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 * @file Selection
 * @author Alexander Rose <>
 * @private

import Signal from '../lib/signals.es6.js'

import { binarySearchIndexOf, rangeInSortedArray } from './utils.js'

const kwd = {
  RNA: 3,
  DNA: 4,
  WATER: 6,
  HELIX: 7,
  SHEET: 8,
  TURN: 9,
  ALL: 12,
  HETERO: 13,
  ION: 14,
  SUGAR: 15,
  BONDED: 16,
  RING: 17

const SelectAllKeyword = [ '*', '', 'ALL' ]

const AtomOnlyKeywords = [

const ChainKeywords = [
  kwd.POLYMER, kwd.WATER

const SmallResname = [ 'ALA', 'GLY', 'SER' ]
const NucleophilicResname = [ 'CYS', 'SER', 'THR' ]
const HydrophobicResname = [ 'ALA', 'ILE', 'LEU', 'MET', 'PHE', 'PRO', 'TRP', 'VAL' ]
const AromaticResname = [ 'PHE', 'TRP', 'TYR', 'HIS' ]
const AmideResname = [ 'ASN', 'GLN' ]
const AcidicResname = [ 'ASP', 'GLU' ]
const BasicResname = [ 'ARG', 'HIS', 'LYS' ]
const ChargedResname = [ 'ARG', 'ASP', 'GLU', 'HIS', 'LYS' ]
const PolarResname = [ 'ASN', 'ARG', 'ASP', 'CYS', 'GLY', 'GLN', 'GLU', 'HIS', 'LYS', 'SER', 'THR', 'TYR' ]
const NonpolarResname = [ 'ALA', 'ILE', 'LEU', 'MET', 'PHE', 'PRO', 'TRP', 'VAL' ]
const CyclicResname = [ 'HIS', 'PHE', 'PRO', 'TRP', 'TYR' ]
const AliphaticResname = [ 'ALA', 'GLY', 'ILE', 'LEU', 'VAL' ]

function atomTestFn (a, s) {
  // returning -1 means the rule is not applicable
  if (s.atomname === undefined && s.element === undefined &&
    s.altloc === undefined && s.atomindex === undefined &&
    s.keyword === undefined && s.inscode === undefined &&
    s.resname === undefined && s.sstruc === undefined &&
    s.resno === undefined && s.chainname === undefined &&
    s.model === undefined
  ) return -1

  if (s.keyword !== undefined) {
    if (s.keyword === kwd.BACKBONE && !a.isBackbone()) return false
    if (s.keyword === kwd.SIDECHAIN && !a.isSidechain()) return false
    if (s.keyword === kwd.BONDED && !a.isBonded()) return false
    if (s.keyword === kwd.RING && !a.isRing()) return false

    if (s.keyword === kwd.HETERO && !a.isHetero()) return false
    if (s.keyword === kwd.PROTEIN && !a.isProtein()) return false
    if (s.keyword === kwd.NUCLEIC && !a.isNucleic()) return false
    if (s.keyword === kwd.RNA && !a.isRna()) return false
    if (s.keyword === kwd.DNA && !a.isDna()) return false
    if (s.keyword === kwd.POLYMER && !a.isPolymer()) return false
    if (s.keyword === kwd.WATER && !a.isWater()) return false
    if (s.keyword === kwd.HELIX && !a.isHelix()) return false
    if (s.keyword === kwd.SHEET && !a.isSheet()) return false
    if (s.keyword === kwd.TURN && !a.isTurn()) return false
    if (s.keyword === kwd.ION && !a.isIon()) return false
    if (s.keyword === kwd.SACCHARIDE && !a.isSaccharide()) return false

  if (s.atomname !== undefined && s.atomname !== a.atomname) return false
  if (s.element !== undefined && s.element !== a.element) return false
  if (s.altloc !== undefined && s.altloc !== a.altloc) return false

  if (s.atomindex !== undefined &&
      binarySearchIndexOf(s.atomindex, a.index) < 0
  ) return false

  if (s.resname !== undefined) {
    if (Array.isArray(s.resname)) {
      if (!s.resname.includes(a.resname)) return false
    } else {
      if (s.resname !== a.resname) return false
  if (s.sstruc !== undefined && s.sstruc !== a.sstruc) return false
  if (s.resno !== undefined) {
    if (Array.isArray(s.resno) && s.resno.length === 2) {
      if (s.resno[0] > a.resno || s.resno[1] < a.resno) return false
    } else {
      if (s.resno !== a.resno) return false
  if (s.inscode !== undefined && s.inscode !== a.inscode) return false

