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 * @fileOverview  Dihedral Representation
 * @private
import { Color } from '../../lib/three.es6.js'

import { RepresentationRegistry } from '../globals.js'
import MeasurementRepresentation, { calcArcPoint, parseNestedAtoms } from './measurement-representation.js'
import { defaults } from '../utils.js'

import DoubleSidedBuffer from '../buffer/doublesided-buffer.js'
import MeshBuffer from '../buffer/mesh-buffer.js'
import TextBuffer from '../buffer/text-buffer.js'
import WideLineBuffer from '../buffer/wideline-buffer.js'

import { copyArray, uniformArray, uniformArray3 } from '../math/array-utils.js'
import { v3add, v3cross, v3dot, v3multiplyScalar, v3fromArray, v3length,
  v3negate, v3new, v3normalize, v3sub, v3toArray } from '../math/vector-utils.js'
import { RAD2DEG } from '../math/math-constants.js'

 * @typedef {Object} DihedralRepresentationParameters - dihedral representation parameters
 * @mixes RepresentationParameters
 * @mixes StructureRepresentationParameters
 * @mixes MeasurementRepresentationParameters
 * @property {String} atomQuad - list of quadruplets of selection strings
 *                               or atom indices
 * @property {Number} lineOpacity - Opacity for the line part of the representation
 * @property {Boolean} lineVisible - Display the line part of the representation
 * @property {Number} linewidth - width for line part of representation
 * @property {Boolean} planeVisible - Display the two planes corresponding to dihedral
 * @property {Boolean} sectorVisible - Display the filled arc for each angle

 * Dihedral representation object
 * Reperesentation consists of three parts, visibility can be set for each
 * label - text label indicating dihedral angle
 * line - line indicating four positions that define the dihedral
 * sector - filled arc section
 * @param {Structure} structure - the structure to measure angles in
 * @param {Viewer} viewer - a viewer object
 * @param {AngleRepresentationParameters} params - angle representation parameters
class DihedralRepresentation extends MeasurementRepresentation {
  constructor (structure, viewer, params) {
    super(structure, viewer, params)

    this.type = 'dihedral'

    this.parameters = Object.assign({
      atomQuad: {
        type: 'hidden', rebuild: true
      lineOpacity: {
        type: 'range', min: 0.0, max: 1.0, step: 0.01
      lineVisible: {
        type: 'boolean', default: true
      linewidth: {
        type: 'number', precision: 2, max: 10.0, min: 0.5
      planeVisible: {
        type: 'boolean', default: true
      sectorVisible: {
        type: 'boolean', default: true
    }, this.parameters)


  init (params) {
    const p = params || {}
    p.side = defaults(p.side, 'double')
    p.opacity = defaults(p.opacity, 0.5)

    this.atomQuad = defaults(p.atomQuad, [])
    this.lineOpacity = defaults(p.lineOpacity, 1.0)
    this.lineVisible = defaults(p.lineVisible, true)
    this.linewidth = defaults(p.linewidth, 2.0)
    this.planeVisible = defaults(p.planeVisible, true)
    this.sectorVisible = defaults(p.sectorVisible, true)


  create () {
    if (this.structureView.atomCount === 0) return
    const atomPosition = parseNestedAtoms(this.structureView, this.atomQuad)
    const dihedralData = getDihedralData(
      {planeVisible: this.planeVisible}

    const n = this.n = dihedralData.labelText.length

    const labelColor = new Color(this.labelColor)

    this.textBuffer = new TextBuffer({
      position: dihedralData.labelPosition,
      size: uniformArray(n, this.labelSize),
      color: uniformArray3(n, labelColor.r, labelColor.g, labelColor.b),
      text: dihedralData.labelText
    }, this.getLabelBufferParams())

    const c = new Color(this.colorValue)
    this.lineLength = dihedralData.linePosition1.length / 3
    const lineColor = uniformArray3(this.lineLength, c.r, c.g, c.b)

    this.lineBuffer = new WideLineBuffer({
      position1: dihedralData.linePosition1,
      position2: dihedralData.linePosition2,
      color: lineColor,
      color2: lineColor
    }, this.getBufferParams({
      linewidth: this.linewidth,
      visible: this.lineVisible,
      opacity: this.lineOpacity

    this.planeLength = dihedralData.planePosition.length / 3
    this.planeMeshBuffer = new MeshBuffer({
      position: dihedralData.planePosition,
      color: uniformArray3(this.planeLength, c.r, c.g, c.b)
    }, this.getBufferParams({
      visible: this.planeVisible

    this.planeDoubleSidedBuffer = new DoubleSidedBuffer(this.planeMeshBuffer)

