NGL@1.0.0-beta.7 Home Manual Reference Source Gallery


 * @file Stage
 * @author Alexander Rose <>
 * @private

import { Vector3 } from '../../lib/three.es6.js'
import Signal from '../../lib/signals.es6.js'

import {
  Debug, Log, Mobile, ComponentRegistry, ParserRegistry
} from '../globals.js'
import { defaults, getFileInfo } from '../utils.js'
import { degToRad, clamp, pclamp } from '../math/math-utils.js'
import Counter from '../utils/counter.js'
import Viewer from '../viewer/viewer.js'
import MouseObserver from './mouse-observer.js'

import TrackballControls from '../controls/trackball-controls.js'
import PickingControls from '../controls/picking-controls.js'
import ViewerControls from '../controls/viewer-controls.js'
import AnimationControls from '../controls/animation-controls.js'
import MouseControls from '../controls/mouse-controls.js'
import KeyControls from '../controls/key-controls.js'

import PickingBehavior from './picking-behavior.js'
import MouseBehavior from './mouse-behavior.js'
import AnimationBehavior from './animation-behavior.js'
import KeyBehavior from './key-behavior.js'

import Component from '../component/component.js'
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
import RepresentationComponent from '../component/representation-component.js'
import Collection from '../component/collection.js'
import ComponentCollection from '../component/component-collection.js'
import RepresentationCollection from '../component/representation-collection.js'
import { autoLoad } from '../loader/loader-utils'

function matchName (name, comp) {
  if (name instanceof RegExp) {
    return !== null
  } else {
    return === name

const tmpZoomVector = new Vector3()

 * Stage parameter object.
 * @typedef {Object} StageParameters - stage parameters
 * @property {Color} backgroundColor - background color
 * @property {Integer} sampleLevel - sampling level for antialiasing, between -1 and 5;
 *                                   -1: no sampling, 0: only sampling when not moving
 * @property {Boolean} workerDefault - default value for useWorker parameter of representations
 * @property {Float} rotateSpeed - camera-controls rotation speed, between 0 and 10
 * @property {Float} zoomSpeed - camera-controls zoom speed, between 0 and 10
 * @property {Float} panSpeed - camera-controls pan speed, between 0 and 10
 * @property {Integer} clipNear - position of camera near/front clipping plane
 *                                in percent of scene bounding box
 * @property {Integer} clipFar - position of camera far/back clipping plane
 *                               in percent of scene bounding box
 * @property {Float} clipDist - camera clipping distance in Angstrom
 * @property {Integer} fogNear - position of the start of the fog effect
 *                               in percent of scene bounding box
 * @property {Integer} fogFar - position where the fog is in full effect
 *                              in percent of scene bounding box
 * @property {String} cameraType - type of camera, either 'persepective' or 'orthographic'
 * @property {Float} cameraFov - camera field of view in degree, between 15 and 120
 * @property {Color} lightColor - point light color
 * @property {Float} lightIntensity - point light intensity
 * @property {Color} ambientColor - ambient light color
 * @property {Float} ambientIntensity - ambient light intensity
 * @property {Integer} hoverTimeout - timeout for hovering

 * @example
 * stage.signals.componentAdded.add( function( component ){ ... } );
 * @typedef {Object} StageSignals
 * @property {Signal<StageParameters>} parametersChanged - on parameters change
 * @property {Signal<Boolean>} fullscreenChanged - on fullscreen change
 * @property {Signal<Component>} componentAdded - when a component is added
 * @property {Signal<Component>} componentRemoved - when a component is removed
 * @property {Signal<PickingProxy|undefined>} clicked - on click
 * @property {Signal<PickingProxy|undefined>} hovered - on hover

 * Stage class, central for creating molecular scenes with NGL.
 * @example
 * var stage = new Stage( "elementId", { backgroundColor: "white" } );
class Stage {
   * Create a Stage instance
   * @param {String|Element} [idOrElement] - dom id or element
   * @param {StageParameters} params - parameters object
  constructor (idOrElement, params) {
     * Events emitted by the stage
     * @type {StageSignals}
    this.signals = {
      parametersChanged: new Signal(),
      fullscreenChanged: new Signal(),

      componentAdded: new Signal(),
      componentRemoved: new Signal(),

      clicked: new Signal(),
      hovered: new Signal()