  if (s.chainname !== undefined && s.chainname !== a.chainname) return false
  if (s.model !== undefined && s.model !== a.modelIndex) return false

  return true

function residueTestFn (r, s) {
  // returning -1 means the rule is not applicable
  if (s.resname === undefined && s.resno === undefined && s.inscode === undefined &&
      s.sstruc === undefined && s.model === undefined && s.chainname === undefined &&
      s.atomindex === undefined &&
      (s.keyword === undefined || AtomOnlyKeywords.includes(s.keyword))
  ) return -1

  if (s.keyword !== undefined) {
    if (s.keyword === kwd.HETERO && !r.isHetero()) return false
    if (s.keyword === kwd.PROTEIN && !r.isProtein()) return false
    if (s.keyword === kwd.NUCLEIC && !r.isNucleic()) return false
    if (s.keyword === kwd.RNA && !r.isRna()) return false
    if (s.keyword === kwd.DNA && !r.isDna()) return false
    if (s.keyword === kwd.POLYMER && !r.isPolymer()) return false
    if (s.keyword === kwd.WATER && !r.isWater()) return false
    if (s.keyword === kwd.HELIX && !r.isHelix()) return false
    if (s.keyword === kwd.SHEET && !r.isSheet()) return false
    if (s.keyword === kwd.TURN && !r.isTurn()) return false
    if (s.keyword === kwd.ION && !r.isIon()) return false
    if (s.keyword === kwd.SACCHARIDE && !r.isSaccharide()) return false

  if (s.atomindex !== undefined &&
      rangeInSortedArray(s.atomindex, r.atomOffset, r.atomEnd) === 0
  ) return false

  if (s.resname !== undefined) {
    if (Array.isArray(s.resname)) {
      if (!s.resname.includes(r.resname)) return false
    } else {
      if (s.resname !== r.resname) return false
  if (s.sstruc !== undefined && s.sstruc !== r.sstruc) return false
  if (s.resno !== undefined) {
    if (Array.isArray(s.resno) && s.resno.length === 2) {
      if (s.resno[0] > r.resno || s.resno[1] < r.resno) return false
    } else {
      if (s.resno !== r.resno) return false
  if (s.inscode !== undefined && s.inscode !== r.inscode) return false

  if (s.chainname !== undefined && s.chainname !== r.chainname) return false
  if (s.model !== undefined && s.model !== r.modelIndex) return false

  return true

function chainTestFn (c, s) {
  // returning -1 means the rule is not applicable
  if (s.chainname === undefined && s.model === undefined && s.atomindex === undefined &&
      (s.keyword === undefined || !ChainKeywords.includes(s.keyword) || !c.entity)
  ) return -1

  if (s.keyword !== undefined) {
    if (s.keyword === kwd.POLYMER && !c.entity.isPolymer()) return false
    if (s.keyword === kwd.WATER && !c.entity.isWater()) return false

  if (s.atomindex !== undefined &&
      rangeInSortedArray(s.atomindex, c.atomOffset, c.atomEnd) === 0
  ) return false

  if (s.chainname !== undefined && s.chainname !== c.chainname) return false

  if (s.model !== undefined && s.model !== c.modelIndex) return false

  return true

function modelTestFn (m, s) {
  // returning -1 means the rule is not applicable
  if (s.model === undefined && s.atomindex === undefined) return -1

  if (s.atomindex !== undefined &&
      rangeInSortedArray(s.atomindex, m.atomOffset, m.atomEnd) === 0
  ) return false

  if (s.model !== undefined && s.model !== m.index) return false

  return true

 * Selection
class Selection {
   * Create Selection
   * @param {String} string - selection string, see {@tutorial selection-language}
  constructor (string) {
    this.signals = {
      stringChanged: new Signal()


  get type () { return 'selection' }

  setString (string, silent) {
    if (string === undefined) string = this.string || ''
    if (string === this.string) return


    try {
    } catch (e) {
      // Log.error( e.stack );
      this.selection = { 'error': e.message }

    this.string = string

    this.test = this.makeAtomTest()
    this.residueTest = this.makeResidueTest()
    this.chainTest = this.makeChainTest()
    this.modelTest = this.makeModelTest()

