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 * @file Structure Utils
 * @author Alexander Rose <>
 * @private

import { Vector3, Matrix4 } from '../../lib/three.es6.js'

import { Debug, Log } from '../globals.js'
import { binarySearchIndexOf } from '../utils.js'
import Helixbundle from '../geometry/helixbundle.js'
import Kdtree from '../geometry/kdtree.js'
import { getSymmetryOperations } from '../symmetry/symmetry-utils.js'
import Assembly from '../symmetry/assembly.js'

import { UnknownBackboneType } from './structure-constants'

function reorderAtoms (structure) {
  if (Debug) Log.time('reorderAtoms')

  var ap1 = structure.getAtomProxy()
  var ap2 = structure.getAtomProxy()

  function compareModelChainResno (index1, index2) {
    ap1.index = index1
    ap2.index = index2
    if (ap1.modelindex < ap2.modelindex) {
      return -1
    } else if (ap1.modelindex > ap2.modelindex) {
      return 1
    } else {
      if (ap1.chainname < ap2.chainname) {
        return -1
      } else if (ap1.chainname > ap2.chainname) {
        return 1
      } else {
        if (ap1.resno < ap2.resno) {
          return -1
        } else if (ap1.resno > ap2.resno) {
          return 1
        } else {
          return 0


  if (Debug) Log.timeEnd('reorderAtoms')

function assignSecondaryStructure (structure, secStruct) {
  if (!secStruct) return

  if (Debug) Log.time('assignSecondaryStructure')

  var chainnames = []
  structure.eachModel(function (mp) {
    mp.eachChain(function (cp) {

  var chainnamesSorted = chainnames.slice().sort()
  var chainnamesIndex = []
  chainnamesSorted.forEach(function (c) {

    // helix assignment

  var helices = secStruct.helices

  helices = helices.filter(function (h) {
    return binarySearchIndexOf(chainnamesSorted, h[ 0 ]) >= 0

  helices.sort(function (h1, h2) {
    var c1 = h1[ 0 ]
    var c2 = h2[ 0 ]
    var r1 = h1[ 1 ]
    var r2 = h2[ 1 ]

    if (c1 === c2) {
      if (r1 === r2) {
        return 0
      } else {
        return r1 < r2 ? -1 : 1
    } else {
      var idx1 = binarySearchIndexOf(chainnamesSorted, c1)
      var idx2 = binarySearchIndexOf(chainnamesSorted, c2)
      return chainnamesIndex[ idx1 ] < chainnamesIndex[ idx2 ] ? -1 : 1

  var residueStore = structure.residueStore

  structure.eachModel(function (mp) {
    var i = 0
    var n = helices.length
    if (n === 0) return
    var helix = helices[ i ]
    var helixRun = false
    var done = false

    mp.eachChain(function (cp) {
      var chainChange = false

      if (cp.chainname === helix[ 0 ]) {
        var count = cp.residueCount
        var offset = cp.residueOffset
        var end = offset + count

        for (var j = offset; j < end; ++j) {
          if (residueStore.resno[ j ] === helix[ 1 ] &&  // resnoBeg
                        residueStore.getInscode(j) === helix[ 2 ]   // inscodeBeg
                    ) {
            helixRun = true

          if (helixRun) {
            residueStore.sstruc[ j ] = helix[ 6 ]

            if (residueStore.resno[ j ] === helix[ 4 ] &&  // resnoEnd
                            residueStore.getInscode(j) === helix[ 5 ]   // inscodeEnd
                        ) {
              helixRun = false
              i += 1

              if (i < n) {
                                // must look at previous residues as
                                // residues may not be ordered by resno
                j = offset - 1
                helix = helices[ i ]
                chainChange = cp.chainname !== helix[ 0 ]
              } else {
                done = true

          if (chainChange || done) return

    // sheet assignment

  var sheets = secStruct.sheets

  sheets = sheets.filter(function (s) {
    return binarySearchIndexOf(chainnamesSorted, s[ 0 ]) >= 0

  sheets.sort(function (s1, s2) {
    var c1 = s1[ 0 ]
    var c2 = s2[ 0 ]

    if (c1 === c2) return 0
    var idx1 = binarySearchIndexOf(chainnamesSorted, c1)
    var idx2 = binarySearchIndexOf(chainnamesSorted, c2)
    return chainnamesIndex[ idx1 ] < chainnamesIndex[ idx2 ] ? -1 : 1