     * Counter that keeps track of various potentially long-running tasks,
     * including file loading and surface calculation.
     * @type {Counter}
    this.tasks = new Counter()
    this.compList = []
    this.defaultFileParams = {}


    this.viewer = new Viewer(idOrElement)
    if (!this.viewer.renderer) return

     * Tooltip element
     * @type {Element}
    this.tooltip = document.createElement('div')
    Object.assign(, {
      display: 'none',
      position: 'fixed',
      zIndex: 2 + (parseInt( || 0),
      pointerEvents: 'none',
      backgroundColor: 'rgba( 0, 0, 0, 0.6 )',
      color: 'lightgrey',
      padding: '8px',
      fontFamily: 'sans-serif'

     * @type {MouseObserver}
    this.mouseObserver = new MouseObserver(this.viewer.renderer.domElement)

     * @type {ViewerControls}
    this.viewerControls = new ViewerControls(this)
    this.trackballControls = new TrackballControls(this)
    this.pickingControls = new PickingControls(this)
     * @type {AnimationControls}
    this.animationControls = new AnimationControls(this)
     * @type {MouseControls}
    this.mouseControls = new MouseControls(this)
     * @type {KeyControls}
    this.keyControls = new KeyControls(this)

    this.pickingBehavior = new PickingBehavior(this)
    this.mouseBehavior = new MouseBehavior(this)
    this.animationBehavior = new AnimationBehavior(this)
    this.keyBehavior = new KeyBehavior(this)

     * @type {SpinAnimation}
    this.spinAnimation = this.animationControls.spin([ 0, 1, 0 ], 0.005)
     * @type {RockAnimation}
    this.rockAnimation = this.animationControls.rock([ 0, 1, 0 ], 0.005)

    const p = Object.assign({
      impostor: true,
      quality: 'medium',
      workerDefault: true,
      sampleLevel: 0,
      backgroundColor: 'black',
      rotateSpeed: 2.0,
      zoomSpeed: 1.2,
      panSpeed: 1.0,
      clipNear: 0,
      clipFar: 100,
      clipDist: 10,
      fogNear: 50,
      fogFar: 100,
      cameraFov: 40,
      cameraType: 'perspective',
      lightColor: 0xdddddd,
      lightIntensity: 1.0,
      ambientColor: 0xdddddd,
      ambientIntensity: 0.2,
      hoverTimeout: 0,
      tooltip: true,
      mousePreset: 'default'
    }, params)

    this.parameters = {
      backgroundColor: {
        type: 'color'
      quality: {
        type: 'select', options: { auto: 'auto', low: 'low', medium: 'medium', high: 'high' }
      sampleLevel: {
        type: 'range', step: 1, max: 5, min: -1
      impostor: {
        type: 'boolean'
      workerDefault: {
        type: 'boolean'
      rotateSpeed: {
        type: 'number', precision: 1, max: 10, min: 0
      zoomSpeed: {
        type: 'number', precision: 1, max: 10, min: 0
      panSpeed: {
        type: 'number', precision: 1, max: 10, min: 0
      clipNear: {
        type: 'range', step: 1, max: 100, min: 0
      clipFar: {
        type: 'range', step: 1, max: 100, min: 0
      clipDist: {
        type: 'integer', max: 200, min: 0
      fogNear: {
        type: 'range', step: 1, max: 100, min: 0
      fogFar: {
        type: 'range', step: 1, max: 100, min: 0
      cameraType: {
        type: 'select', options: { perspective: 'perspective', orthographic: 'orthographic' }
      cameraFov: {
        type: 'range', step: 1, max: 120, min: 15
      lightColor: {
        type: 'color'
      lightIntensity: {
        type: 'number', precision: 2, max: 10, min: 0
      ambientColor: {
        type: 'color'
      ambientIntensity: {
        type: 'number', precision: 2, max: 10, min: 0
      hoverTimeout: {
        type: 'integer', max: 10000, min: -1
      tooltip: {
        type: 'boolean'
      mousePreset: {
        type: 'select', options: { default: 'default', pymol: 'pymol', coot: 'coot' }

