length
     * @param  {Boolean} [setAll] - initialize with true
  constructor (length, setAll) {
    this.length = length
    this._words = new Uint32Array((length + 32) >>> 5)
    if (setAll === true) {

     * Get value at index
     * @param  {Integer} index - the index
     * @return {Boolean} value
  get (index) {
    return (this._words[ index >>> 5 ] & (1 << index)) !== 0

     * Set value at index to true
     * @param  {Integer} index - the index
     * @return {undefined}
  set (index) {
    this._words[ index >>> 5 ] |= 1 << index

     * Set value at index to false
     * @param  {Integer} index - the index
     * @return {undefined}
  clear (index) {
    this._words[ index >>> 5 ] &= ~(1 << index)

     * Flip value at index
     * @param  {Integer} index - the index
     * @return {undefined}
  flip (index) {
    this._words[ index >>> 5 ] ^= 1 << index

  _assignRange (start, end, value) {
    const words = this._words
    const wordValue = value === true ? 0xFFFFFFFF : 0
    const wordStart = start >>> 5
    const wordEnd = end >>> 5
        // set complete words when applicable
    for (let k = wordStart; k < wordEnd; ++k) {
      words[ k ] = wordValue
        // set parts of the range not spanning complete words
    const startWord = wordStart << 5
    const endWord = wordEnd << 5
    if (value === true) {
      if (end - start < 32) {
        for (let i = start, n = end + 1; i < n; ++i) {
          words[ i >>> 5 ] |= 1 << i
      } else {
        for (let i = start, n = startWord; i < n; ++i) {
          words[ i >>> 5 ] |= 1 << i
        for (let i = endWord, n = end + 1; i < n; ++i) {
          words[ i >>> 5 ] |= 1 << i
    } else {
      if (end - start < 32) {
        for (let i = start, n = end + 1; i < n; ++i) {
          words[ i >>> 5 ] &= ~(1 << i)
      } else {
        for (let i = start, n = startWord; i < n; ++i) {
          words[ i >>> 5 ] &= ~(1 << i)
        for (let i = endWord, n = end + 1; i < n; ++i) {
          words[ i >>> 5 ] &= ~(1 << i)
    return this

     * Set bits of the given range
     * @param {Integer} start - start index
     * @param {Integer} end - end index
     * @return {BitArray} this object
  setRange (start, end) {
    return this._assignRange(start, end, true)

     * Clear bits of the given range
     * @param {Integer} start - start index
     * @param {Integer} end - end index
     * @return {BitArray} this object
  clearRange (start, end) {
    return this._assignRange(start, end, false)

     * Set bits at all given indices
     * @param {...Integer} arguments - indices
     * @return {Boolean} this object
  setBits () {
    const words = this._words
    const n = arguments.length
    for (let i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
      const index = arguments[ i ]
      words[ index >>> 5 ] |= 1 << index
    return this

     * Clear bits at all given indices
     * @param {...Integer} arguments - indices
     * @return {Boolean} this object
  clearBits () {
    const words = this._words
    const n = arguments.length
    for (let i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
      const index = arguments[ i ]
      words[ index >>> 5 ] &= ~(1 << index)
    return this

     * Set all bits of the array
     * @return {BitArray} this object
  setAll () {
    return this._assignRange(0, this.length - 1, true)

     * Clear all bits of the array
     * @return {BitArray} this object
  clearAll () {
    return this._assignRange(0, this.length - 1, false)

     * Flip all the values in the array
     * @return {BitArray} this object
  flipAll () {
    const count = this._words.length
    const words = this._words
    const bs = 32 - this.length % 32
    for (let k = 0; k < count - 1; ++k) {
      words[k] = ~words[ k ]
    words[ count - 1 ] = (~(words[ count - 1 ] << bs)) >>> bs
    return this

  _isRangeValue (start, end, value) {
    const words = this._words
    const wordValue = value === true ? 0xFFFFFFFF : 0
    const wordStart = start >>> 5
    const wordEnd = end >>> 5
        // set complete words when applicable
    for (let k = wordStart; k < wordEnd; ++k) {
      if (words[ k ] !== wordValue) return false
        // set parts of the range not spanning complete words
    if (end - start < 32) {
      for (let i = start, n = end + 1; i < n; ++i) {
        if (!!(words[ i >>> 5 ] & (1 << i)) !== value) return false
    } else {
      const startWord = wordStart << 5
      const endWord = wordEnd << 5
      for (let i = start, n = startWord << 5; i < n; ++i) {
        if (!!(words[ i >>> 5 ] & (1 << i)) !== value) return false
      for (let i = endWord, n = end + 1; i < n; ++i) {
        if (!!(words[ i >>> 5 ] & (1 << i)) !== value) return false
    return true

     * Test if bits in given range are set
     * @param {Integer} start - start index
     * @param {Integer} end - end index
     * @return {BitArray} this object
  isRangeSet (start, end) {
    return this._isRangeValue(start, end, true)

     * Test if bits in given range are clear
     * @param {Integer} start - start index
     * @param {Integer} end - end index
     * @return {BitArray} this object
  isRangeClear (start, end) {
    return this._isRangeValue(start, end, false)

     * Test if all bits in the array are set
     * @return {Boolean} test result
  isAllSet () {
    return this._isRangeValue(0, this.length - 1, true)

     * Test if all bits in the array are clear
     * @return {Boolean} test result
  isAllClear () {
    return this._isRangeValue(0, this.length - 1, false)