  var strandCharCode = 'e'.charCodeAt(0)
  structure.eachModel(function (mp) {
    var i = 0
    var n = sheets.length
    if (n === 0) return
    var sheet = sheets[ i ]
    var sheetRun = false
    var done = false

    mp.eachChain(function (cp) {
      var chainChange = false

      if (cp.chainname === sheet[ 0 ]) {
        var count = cp.residueCount
        var offset = cp.residueOffset
        var end = offset + count

        for (var j = offset; j < end; ++j) {
          if (residueStore.resno[ j ] === sheet[ 1 ] &&  // resnoBeg
                        residueStore.getInscode(j) === sheet[ 2 ]   // inscodeBeg
                    ) {
            sheetRun = true

          if (sheetRun) {
            residueStore.sstruc[ j ] = strandCharCode

            if (residueStore.resno[ j ] === sheet[ 4 ] &&  // resnoEnd
                            residueStore.getInscode(j) === sheet[ 5 ]   // inscodeEnd
                        ) {
              sheetRun = false
              i += 1

              if (i < n) {
                                // must look at previous residues as
                                // residues may not be ordered by resno
                j = offset - 1
                sheet = sheets[ i ]
                chainChange = cp.chainname !== sheet[ 0 ]
              } else {
                done = true

          if (chainChange || done) return

  if (Debug) Log.timeEnd('assignSecondaryStructure')

var calculateSecondaryStructure = (function () {
    // Implementation for proteins based on "pv"
    // assigns secondary structure information based on a simple and very fast
    // algorithm published by Zhang and Skolnick in their TM-align paper.
    // Reference:
    // TM-align: a protein structure alignment algorithm based on the Tm-score
    // (2005) NAR, 33(7) 2302-2309

  var zhangSkolnickSS = function (polymer, i, distances, delta) {
    var structure = polymer.structure
    var offset = polymer.residueIndexStart
    var rp1 = structure.getResidueProxy()
    var rp2 = structure.getResidueProxy()
    var ap1 = structure.getAtomProxy()
    var ap2 = structure.getAtomProxy()

    for (var j = Math.max(0, i - 2); j <= i; ++j) {
      for (var k = 2; k < 5; ++k) {
        if (j + k >= polymer.residueCount) {

        rp1.index = offset + j
        rp2.index = offset + j + k
        ap1.index = rp1.traceAtomIndex
        ap2.index = rp2.traceAtomIndex

        var d = ap1.distanceTo(ap2)

        if (Math.abs(d - distances[ k - 2 ]) > delta) {
          return false

    return true

  var isHelical = function (polymer, i) {
    var helixDistances = [ 5.45, 5.18, 6.37 ]
    var helixDelta = 2.1
    return zhangSkolnickSS(polymer, i, helixDistances, helixDelta)

  var isSheet = function (polymer, i) {
    var sheetDistances = [ 6.1, 10.4, 13.0 ]
    var sheetDelta = 1.42
    return zhangSkolnickSS(polymer, i, sheetDistances, sheetDelta)

  var proteinPolymer = function (p) {
    var residueStore = p.residueStore
    var offset = p.residueIndexStart
    for (var i = 0, il = p.residueCount; i < il; ++i) {
      var sstruc = 'c'
      if (isHelical(p, i)) {
        sstruc = 'h'
      } else if (isSheet(p, i)) {
        sstruc = 's'
      residueStore.sstruc[ offset + i ] = sstruc.charCodeAt(0)

  var cgPolymer = function (p) {
    var localAngle = 20
    var centerDist = 2.0

    var residueStore = p.residueStore
    var offset = p.residueIndexStart

    var helixbundle = new Helixbundle(p)
    var pos = helixbundle.position

    var c1 = new Vector3()
    var c2 = new Vector3()

    for (var i = 0, il = p.residueCount; i < il; ++i) {
      c1.fromArray(, i * 3)
      c2.fromArray(, i * 3 + 3)
      var d = c1.distanceTo(c2)

      if (d < centerDist && d > 1.0 && pos.bending[ i ] < localAngle) {
        residueStore.sstruc[ offset + i ] = 'h'.charCodeAt(0)
        residueStore.sstruc[ offset + i + 1 ] = 'h'.charCodeAt(0)

  return function calculateSecondaryStructure (structure) {
    if (Debug) Log.time('calculateSecondaryStructure')

    structure.eachPolymer(function (p) {
            // assign secondary structure
      if (p.residueCount < 4) return
      if (p.isCg()) {
      } else if (p.isProtein()) {
      } else {