    this.atomOnlyTest = this.makeAtomTest(true)
    this.residueOnlyTest = this.makeResidueTest(true)
    this.chainOnlyTest = this.makeChainTest(true)
    this.modelOnlyTest = this.makeModelTest(true)

    if (!silent) {

  parse (string) {
    this.selection = {
      operator: undefined,
      rules: []

    if (!string) return

    let selection = this.selection
    let newSelection, oldSelection
    const selectionStack = []

    string = string.replace(/\(/g, ' ( ').replace(/\)/g, ' ) ').trim()
    if (string.charAt(0) === '(' && string.substr(-1) === ')') {
      string = string.slice(1, -1).trim()
    const chunks = string.split(/\s+/)

    // Log.log( string, chunks )

    const createNewContext = operator => {
      newSelection = {
        operator: operator,
        rules: []
      if (selection === undefined) {
        selection = newSelection
        this.selection = newSelection
      } else {
        selection = newSelection

    const getPrevContext = function (operator) {
      oldSelection = selection
      selection = selectionStack.pop()
      if (selection === undefined) {

    const pushRule = function (rule) {

    let not

    for (let i = 0; i < chunks.length; ++i) {
      const c = chunks[ i ]
      const cu = c.toUpperCase()

      // handle parens

      if (c === '(') {
        // Log.log( "(" );

        not = false
      } else if (c === ')') {
        // Log.log( ")" );

        if (selection.negate) {

      // leave 'not' context

      if (not > 0) {
        if (cu === 'NOT') {
          not = 1
        } else if (not === 1) {
          not = 2
        } else if (not === 2) {
          not = false
        } else {
          throw new Error("something went wrong with 'not'")

      // handle logic operators

      if (cu === 'AND') {
        // Log.log( "AND" );

        if (selection.operator === 'OR') {
          const lastRule = selection.rules.pop()
        } else {
          selection.operator = 'AND'
      } else if (cu === 'OR') {
        // Log.log( "OR" );

        if (selection.operator === 'AND') {
        } else {
          selection.operator = 'OR'
      } else if (c.toUpperCase() === 'NOT') {
        // Log.log( "NOT", j );

        not = 1
        selection.negate = true
      } else {

        // Log.log( "chunk", c, j, selection );


      // handle keyword attributes

      const keyword = kwd[ cu ]
      if (keyword !== undefined) {
        pushRule({ keyword })

      if (cu === 'HYDROGEN') {
        pushRule({ element: 'H' })

      if (cu === 'SMALL') {
        pushRule({ resname: SmallResname })

      if (cu === 'NUCLEOPHILIC') {
        pushRule({ resname: NucleophilicResname })

      if (cu === 'HYDROPHOBIC') {
        pushRule({ resname: HydrophobicResname })

      if (cu === 'AROMATIC') {
        pushRule({ resname: AromaticResname })

      if (cu === 'AMIDE') {
        pushRule({ resname: AmideResname })

      if (cu === 'ACIDIC') {
        pushRule({ resname: AcidicResname })

      if (cu === 'BASIC') {
        pushRule({ resname: BasicResname })

      if (cu === 'CHARGED') {
        pushRule({ resname: ChargedResname })

      if (cu === 'POLAR') {
        pushRule({ resname: PolarResname })

      if (cu === 'NONPOLAR') {
        pushRule({ resname: NonpolarResname })

      if (cu === 'CYCLIC') {
        pushRule({ resname: CyclicResname })

      if (cu === 'ALIPHATIC') {
        pushRule({ resname: AliphaticResname })

      if (cu === 'SIDECHAINATTACHED') {
          operator: 'OR',
          rules: [
            { keyword: kwd.SIDECHAIN },
              operator: 'AND',
              negate: false,
              rules: [
                { keyword: kwd.PROTEIN },
                  operator: 'OR',
                  negate: false,
                  rules: [
                    { atomname: 'CA' },
                    { atomname: 'BB' }
              operator: 'AND',
              negate: false,
              rules: [
                { resname: 'PRO' },
                { atomname: 'N' }
              operator: 'AND',
              negate: false,
              rules: [
                { keyword: kwd.NUCLEIC },
                  operator: 'OR',
                  negate: true,
                  rules: [
                    { atomname: 'P' },
                    { atomname: 'OP1' },
                    { atomname: 'OP2' },
                    { atomname: "O3'" },
                    { atomname: 'O3*' },
                    { atomname: "O5'" },
                    { atomname: 'O5*' },
                    { atomname: "C5'" },
                    { atomname: 'C5*' }