    this.setParameters(p)  // must come after the viewer has been instantiated


   * Set stage parameters
   * @param {StageParameters} params - stage parameters
   * @return {Stage} this object
  setParameters (params) {
    const p = Object.assign({}, params)
    const tp = this.parameters
    const viewer = this.viewer
    const controls = this.trackballControls

    for (let name in p) {
      if (p[ name ] === undefined) continue
      if (!tp[ name ]) continue

      if (tp[ name ].int) p[ name ] = parseInt(p[ name ])
      if (tp[ name ].float) p[ name ] = parseFloat(p[ name ])

      tp[ name ].value = p[ name ]

    // apply parameters
    if (p.quality !== undefined) this.setQuality(p.quality)
    if (p.impostor !== undefined) this.setImpostor(p.impostor)
    if (p.rotateSpeed !== undefined) controls.rotateSpeed = p.rotateSpeed
    if (p.zoomSpeed !== undefined) controls.zoomSpeed = p.zoomSpeed
    if (p.panSpeed !== undefined) controls.panSpeed = p.panSpeed
    if (p.mousePreset !== undefined) this.mouseControls.preset(p.mousePreset)
    this.mouseObserver.setParameters({ hoverTimeout: p.hoverTimeout })
    viewer.setClip(p.clipNear, p.clipFar, p.clipDist)
    viewer.setFog(undefined, p.fogNear, p.fogFar)
    viewer.setCamera(p.cameraType, p.cameraFov)
      p.lightColor, p.lightIntensity, p.ambientColor, p.ambientIntensity


    return this

   * Get stage parameters
   * @return {StageParameters} parameter object
  getParameters () {
    const params = {}
    for (let name in this.parameters) {
      params[ name ] = this.parameters[ name ].value
    return params

   * Create default representations for the given component
   * @param  {StructureComponent|SurfaceComponent} object - component to create the representations for
   * @return {undefined}
  defaultFileRepresentation (object) {
    if (object.type === 'structure') {

      let atomCount, residueCount, instanceCount
      const structure = object.structure

      if (structure.biomolDict.BU1) {
        const assembly = structure.biomolDict.BU1
        atomCount = assembly.getAtomCount(structure)
        residueCount = assembly.getResidueCount(structure)
        instanceCount = assembly.getInstanceCount()
      } else {
        atomCount = structure.getModelProxy(0).atomCount
        residueCount = structure.getModelProxy(0).residueCount
        instanceCount = 1

      let sizeScore = atomCount

      if (Mobile) {
        sizeScore *= 4

      const backboneOnly = structure.atomStore.count / structure.residueStore.count < 2
      if (backboneOnly) {
        sizeScore *= 10

      let colorScheme = 'chainname'
      let colorScale = 'RdYlBu'
      let colorReverse = false
      if (structure.getChainnameCount('polymer and /0') === 1) {
        colorScheme = 'residueindex'
        colorScale = 'spectral'
        colorReverse = true

      if (Debug) console.log(sizeScore, atomCount, instanceCount, backboneOnly)

      if (residueCount / instanceCount < 4) {
        object.addRepresentation('ball+stick', {
          colorScheme: 'element',
          scale: 2.0,
          aspectRatio: 1.5,
          bondScale: 0.3,
          bondSpacing: 0.75,
          quality: 'auto'
      } else if (
        (instanceCount > 5 && sizeScore > 15000) ||
        sizeScore > 700000
      ) {
        let scaleFactor = (
              2000 / (sizeScore / instanceCount)
        if (backboneOnly) scaleFactor = Math.min(scaleFactor, 0.15)