            // set lone secondary structure assignments to "c"
      var prevSstruc
      var sstrucCount = 0
      p.eachResidue(function (r) {
        if (r.sstruc === prevSstruc) {
          sstrucCount += 1
        } else {
          if (sstrucCount === 1) {
            r.index -= 1
            r.sstruc = 'c'
          sstrucCount = 1
          prevSstruc = r.sstruc

    if (Debug) Log.timeEnd('calculateSecondaryStructure')

// const ChainnameAlphabet = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" +
//                           "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" +
//                           "0123456789";

function getChainname (index) {
  const n = ChainnameAlphabet.length
  let j = index
  let k = 0
  let chainname = ChainnameAlphabet[j % n]
  while (j >= n) {
    j = Math.floor(j / n)
    chainname += ChainnameAlphabet[j % n]
    k += 1
  if (k >= 5) {
    Log.warn('chainname overflow')
  return chainname

function calculateChainnames (structure, useExistingBonds) {
  if (Debug) Log.time('calculateChainnames')

  var doAutoChainName = true
  structure.eachChain(function (c) {
    if (c.chainname) doAutoChainName = false

  if (doAutoChainName) {
    var modelStore = structure.modelStore
    var chainStore = structure.chainStore
    var residueStore = structure.residueStore

    var addChain = function (mIndex, chainname, rOffset, rCount) {
      var ci = chainStore.count
      for (var i = 0; i < rCount; ++i) {
        residueStore.chainIndex[ rOffset + i ] = ci
      chainStore.modelIndex[ ci ] = mIndex
      chainStore.setChainname(ci, chainname)
      chainStore.setChainid(ci, chainname)
      chainStore.residueOffset[ ci ] = rOffset
      chainStore.residueCount[ ci ] = rCount
      chainStore.count += 1
      modelStore.chainCount[ mIndex ] += 1

    var ap1 = structure.getAtomProxy()
    var ap2 = structure.getAtomProxy()

    var i = 0
    var mi = 0
    var rStart = 0
    var rEnd = 0
    var chainData = []

    if (residueStore.count === 1) {
        mIndex: 0,
        chainname: 'A',
        rStart: 0,
        rCount: 1
    } else {
      structure.eachResidueN(2, function (rp1, rp2) {
        var newChain = false

        var bbType1 = rp1.backboneType
        var bbType2 = rp2.backboneType
        var bbTypeUnk = UnknownBackboneType

        rEnd = rp1.index

        if (rp1.modelIndex !== rp2.modelIndex) {
          newChain = true
        } else if (rp1.moleculeType !== rp2.moleculeType) {
          newChain = true
        } else if (bbType1 !== bbTypeUnk && bbType1 === bbType2) {
          ap1.index = rp1.backboneEndAtomIndex
          ap2.index = rp2.backboneStartAtomIndex
          if (useExistingBonds) {
            newChain = !ap1.hasBondTo(ap2)
          } else {
            newChain = !ap1.connectedTo(ap2)

        // current chain goes to end of the structure
        if (!newChain && rp2.index === residueStore.count - 1) {
          newChain = true
          rEnd = rp2.index

        if (newChain) {
            mIndex: mi,
            chainname: getChainname(i),
            rStart: rStart,
            rCount: rEnd - rStart + 1

          i += 1

          if (rp1.modelIndex !== rp2.modelIndex) {
            i = 0
            mi += 1

          // new chain for the last residue of the structure
          if (rp2.index === residueStore.count - 1 && rEnd !== rp2.index) {
              mIndex: mi,
              chainname: getChainname(i),
              rStart: residueStore.count - 1,
              rCount: 1

          rStart = rp2.index
          rEnd = rp2.index


    chainStore.count = 0
    chainData.forEach(function (d) {
      addChain(d.mIndex, d.chainname, d.rStart, d.rCount)

    var chainOffset = 0
    structure.eachModel(function (mp) {
      modelStore.chainOffset[ mp.index ] = chainOffset
      modelStore.chainCount[ mp.index ] -= 1
      chainOffset += modelStore.chainCount[ mp.index ]

  if (Debug) Log.timeEnd('calculateChainnames')

function calculateBonds (structure) {
  if (Debug) Log.time('calculateBonds')


  if (Debug) Log.timeEnd('calculateBonds')