      if (cu === 'LIGAND') {
          operator: 'AND',
          rules: [
              operator: 'OR',
              rules: [
                  operator: 'AND',
                  rules: [
                    { keyword: kwd.HETERO },
                      negate: true,
                      operator: undefined,
                      rules: [
                        { keyword: kwd.POLYMER }
                  negate: true,
                  operator: undefined,
                  rules: [
                    { keyword: kwd.POLYMER }
              negate: true,
              operator: undefined,
              rules: [
                  operator: 'OR',
                  rules: [
                    { keyword: kwd.WATER },
                    { keyword: kwd.ION }

      if (SelectAllKeyword.indexOf(cu) !== -1) {
        pushRule({ keyword: kwd.ALL })

      // handle atom expressions

      if (c.charAt(0) === '@') {
        const indexList = c.substr(1).split(',')
        for (let k = 0, kl = indexList.length; k < kl; ++k) {
          indexList[ k ] = parseInt(indexList[ k ])
        indexList.sort(function (a, b) { return a - b })
        pushRule({ atomindex: indexList })

      if (c.charAt(0) === '#') {
        console.error('# for element selection deprecated, use _')
        pushRule({ element: cu.substr(1) })
      if (c.charAt(0) === '_') {
        pushRule({ element: cu.substr(1) })

      if (c[0] === '[' && c[c.length - 1] === ']') {
        const resnameList = cu.substr(1, c.length - 2).split(',')
        const resname = resnameList.length > 1 ? resnameList : resnameList[ 0 ]
        pushRule({ resname: resname })
      } else if (
        (c.length >= 1 && c.length <= 4) &&
        c[0] !== '^' && c[0] !== ':' && c[0] !== '.' && c[0] !== '%' && c[0] !== '/' &&
      ) {
        pushRule({ resname: cu })

      // there must be only one constraint per rule
      // otherwise a test quickly becomes not applicable
      // e.g. chainTest for chainname when resno is present too

      const sele = {
        operator: 'AND',
        rules: []

      const model = c.split('/')
      if (model.length > 1 && model[1]) {
        if (isNaN(parseInt(model[1]))) {
          throw new Error('model must be an integer')
          model: parseInt(model[1])

      const altloc = model[0].split('%')
      if (altloc.length > 1) {
          altloc: altloc[1]

      const atomname = altloc[0].split('.')
      if (atomname.length > 1 && atomname[1]) {
        if (atomname[1].length > 4) {
          throw new Error('atomname must be one to four characters')
          atomname: atomname[1].substring(0, 4).toUpperCase()

      const chain = atomname[0].split(':')
      if (chain.length > 1 && chain[1]) {
          chainname: chain[1]

      const inscode = chain[0].split('^')
      if (inscode.length > 1) {
          inscode: inscode[1]

      if (inscode[0]) {
        let negate, negate2
        if (inscode[0][0] === '-') {
          inscode[0] = inscode[0].substr(1)
          negate = true
        if (inscode[0].includes('--')) {
          inscode[0] = inscode[0].replace('--', '-')
          negate2 = true
        let resi = inscode[0].split('-')
        if (resi.length === 1) {
          resi = parseInt(resi[0])
          if (isNaN(resi)) {
            throw new Error('resi must be an integer')
          if (negate) resi *= -1
            resno: resi
        } else if (resi.length === 2) {
          if (negate) resi[0] *= -1
          if (negate2) resi[1] *= -1
            resno: [ parseInt(resi[0]), parseInt(resi[1]) ]
        } else {
          throw new Error("resi range must contain one '-'")

      // round up

      if (sele.rules.length === 1) {
        pushRule(sele.rules[ 0 ])
      } else if (sele.rules.length > 1) {
      } else {
        throw new Error('empty selection chunk')

    // cleanup

    if (
      this.selection.operator === undefined &&
      this.selection.rules.length === 1 &&
      this.selection.rules[ 0 ].hasOwnProperty('operator')
    ) {
      this.selection = this.selection.rules[ 0 ]

  _makeTest (fn, selection) {
    if (selection === undefined) selection = this.selection
    if (selection === null) return false
    if (selection.error) return false

    const n = selection.rules.length
    if (n === 0) return false

    const t = !selection.negate
    const f = !!selection.negate

    const subTests = []
    for (let i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
      const s = selection.rules[ i ]
      if (s.hasOwnProperty('operator')) {
        subTests[ i ] = this._makeTest(fn, s)