    this.sectorLength = dihedralData.sectorPosition.length / 3
    this.sectorMeshBuffer = new MeshBuffer({
      position: dihedralData.sectorPosition,
      color: uniformArray3(this.sectorLength, c.r, c.g, c.b)
    }, this.getBufferParams({
      visible: this.sectorVisible

    this.sectorDoubleSidedBuffer = new DoubleSidedBuffer(this.sectorMeshBuffer)

      sview: this.structureView,
      bufferList: [

  updateData (what, data) {
    super.updateData(what, data)
    const lineData = {}
    const planeData = {}
    const sectorData = {}

    if (what.color) {
      const c = new Color(this.colorValue)
      lineData.color = lineData.color2 = uniformArray3(this.lineLength, c.r, c.g, c.b)
      planeData.color = uniformArray3(this.planeLength, c.r, c.g, c.b)
      sectorData.color = uniformArray3(this.sectorLength, c.r, c.g, c.b)

    // if (what.sectorOpacity) {
    //   this.sectorMeshBuffer.opacity = what.sectorOpacity
    // }


  setParameters (params) {
    var rebuild = false
    var what = {}

    super.setParameters(params, what, rebuild)

    if (params && (
      params.lineVisible !== undefined ||
      params.sectorVisible !== undefined)) {

    if (params && params.lineOpacity) {
        {opacity: params.lineOpacity})

    if (params && params.opacity !== undefined) {
        {opacity: this.lineOpacity})

    if (params && params.linewidth) {
      this.lineBuffer.setParameters({ linewidth: params.linewidth })

    return this

  setVisibility (value, noRenderRequest) {
    super.setVisibility(value, true)

    this.lineBuffer.setVisibility(this.lineVisible && this.visible)
    this.sectorDoubleSidedBuffer.setVisibility(this.sectorVisible && this.visible)

    if (!noRenderRequest) this.viewer.requestRender()

    return this

 * Build the data required to create {Buffer} objects, given positions
 * @param  {Float32Array} atomPosition 3*4*nDihedral array of coordinates
 * @return {Object}              Arrays for building buffers
function getDihedralData (position, params) {
  params = params || {}
  const angleStep = defaults(params.angleStep, Math.PI / 90)
  const nPos = position.length
  const n = position.length / 12
  const angles = new Float32Array(n)
  const labelPosition = new Float32Array(n * 3)
  const labelText = new Array(n)

  // Temporary arrays as don't know output length yet
  const lineTmp1 = new Array(n)
  const lineTmp2 = new Array(n)
  const sectorTmp = new Array(n)
  const planeTmp = new Array(n)

  // Eventual sizes of output arrays
  let totalLines = 0
  let totalSegments = 0
  let totalPlanes = 0

  const p1 = v3new()
  const p2 = v3new()
  const p3 = v3new()
  const p4 = v3new()

  const v21 = v3new()
  const v23 = v3new()
  const v34 = v3new()

  const tmp = v3new()
  const mid = v3new()
  const inPlane1 = v3new()
  const inPlane2 = v3new()
  const start = v3new()
  const end = v3new()

  const cross = v3new()
  const arcPoint = v3new()

  let i = 0 // Actual output index (after skipping inappropriate)

  for (var p = 0; p < nPos; p += 12) {
    v3fromArray(p1, position, p)
    v3fromArray(p2, position, p + 3)
    v3fromArray(p3, position, p + 6)
    v3fromArray(p4, position, p + 9)

    v3sub(v21, p1, p2)
    v3sub(v23, p3, p2)
    if (v3length(v23) === 0.0) {
      continue // Can't define axis

    v3sub(v34, p4, p3)

    v3multiplyScalar(tmp, v23, 0.5)
    v3add(mid, p2, tmp)

    v3normalize(v21, v21)
    v3normalize(v23, v23)
    v3normalize(v34, v34)

    // Which side of plane are p1, p4?
    v3sub(tmp, p1, mid)
    const improperStart = v3dot(tmp, v23) > 0.0
    v3sub(tmp, p4, mid)
    const improperEnd = v3dot(tmp, v23) < 0.0

    // Calculate vectors perp to v23 (lying in plane (1,2,3) and (2,3,4))
    v3multiplyScalar(tmp, v23, v3dot(v23, v21))
    v3sub(inPlane1, v21, tmp)

    v3multiplyScalar(tmp, v23, v3dot(v23, v34))
    v3sub(inPlane2, v34, tmp)

    if (v3length(inPlane1) === 0.0 || v3length(inPlane2) === 0.0) {
      continue // Indeterminate angle

    v3normalize(inPlane1, inPlane1)
    v3normalize(inPlane2, inPlane2)