function calculateResidueBonds (r) {
  var structure = r.structure
  var a1 = structure.getAtomProxy()
  var a2 = structure.getAtomProxy()

  var count = r.atomCount
  var offset = r.atomOffset
  var end = offset + count
  var end1 = end - 1

  if (count > 500) {
    if (Debug) Log.warn('more than 500 atoms, skip residue for auto-bonding', r.qualifiedName())

  var i, j
  var atomIndices1 = []
  var atomIndices2 = []
  var bondOrders = []

  if (count > 50) {
    var kdtree = new Kdtree(r, true)
    var radius = r.isCg() ? 1.2 : 2.3

    for (i = offset; i < end1; ++i) {
      a1.index = i
      var maxd = a1.covalent + radius + 0.3
      var nearestAtoms = kdtree.nearest(
                a1, Infinity, maxd * maxd
      var m = nearestAtoms.length
      for (j = 0; j < m; ++j) {
        a2.index = nearestAtoms[ j ].index
        if (a1.index < a2.index) {
          if (a1.connectedTo(a2)) {
            atomIndices1.push(a1.index - offset)
            atomIndices2.push(a2.index - offset)
  } else {
    for (i = offset; i < end1; ++i) {
      a1.index = i
      for (j = i + 1; j <= end1; ++j) {
        a2.index = j
        if (a1.connectedTo(a2)) {
          atomIndices1.push(i - offset)
          atomIndices2.push(j - offset)

  return {
    atomIndices1: atomIndices1,
    atomIndices2: atomIndices2,
    bondOrders: bondOrders

function calculateAtomBondMap (structure) {
  if (Debug) Log.time('calculateAtomBondMap')

  var atomBondMap = []

  structure.eachBond(function (bp) {
    var ai1 = bp.atomIndex1
    var ai2 = bp.atomIndex2
    if (atomBondMap[ ai1 ] === undefined) atomBondMap[ ai1 ] = []
    atomBondMap[ ai1 ][ ai2 ] = bp.index

  if (Debug) Log.timeEnd('calculateAtomBondMap')

  return atomBondMap

function calculateBondsWithin (structure, onlyAddRung) {
  if (Debug) Log.time('calculateBondsWithin')

  var bondStore = structure.bondStore
  var rungBondStore = structure.rungBondStore
  var rungAtomSet = structure.getAtomSet(false)
  var a1 = structure.getAtomProxy()
  var a2 = structure.getAtomProxy()
  var bp = structure.getBondProxy()
  var atomBondMap = onlyAddRung ? null : calculateAtomBondMap(structure)

  structure.eachResidue(function (r) {
    if (!onlyAddRung) {
      var count = r.atomCount
      var offset = r.atomOffset

      if (count > 500) {
        Log.warn('more than 500 atoms, skip residue for auto-bonding', r.qualifiedName())

      var bonds = r.getBonds()
      var atomIndices1 = bonds.atomIndices1
      var atomIndices2 = bonds.atomIndices2
      var bondOrders = bonds.bondOrders
      var nn = atomIndices1.length

      for (var i = 0; i < nn; ++i) {
        var ai1 = atomIndices1[ i ] + offset
        var ai2 = atomIndices2[ i ] + offset
        var tmp = atomBondMap[ ai1 ]
        if (tmp !== undefined && (tmp = tmp[ ai2 ]) !== undefined) {
          bp.index = tmp
          var residueTypeBondIndex = r.residueType.getBondIndex(ai1, ai2)
          // overwrite residueType bondOrder with value from existing bond
          bondOrders[ residueTypeBondIndex ] = bp.bondOrder
        } else {
          a1.index = ai1
          a2.index = ai2
          // only add bond if not already in bondStore
          bondStore.addBond(a1, a2, bondOrders[ i ])

    // get RNA/DNA rung pseudo bonds
    var traceAtomIndex = r.residueType.traceAtomIndex
    var rungEndAtomIndex = r.residueType.rungEndAtomIndex
    if (traceAtomIndex !== -1 && rungEndAtomIndex !== -1) {
      a1.index = r.traceAtomIndex
      a2.index = r.rungEndAtomIndex
      rungBondStore.addBond(a1, a2)

  structure.atomSetDict.rung = rungAtomSet

  if (Debug) Log.timeEnd('calculateBondsWithin')

function calculateBondsBetween (structure, onlyAddBackbone, useExistingBonds) {
  if (Debug) Log.time('calculateBondsBetween')