    // ( x and y ) can short circuit on false
    // ( x or y ) can short circuit on true
    // not ( x and y )

    return function test (entity) {
      const and = selection.operator === 'AND'
      let na = false

      for (let i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
        const s = selection.rules[ i ]
        let ret

        if (s.hasOwnProperty('operator')) {
          if (subTests[ i ]) {
            ret = subTests[ i ](entity)
          } else {
            ret = -1

          if (ret === -1) {
            na = true
          } else if (ret === true) {
            if (and) { continue } else { return t }
          } else {
            if (and) { return f } else { continue }
        } else {
          if (s.keyword === kwd.ALL) {
            if (and) { continue } else { return t }

          ret = fn(entity, s)

          // console.log( entity.qualifiedName(), ret, s, selection.negate, "t", t, "f", f )

          if (ret === -1) {
            na = true
          } else if (ret === true) {
            if (and) { continue } else { return t }
          } else {
            if (and) { return f } else { continue }

      if (na) {
        return -1
      } else {
        if (and) { return t } else { return f }

  _filter (fn, selection) {
    if (selection === undefined) selection = this.selection
    if (selection.error) return selection

    const n = selection.rules.length
    if (n === 0) return selection

    const filtered = {
      operator: selection.operator,
      rules: []
    if (selection.hasOwnProperty('negate')) {
      filtered.negate = selection.negate

    for (let i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
      const s = selection.rules[ i ]
      if (s.hasOwnProperty('operator')) {
        const fs = this._filter(fn, s)
        if (fs !== null) filtered.rules.push(fs)
      } else if (!fn(s)) {

    if (filtered.rules.length > 0) {
      // TODO maybe the filtered rules could be returned
      // in some case, but the way how tests are applied
      // e.g. when traversing a structure would also need
      // to change
      return selection
      // return filtered;
    } else {
      return null

  makeAtomTest (atomOnly) {
    let selection

    if (atomOnly) {
      // console.log( this.selection )

      selection = this._filter(function (s) {
        if (s.keyword !== undefined && !AtomOnlyKeywords.includes(s.keyword)) return true
        if (s.model !== undefined) return true
        if (s.chainname !== undefined) return true
        if (s.resname !== undefined) return true
        if (s.resno !== undefined) return true
        if (s.sstruc !== undefined) return true
        return false
    } else {
      selection = this.selection

    return this._makeTest(atomTestFn, selection)

  makeResidueTest (residueOnly) {
    let selection

    if (residueOnly) {
      // console.log( this.selection )

      selection = this._filter(function (s) {
        if (s.keyword !== undefined && AtomOnlyKeywords.includes(s.keyword)) return true
        if (s.model !== undefined) return true
        if (s.chainname !== undefined) return true
        if (s.atomname !== undefined) return true
        if (s.element !== undefined) return true
        if (s.altloc !== undefined) return true
        return false
    } else {
      selection = this.selection

    return this._makeTest(residueTestFn, selection)

  makeChainTest (chainOnly) {
    let selection

    if (chainOnly) {
      // console.log( this.selection )

      selection = this._filter(function (s) {
        if (s.keyword !== undefined && !ChainKeywords.includes(s.keyword)) return true
        // if( s.model!==undefined ) return true;
        if (s.resname !== undefined) return true
        if (s.resno !== undefined) return true
        if (s.atomname !== undefined) return true
        if (s.element !== undefined) return true
        if (s.altloc !== undefined) return true
        if (s.sstruc !== undefined) return true
        if (s.inscode !== undefined) return true
        return false
    } else {
      selection = this.selection

    return this._makeTest(chainTestFn, selection)

  makeModelTest (modelOnly) {
    let selection

    if (modelOnly) {
      // console.log( this.selection )

      selection = this._filter(function (s) {
        if (s.keyword !== undefined) return true
        if (s.chainname !== undefined) return true
        if (s.resname !== undefined) return true
        if (s.resno !== undefined) return true
        if (s.atomname !== undefined) return true
        if (s.element !== undefined) return true
        if (s.altloc !== undefined) return true
        if (s.sstruc !== undefined) return true
        if (s.inscode !== undefined) return true
        return false
    } else {
      selection = this.selection

    return this._makeTest(modelTestFn, selection)

export default Selection

export {