     * Test if bits at all given indices are set
     * @param {...Integer} arguments - indices
     * @return {Boolean} test result
  isSet () {
    const words = this._words
    const n = arguments.length
    for (let i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
      const index = arguments[ i ]
      if ((words[ index >>> 5 ] & (1 << index)) === 0) return false
    return true

     * Test if bits at all given indices are clear
     * @param {...Integer} arguments - indices
     * @return {Boolean} test result
  isClear () {
    const words = this._words
    const n = arguments.length
    for (let i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
      const index = arguments[ i ]
      if ((words[ index >>> 5 ] & (1 << index)) !== 0) return false
    return true

     * Test if two BitArrays are identical in all their values
     * @param {BitArray} otherBitarray - the other BitArray
     * @return {Boolean} test result
  isEqualTo (otherBitarray) {
    const words1 = this._words
    const words2 = otherBitarray._words
    const count = Math.min(words1.length, words2.length)
    for (let k = 0; k < count; ++k) {
      if (words1[ k ] !== words2[ k ]) {
        return false
    return true

     * How many set bits?
     * @return {Integer} number of set bits
  getSize () {
    const count = this._words.length
    const words = this._words
    let size = 0
    for (let i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
      size += hammingWeight(words[ i ])
    return size

     * Calculate difference betwen this and another bit array.
     * Store result in this object.
     * @param  {BitArray} otherBitarray - the other bit array
     * @return {BitArray} this object
  difference (otherBitarray) {
    const words1 = this._words
    const words2 = otherBitarray._words
    const count = Math.min(words1.length, words2.length)
    for (let k = 0; k < count; ++k) {
      words1[ k ] = words1[ k ] & ~words2[ k ]
    for (let k = words1.length; k < count; ++k) {
      words1[ k ] = 0
    return this

     * Calculate union betwen this and another bit array.
     * Store result in this object.
     * @param  {BitArray} otherBitarray - the other bit array
     * @return {BitArray} this object
  union (otherBitarray) {
    const words1 = this._words
    const words2 = otherBitarray._words
    const count = Math.min(words1.length, words2.length)
    for (let k = 0; k < count; ++k) {
      words1[ k ] |= words2[ k ]
    for (let k = words1.length; k < count; ++k) {
      words1[ k ] = 0
    return this

     * Calculate intersection betwen this and another bit array.
     * Store result in this object.
     * @param  {BitArray} otherBitarray - the other bit array
     * @return {BitArray} this object
  intersection (otherBitarray) {
    const words1 = this._words
    const words2 = otherBitarray._words
    const count = Math.min(words1.length, words2.length)
    for (let k = 0; k < count; ++k) {
      words1[ k ] &= words2[ k ]
    for (let k = words1.length; k < count; ++k) {
      words1[ k ] = 0
    return this

     * Test if there is any intersection betwen this and another bit array.
     * @param  {BitArray} otherBitarray - the other bit array
     * @return {Boolean} test result
  intersects (otherBitarray) {
    const words1 = this._words
    const words2 = otherBitarray._words
    const count = Math.min(words1.length, words2.length)
    for (let k = 0; k < count; ++k) {
      if ((words1[ k ] & words2[ k ]) !== 0) {
        return true
    return false

     * Calculate the number of bits in common betwen this and another bit array.
     * @param  {BitArray} otherBitarray - the other bit array
     * @return {Integer} size
  getIntersectionSize (otherBitarray) {
    const words1 = this._words
    const words2 = otherBitarray._words
    const count = Math.min(words1.length, words2.length)
    let size = 0
    for (let k = 0; k < count; ++k) {
      size += hammingWeight(words1[ k ] & words2[ k ])
    return size

     * Calculate intersection betwen this and another bit array.
     * Store result in a new bit array.
     * @param  {BitArray} otherBitarray - the other bit array
     * @return {BitArray} the new bit array
  makeIntersection (otherBitarray) {
    const words1 = this._words
    const words2 = otherBitarray._words
    const count = Math.min(words1.length, words2.length)
    const wordsA = new Uint32Array(count)
    const intersection = Object.create(BitArray.prototype)
    intersection._words = wordsA
    intersection.length = Math.min(this.length, otherBitarray.length)
    for (let k = 0; k < count; ++k) {
      wordsA[ k ] = words1[ k ] & words2[ k ]
    return intersection

     * Iterate over all set bits in the array
     * @param  {function( index: Integer, i: Integer )} callback - the callback
     * @return {undefined}
  forEach (callback) {
    const count = this._words.length
    const words = this._words
    let i = 0
    for (let k = 0; k < count; ++k) {
      let w = words[ k ]
      while (w !== 0) {
        const t = w & -w
        const index = (k << 5) + hammingWeight(t - 1)
        callback(index, i)
        w ^= t

     * Get an array with the set bits
     * @return {Array} bit indices
  toArray () {
    const words = this._words
    const answer = new Array(this.getSize())
    const count = this._words.length
    let pos = 0
    for (let k = 0; k < count; ++k) {
      let w = words[ k ]
      while (w !== 0) {
        const t = w & -w
        answer[ pos++ ] = (k << 5) + hammingWeight(t - 1)
        w ^= t
    return answer

  toString () {
    return '{' + this.toArray().join(',') + '}'

  toSeleString () {
    const sele = this.toArray().join(',')
    return sele ? '@' + sele : 'NONE'

     * Clone this object
     * @return {BitArray} the cloned object
  clone () {
    const clone = Object.create(BitArray.prototype)
    clone.length = this.length
    clone._words = new Uint32Array(this._words)
    return clone

export default BitArray