  var bondStore = structure.bondStore
  var backboneBondStore = structure.backboneBondStore
  var backboneAtomSet = structure.getAtomSet(false)
  var ap1 = structure.getAtomProxy()
  var ap2 = structure.getAtomProxy()

  if (backboneBondStore.count === 0) {

  function addBondIfConnected (rp1, rp2) {
    var bbType1 = rp1.backboneType
    var bbType2 = rp2.backboneType
    if (bbType1 !== UnknownBackboneType && bbType1 === bbType2) {
      ap1.index = rp1.backboneEndAtomIndex
      ap2.index = rp2.backboneStartAtomIndex
      if ((useExistingBonds && ap1.hasBondTo(ap2)) || ap1.connectedTo(ap2)) {
        if (!onlyAddBackbone) {
          bondStore.addBond(ap1, ap2, 1)  // assume single bond
        ap1.index = rp1.traceAtomIndex
        ap2.index = rp2.traceAtomIndex
        backboneBondStore.addBond(ap1, ap2)

  structure.eachResidueN(2, addBondIfConnected)

  var rp1 = structure.getResidueProxy()
  var rp2 = structure.getResidueProxy()

  // check for cyclic chains
  structure.eachChain(function (cp) {
    if (cp.residueCount === 0) return
    rp1.index = cp.residueOffset
    rp2.index = cp.residueOffset + cp.residueCount - 1
    addBondIfConnected(rp2, rp1)

  structure.atomSetDict.backbone = backboneAtomSet

  if (!onlyAddBackbone) {
    if (Debug) Log.time('calculateBondsBetween inter')
    const spatialHash = structure.spatialHash
    structure.eachResidue(function (rp) {
      if (rp.backboneType === UnknownBackboneType && !rp.isWater()) {
        rp.eachAtom(function (ap) {
          spatialHash.eachWithin(ap.x, ap.y, ap.z, 4, function (idx) {
            ap2.index = idx
            if (ap.residueIndex !== ap2.residueIndex) {
              bondStore.addBondIfConnected(ap, ap2, 1)  // assume single bond
    if (Debug) Log.timeEnd('calculateBondsBetween inter')

  if (Debug) Log.timeEnd('calculateBondsBetween')

function buildUnitcellAssembly (structure) {
  if (!structure.unitcell) return

  if (Debug) Log.time('buildUnitcellAssembly')

  var uc = structure.unitcell

  var centerFrac =
  var symopDict = getSymmetryOperations(uc.spacegroup)

  var positionFrac = new Vector3()
  var centerFracSymop = new Vector3()
  var positionFracSymop = new Vector3()

  if (centerFrac.x > 1) positionFrac.x -= 1
  if (centerFrac.x < 0) positionFrac.x += 1
  if (centerFrac.y > 1) positionFrac.y -= 1
  if (centerFrac.y < 0) positionFrac.y += 1
  if (centerFrac.z > 1) positionFrac.z -= 1
  if (centerFrac.z < 0) positionFrac.z += 1

  function getMatrixList (shift) {
    var matrixList = []

    Object.keys(symopDict).forEach(function (name) {
      var m = symopDict[ name ].clone()


      if (centerFracSymop.x > 1) positionFracSymop.x -= 1
      if (centerFracSymop.x < 0) positionFracSymop.x += 1
      if (centerFracSymop.y > 1) positionFracSymop.y -= 1
      if (centerFracSymop.y < 0) positionFracSymop.y += 1
      if (centerFracSymop.z > 1) positionFracSymop.z -= 1
      if (centerFracSymop.z < 0) positionFracSymop.z += 1

      if (shift) positionFracSymop.add(shift)

      m.multiplyMatrices(uc.fracToCart, m)


    return matrixList

  var unitcellAssembly = new Assembly('UNITCELL')
  var unitcellMatrixList = getMatrixList()
  var ncsMatrixList
  if (structure.biomolDict.NCS) {
    ncsMatrixList = [ new Matrix4() ].concat(
            structure.biomolDict.NCS.partList[ 0 ].matrixList
    var ncsUnitcellMatrixList = []
    unitcellMatrixList.forEach(function (sm) {
      ncsMatrixList.forEach(function (nm) {
  } else {

  var vec = new Vector3()
  var supercellAssembly = new Assembly('SUPERCELL')
  var supercellMatrixList =
    getMatrixList(vec.set(1, 0, 0)),  // 655
    getMatrixList(vec.set(0, 1, 0)),  // 565
    getMatrixList(vec.set(0, 0, 1)),  // 556