        object.addRepresentation('surface', {
          sele: 'polymer',
          surfaceType: 'sas',
          probeRadius: 1.4,
          scaleFactor: scaleFactor,
          colorScheme: colorScheme,
          colorScale: colorScale,
          colorReverse: colorReverse,
          useWorker: false
      } else if (sizeScore > 250000) {
        object.addRepresentation('backbone', {
          lineOnly: true,
          colorScheme: colorScheme,
          colorScale: colorScale,
          colorReverse: colorReverse
      } else if (sizeScore > 100000) {
        object.addRepresentation('backbone', {
          quality: 'low',
          disableImpostor: true,
          colorScheme: colorScheme,
          colorScale: colorScale,
          colorReverse: colorReverse,
          scale: 2.0
      } else if (sizeScore > 80000) {
        object.addRepresentation('backbone', {
          colorScheme: colorScheme,
          colorScale: colorScale,
          colorReverse: colorReverse,
          scale: 2.0
      } else {
        object.addRepresentation('cartoon', {
          colorScheme: colorScheme,
          colorScale: colorScale,
          colorReverse: colorReverse,
          scale: 0.7,
          aspectRatio: 5,
          quality: 'auto'
        if (sizeScore < 50000) {
          object.addRepresentation('base', {
            colorScheme: colorScheme,
            colorScale: colorScale,
            colorReverse: colorReverse,
            quality: 'auto'
        object.addRepresentation('ball+stick', {
          sele: 'ligand',
          colorScheme: 'element',
          scale: 2.0,
          aspectRatio: 1.5,
          bondScale: 0.3,
          bondSpacing: 0.75,
          quality: 'auto'

      // add frames as trajectory
      if (object.structure.frames.length) {
    } else if (object.type === 'surface' || object.type === 'volume') {

    this.tasks.onZeroOnce(this.autoView, this)

   * Load a file onto the stage
   * @example
   * // load from URL
   * stage.loadFile( "" );
   * @example
   * // load binary data in CCP4 format via a Blob
   * var binaryBlob = new Blob( [ ccp4Data ], { type: 'application/octet-binary'} );
   * stage.loadFile( binaryBlob, { ext: "ccp4" } );
   * @example
   * // load string data in PDB format via a Blob
   * var stringBlob = new Blob( [ pdbData ], { type: 'text/plain'} );
   * stage.loadFile( stringBlob, { ext: "pdb" } );
   * @example
   * // load a File object
   * stage.loadFile( file );
   * @example
   * // load from URL and add a 'ball+stick' representation with double/triple bonds
   * stage.loadFile( "" ).then( function( comp ){
   *     comp.addRepresentation( "ball+stick", { multipleBond: true } );
   * } );
   * @param  {String|File|Blob} path - either a URL or an object containing the file data
   * @param  {LoaderParameters} params - loading parameters
   * @param  {Boolean} params.asTrajectory - load multi-model structures as a trajectory
   * @return {Promise} A Promise object that resolves to a {@link StructureComponent},
   *                   a {@link SurfaceComponent} or a {@link ScriptComponent} object,
   *                   depending on the type of the loaded file.
  loadFile (path, params) {
    const p = Object.assign({}, this.defaultFileParams, params)

    // placeholder component
    let component = new Component(this, p) = getFileInfo(path).name

    // tasks
    const tasks = this.tasks

    const onLoadFn = function (object) {
      // remove placeholder component

      component = this.addComponentFromObject(object, p)

      if (component.type === 'script') {
      } else if (p.defaultRepresentation) {


      return component

    const onErrorFn = function (e) {
      throw e

    const ext = defaults(p.ext, getFileInfo(path).ext)
    let promise

    if (ParserRegistry.isTrajectory(ext)) {
      promise = Promise.reject(
        new Error('loadFile: ext "' + ext + '" is a trajectory and must be loaded into a structure component')
    } else {
      promise = autoLoad(path, p)

    return promise.then(onLoadFn, onErrorFn)

   * Add the given component to the stage
   * @param {Component} component - the component to add
   * @return {undefined}
  addComponent (component) {
    if (!component) {
      Log.warn('Stage.addComponent: no component given')



   * Create a component from the given object and add to the stage
   * @param {Script|Shape|Structure|Surface|Volume} object - the object to add
   * @param {ComponentParameters} params - parameter object
   * @return {Component} the created component
  addComponentFromObject (object, params) {
    const CompClass = ComponentRegistry.get(object.type)

    if (CompClass) {
      const component = new CompClass(this, object, params)
      return component

    Log.warn('no component for object type', object.type)

   * Remove the given component
   * @param  {Component} component - the component to remove
   * @return {undefined}
  removeComponent (component) {
    const idx = this.compList.indexOf(component)
    if (idx !== -1) {
      this.compList.splice(idx, 1)