    // Can use acos as normalized and non-zero
    const angle = angles[ i ] = Math.acos(v3dot(inPlane1, inPlane2))
    labelText[ i ] = (RAD2DEG * angle).toFixed(1) + String.fromCharCode(0x00B0)

    v3cross(cross, inPlane1, v23)
    v3normalize(cross, cross)
    if (v3dot(cross, inPlane2) < 0.0) {
      v3negate(cross, cross) // Ensure cp faces correct way

    calcArcPoint(tmp, mid, inPlane1, cross, angle / 2.0)
    v3toArray(tmp, labelPosition, 3 * i)

    const nSegments = Math.ceil(angle / angleStep)
    const nLines = nSegments + 2

    const line1 = new Float32Array(nLines * 3)
    const line2 = new Float32Array(nLines * 3)
    const sector = new Float32Array(nSegments * 9)
    const plane = new Float32Array(36)

    lineTmp1[ i ] = line1
    lineTmp2[ i ] = line2
    sectorTmp[ i ] = sector
    planeTmp[ i ] = plane

    // Start points for lines/planes depend on whether improper:
    if (improperStart) { // We'll start on the v3->1 line (tmp)
      v3sub(tmp, p1, p3)
      v3normalize(tmp, tmp)
      v3multiplyScalar(start, tmp, 1.0 / v3dot(inPlane1, tmp))
      v3add(start, start, p3)
    } else { // start on the 2->1 line
      v3multiplyScalar(start, v21, 1.0 / v3dot(inPlane1, v21))
      v3add(start, start, p2)

    if (improperEnd) { // Finish on 2->4 line
      v3sub(tmp, p4, p2)
      v3normalize(tmp, tmp)
      v3multiplyScalar(end, tmp, 1.0 / v3dot(inPlane2, tmp))
      v3add(end, end, p2)
    } else { // end on the 3->4 line
      v3multiplyScalar(end, v34, 1.0 / v3dot(inPlane2, v34))
      v3add(end, end, p3)

    v3add(arcPoint, mid, inPlane1)

    v3toArray(start, line1, 0)
    v3toArray(arcPoint, line2, 0)

    // Construct plane at start
    v3toArray(start, plane, 0)
    v3toArray(arcPoint, plane, 3)
    v3toArray(improperStart ? p3 : p2, plane, 6)
    v3toArray(improperStart ? p3 : p2, plane, 9)
    v3toArray(arcPoint, plane, 12)
    v3toArray(mid, plane, 15)

    const appendArcSection = function (a, j) {
      const si = j * 9
      const ai = j * 3
      v3toArray(mid, sector, si)
      v3toArray(arcPoint, sector, si + 3)
      v3toArray(arcPoint, line1, ai)

      calcArcPoint(arcPoint, mid, inPlane1, cross, a)

      v3toArray(arcPoint, sector, si + 6)
      v3toArray(arcPoint, line2, ai)

    let j = 0
    for (let a = angleStep; a < angle; a += angleStep) {
      appendArcSection(a, j++)
    appendArcSection(angle, j++)

    // Add final line: tmp vector holds the end point:
    if (improperEnd) {
      v3sub(tmp, p4, p2)
      v3normalize(tmp, tmp)
      v3add(tmp, tmp, p2)
    } else {
      v3add(tmp, p3, v34)
    v3toArray(arcPoint, line1, j * 3)
    v3toArray(tmp, line2, j * 3)

    // Construc plane at end
    v3toArray(end, plane, 18)
    v3toArray(arcPoint, plane, 21)
    v3toArray(improperEnd ? p2 : p3, plane, 24)
    v3toArray(improperEnd ? p2 : p3, plane, 27)
    v3toArray(arcPoint, plane, 30)
    v3toArray(mid, plane, 33)

    totalLines += nLines * 3
    totalSegments += nSegments * 9
    totalPlanes += 36
    i += 1

  const nSuccess = i

  const linePosition1 = new Float32Array(totalLines)
  const linePosition2 = new Float32Array(totalLines)
  const sectorPosition = new Float32Array(totalSegments)
  const planePosition = new Float32Array(totalPlanes)

  let lineOffset = 0
  let sectorOffset = 0
  let planeOffset = 0

  for (let i = 0; i < nSuccess; i++) {
    const lp1 = lineTmp1[ i ]
    const lp2 = lineTmp2[ i ]
    const sp = sectorTmp[ i ]
    const pp = planeTmp[ i ]

    copyArray(lp1, linePosition1, 0, lineOffset, lp1.length)
    copyArray(lp2, linePosition2, 0, lineOffset, lp2.length)
    copyArray(sp, sectorPosition, 0, sectorOffset, sp.length)
    copyArray(pp, planePosition, 0, planeOffset, pp.length)

    lineOffset += lp1.length
    sectorOffset += sp.length
    planeOffset += pp.length

  return {
    labelPosition: labelPosition.subarray(0, nSuccess * 3),
    labelText: labelText.slice(0, nSuccess),

RepresentationRegistry.add('dihedral', DihedralRepresentation)

export default DihedralRepresentation