    getMatrixList(vec.set(-1, 0, 0)),  // 455
    getMatrixList(vec.set(0, -1, 0)),  // 545
    getMatrixList(vec.set(0, 0, -1)),  // 554

    getMatrixList(vec.set(1, 1, 0)),  // 665
    getMatrixList(vec.set(1, 0, 1)),  // 656
    getMatrixList(vec.set(0, 1, 1)),  // 566

    getMatrixList(vec.set(-1, -1, 0)),  // 445
    getMatrixList(vec.set(-1, 0, -1)),  // 454
    getMatrixList(vec.set(0, -1, -1)),  // 544

    getMatrixList(vec.set(1, -1, -1)),  // 644
    getMatrixList(vec.set(1, 1, -1)),  // 664
    getMatrixList(vec.set(1, -1, 1)),  // 646
    getMatrixList(vec.set(-1, 1, 1)),  // 466
    getMatrixList(vec.set(-1, -1, 1)),  // 446
    getMatrixList(vec.set(-1, 1, -1)),  // 464

    getMatrixList(vec.set(0, 1, -1)),  // 564
    getMatrixList(vec.set(0, -1, 1)),  // 546
    getMatrixList(vec.set(1, 0, -1)),  // 654
    getMatrixList(vec.set(-1, 0, 1)),  // 456
    getMatrixList(vec.set(1, -1, 0)),  // 645
    getMatrixList(vec.set(-1, 1, 0)),  // 465

    getMatrixList(),                         // 555
    getMatrixList(vec.set(1, 1, 1)),  // 666
    getMatrixList(vec.set(-1, -1, -1))   // 444
  if (structure.biomolDict.NCS) {
    var ncsSupercellMatrixList = []
    supercellMatrixList.forEach(function (sm) {
      ncsMatrixList.forEach(function (nm) {
  } else {

  structure.biomolDict.UNITCELL = unitcellAssembly
  structure.biomolDict.SUPERCELL = supercellAssembly

  if (Debug) Log.timeEnd('buildUnitcellAssembly')

const elm1 = [ 'H', 'C', 'O', 'N', 'S', 'P' ]
const elm2 = [ 'NA', 'CL', 'FE' ]

function guessElement (atomName) {
  let at = atomName.trim().toUpperCase()
  if (parseInt(at.charAt(0))) at = at.substr(1)
    // parse again to check for a second integer
  if (parseInt(at.charAt(0))) at = at.substr(1)
  const n = at.length

  if (n === 0) return ''
  if (n === 1) return at
  if (n === 2) {
    if (elm2.indexOf(at) !== -1) return at
    if (elm1.indexOf(at[0]) !== -1) return at[0]
  if (n >= 3) {
    if (elm1.indexOf(at[0]) !== -1) return at[0]
  return ''

 * Assigns ResidueType bonds.
 * @param {Structure} structure - the structure object
 * @return {undefined}
function assignResidueTypeBonds (structure) {
    // if( Debug ) Log.time( "assignResidueTypeBonds" );

  var bondHash = structure.bondHash
  var countArray = bondHash.countArray
  var offsetArray = bondHash.offsetArray
  var indexArray = bondHash.indexArray
  var bp = structure.getBondProxy()

  structure.eachResidue(function (rp) {
    var residueType = rp.residueType
    if (residueType.bonds !== undefined) return

    var atomOffset = rp.atomOffset
    var atomIndices1 = []
    var atomIndices2 = []
    var bondOrders = []
    var bondDict = {}

    rp.eachAtom(function (ap) {
      var index = ap.index
      var offset = offsetArray[ index ]
      var count = countArray[ index ]
      for (var i = 0, il = count; i < il; ++i) {
        bp.index = indexArray[ offset + i ]
        var idx1 = bp.atomIndex1
        var idx2 = bp.atomIndex2
        if (idx1 > idx2) {
          var tmp = idx2
          idx2 = idx1
          idx1 = tmp
        var hash = idx1 + '|' + idx2
        if (bondDict[ hash ] === undefined) {
          bondDict[ hash ] = true
          atomIndices1.push(idx1 - atomOffset)
          atomIndices2.push(idx2 - atomOffset)

    residueType.bonds = {
      atomIndices1: atomIndices1,
      atomIndices2: atomIndices2,
      bondOrders: bondOrders

    // if( Debug ) Log.timeEnd( "assignResidueTypeBonds" );

export {