   * Remove all components from the stage
   * @param  {String} [type] - component type to remove
   * @return {undefined}
  removeAllComponents (type) {
    this.compList.slice().forEach(function (o) {
      if (!type || o.type === type) {
    }, this)

   * Handle any size-changes of the container element
   * @return {undefined}
  handleResize () {

   * Set width and height
   * @param {String} width - CSS width value
   * @param {String} height - CSS height value
   * @return {undefined}
  setSize (width, height) {
    const container = this.viewer.container

    if (container !== document.body) {
      if (width !== undefined) = width
      if (height !== undefined) = height

   * Toggle fullscreen
   * @param  {Element} [element] - document element to put into fullscreen,
   *                               defaults to the viewer container
   * @return {undefined}
  toggleFullscreen (element) {
    if (!document.fullscreenEnabled && !document.mozFullScreenEnabled &&
            !document.webkitFullscreenEnabled && !document.msFullscreenEnabled
        ) {
      Log.log('fullscreen mode (currently) not possible')

    const self = this
    element = element || this.viewer.container
    this.lastFullscreenElement = element


    function getFullscreenElement () {
      return document.fullscreenElement || document.mozFullScreenElement ||
              document.webkitFullscreenElement || document.msFullscreenElement

    function resizeElement () {
      if (!getFullscreenElement() && self.lastFullscreenElement) {
        const element = self.lastFullscreenElement = element.dataset.normalWidth = element.dataset.normalHeight

        document.removeEventListener('fullscreenchange', resizeElement)
        document.removeEventListener('mozfullscreenchange', resizeElement)
        document.removeEventListener('webkitfullscreenchange', resizeElement)
        document.removeEventListener('MSFullscreenChange', resizeElement)



    if (!getFullscreenElement()) {
      element.dataset.normalWidth =
      element.dataset.normalHeight = = window.screen.width + 'px' = window.screen.height + 'px'

      if (element.requestFullscreen) {
      } else if (element.msRequestFullscreen) {
      } else if (element.mozRequestFullScreen) {
      } else if (element.webkitRequestFullscreen) {

      document.addEventListener('fullscreenchange', resizeElement)
      document.addEventListener('mozfullscreenchange', resizeElement)
      document.addEventListener('webkitfullscreenchange', resizeElement)
      document.addEventListener('MSFullscreenChange', resizeElement)


      // workaround for Safari
      setTimeout(function () { self.handleResize() }, 100)
    } else {
      if (document.exitFullscreen) {
      } else if (document.msExitFullscreen) {
      } else if (document.mozCancelFullScreen) {
      } else if (document.webkitExitFullscreen) {

   * Set spin
   * @param {Boolean} flag - if true start rocking and stop spinning
   * @return {undefined}
  setSpin (flag) {
    if (flag) {
    } else {

   * Set rock
   * @param {Boolean} flag - if true start rocking and stop spinning
   * @return {undefined}
  setRock (flag) {
    if (flag) {
    } else {

   * Toggle spin
   * @return {undefined}
  toggleSpin () {

   * Toggle rock
   * @return {undefined}
  toggleRock () {

  setFocus (value) {
    const clipNear = clamp(value / 2, 0, 49.9)
    const clipFar = 100 - clipNear
    const diffHalf = (clipFar - clipNear) / 2

      fogNear: pclamp(clipFar - diffHalf),
      fogFar: pclamp(clipFar + diffHalf)

  getZoomForBox (boundingBox) {
    const bbSize = boundingBox.getSize(tmpZoomVector)
    const maxSize = Math.max(bbSize.x, bbSize.y, bbSize.z)
    const minSize = Math.min(bbSize.x, bbSize.y, bbSize.z)
    let distance = maxSize + Math.sqrt(minSize)

    const fov = degToRad(this.viewer.perspectiveCamera.fov)
    const width = this.viewer.width
    const height = this.viewer.height
    const aspect = width / height
    const aspectFactor = (height < width ? 1 : aspect)

    distance = Math.abs(
      ((distance * 0.5) / aspectFactor) / Math.sin(fov / 2)
    distance += this.parameters.clipDist.value
    return -distance

  getBox () {
    return this.viewer.boundingBox

  getZoom () {
    return this.getZoomForBox(this.getBox())

  getCenter (optionalTarget) {
    return this.getBox().getCenter(optionalTarget)

   * Add a zoom and a move animation with automatic targets
   * @param  {Integer} duration - animation time in milliseconds
   * @return {undefined}
  autoView (duration) {
      defaults(duration, 0)

   * Make image from what is shown in a viewer canvas
   * @param  {ImageParameters} params - image generation parameters
   * @return {Promise} A Promise object that resolves to an image {@link Blob}.
  makeImage (params) {
    const viewer = this.viewer
    const tasks = this.tasks

    return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
      function makeImage () {
        viewer.makeImage(params).then(function (blob) {
        }).catch(function (e) {


  setImpostor (value) {
    this.parameters.impostor.value = value

    const types = [
      'spacefill', 'ball+stick', 'licorice', 'hyperball',
      'backbone', 'rocket', 'helixorient', 'contact', 'distance',

    this.eachRepresentation(function (repr) {
      if (repr.type === 'script') return

      if (!types.includes(repr.getType())) {

      const p = repr.getParameters()
      p.disableImpostor = !value

  setQuality (value) {
    this.parameters.quality.value = value

    const types = [
      'tube', 'cartoon', 'ribbon', 'trace', 'rope'

    const impostorTypes = [
      'spacefill', 'ball+stick', 'licorice', 'hyperball',
      'backbone', 'rocket', 'helixorient', 'contact', 'distance',

    this.eachRepresentation(function (repr) {
      if (repr.type === 'script') return

      const p = repr.getParameters()

      if (!types.includes(repr.getType())) {
        if (!impostorTypes.includes(repr.getType())) {

        if (!p.disableImpostor) {
          repr.repr.quality = value

      p.quality = value

   * Iterator over each component and executing the callback
   * @param  {Function} callback - function to execute
   * @param  {String}   type - limit iteration to components of this type
   * @return {undefined}
  eachComponent (callback, type) {
    this.compList.slice().forEach(function (o, i) {
      if (!type || o.type === type) {
        callback(o, i)

   * Iterator over each representation and executing the callback
   * @param  {Function} callback - function to execute
   * @param  {String}   type - limit iteration to components of this type
   * @return {undefined}
  eachRepresentation (callback, type) {
    this.eachComponent(function (comp) {
      comp.reprList.slice().forEach(function (repr) {
        callback(repr, comp)
    }, type)

   * Get collection of components by name
   * @param  {String|RegExp}   name - the component name
   * @param  {String} type - limit iteration to components of this type
   * @return {ComponentCollection} collection of selected components
  getComponentsByName (name, type) {
    const compList = []

    this.eachComponent(function (comp) {
      if (name === undefined || matchName(name, comp)) {
    }, type)

    return new ComponentCollection(compList)

   * Get collection of components by object
   * @param  {Object} object - the object to find
   * @return {ComponentCollection} collection of selected components
  getComponentsByObject (object) {
    const compList = []

    this.eachComponent(function (comp) {
      if (comp[ comp.type ] === object) {

    return new ComponentCollection(compList)

   * Get collection of representations by name
   * @param  {String|RegExp}   name - the representation name
   * @param  {String} type - limit iteration to components of this type
   * @return {RepresentationCollection} collection of selected components
  getRepresentationsByName (name, type) {
    let compName, reprName

    if (typeof name !== 'object' || name instanceof RegExp) {
      compName = undefined
      reprName = name
    } else {
      compName = name.comp
      reprName = name.repr

    const reprList = []

    this.eachRepresentation(function (repr, comp) {
      if (compName !== undefined && !matchName(compName, comp)) {

      if (reprName === undefined || matchName(reprName, repr)) {
    }, type)

    return new RepresentationCollection(reprList)

   * Get collection of components and representations by name
   * @param  {String|RegExp}   name - the component or representation name
   * @return {Collection} collection of selected components and representations
  getAnythingByName (name) {
    const compList = this.getComponentsByName(name).list
    const reprList = this.getRepresentationsByName(name).list

    return new Collection(compList.concat(reprList))

   * Cleanup when disposing of a stage object
   * @return {undefined}
  dispose () {

export default Stage