* @file Angle Representation
* @private
import { Color } from '../../lib/three.es6.js'
import { RepresentationRegistry } from '../globals.js'
import MeasurementRepresentation, { parseNestedAtoms, calcArcPoint } from './measurement-representation.js'
import { defaults } from '../utils.js'
import DoubleSidedBuffer from '../buffer/doublesided-buffer.js'
import MeshBuffer from '../buffer/mesh-buffer.js'
import TextBuffer from '../buffer/text-buffer.js'
import WideLineBuffer from '../buffer/wideline-buffer.js'
import { v3add, v3cross, v3dot, v3fromArray, v3length, v3new,
v3normalize, v3sub, v3toArray } from '../math/vector-utils.js'
import { copyArray, uniformArray, uniformArray3 } from '../math/array-utils.js'
import { RAD2DEG } from '../math/math-constants.js'
* @typedef {Object} AngleRepresentationParameters - angle representation parameters
* @mixes RepresentationParameters
* @mixes StructureRepresentationParameters
* @mixes MeasurementRepresentationParameters
* @property {String} atomTriple - list of triplets of selection strings
* or atom indices
* @property {Boolean} vectorVisible - Indicate the 3 points for each angle by drawing lines 1-2-3
* @property {Boolean} arcVisible - Show the arc outline for each angle
* @property {Number} lineOpacity - opacity for the line part of the representation
* @property {Number} linewidth - width for line part of representation
* @property {Boolean} sectorVisible - Show the filled arc for each angle
* Angle representation object
* Reperesentation consists of four parts, visibility can be set for each
* label - the text label with the angle size
* vectors - lines joining the three points
* sector - triangles representing the angle
* arc - line bordering the sector
* @param {Structure} structure - the structure to measure angles in
* @param {Viewer} viewer - a viewer object
* @param {AngleRepresentationParameters} params - angle representation parameters
class AngleRepresentation extends MeasurementRepresentation {
constructor (structure, viewer, params) {
super(structure, viewer, params)
this.type = 'angle'
this.parameters = Object.assign({
atomTriple: {
type: 'hidden', rebuild: true
vectorVisible: {
type: 'boolean', default: true
arcVisible: {
type: 'boolean', default: true
lineOpacity: {
type: 'range', min: 0.0, max: 1.0, step: 0.01
linewidth: {
type: 'number', precision: 2, max: 10.0, min: 0.5
sectorVisible: {
type: 'boolean', default: true
}, this.parameters)
init (params) {
const p = params || {}
p.side = defaults(p.side, 'double')
p.opacity = defaults(p.opacity, 0.5)
this.atomTriple = defaults(p.atomTriple, [])
this.arcVisible = defaults(p.arcVisible, true)
this.lineOpacity = defaults(p.lineOpacity, 1.0)
this.linewidth = defaults(p.linewidth, 2.0)
this.sectorVisible = defaults(p.sectorVisible, true)
this.vectorVisible = defaults(p.vectorVisible, true)
create () {
if (this.structureView.atomCount === 0) return
const atomPosition = atomTriplePositions(this.structureView, this.atomTriple)
const angleData = getAngleData(atomPosition)
const n = this.n = angleData.labelPosition.length / 3
const labelColor = new Color(this.labelColor)
// Create buffers
this.textBuffer = new TextBuffer({
position: angleData.labelPosition,
size: uniformArray(n, this.labelSize),
color: uniformArray3(n, labelColor.r, labelColor.g, labelColor.b),
text: angleData.labelText
}, this.getLabelBufferParams())
const c = new Color(this.colorValue)
this.vectorBuffer = new WideLineBuffer({
position1: angleData.vectorPosition1,
position2: angleData.vectorPosition2,
color: uniformArray3(2 * n, c.r, c.g, c.b),
color2: uniformArray3(2 * n, c.r, c.g, c.b)
}, this.getBufferParams({
linewidth: this.linewidth,
visible: this.vectorVisible // TODO: Expose as param
this.arcLength = angleData.arcPosition1.length / 3
this.arcBuffer = new WideLineBuffer({
position1: angleData.arcPosition1,
position2: angleData.arcPosition2,
color: uniformArray3(this.arcLength, c.r, c.g, c.b),
color2: uniformArray3(this.arcLength, c.r, c.g, c.b)
}, this.getBufferParams({
linewidth: 2.0,
visible: this.arcVisible
this.sectorLength = angleData.sectorPosition.length / 3
this.sectorMeshBuffer = new MeshBuffer({
position: angleData.sectorPosition,
color: uniformArray3(this.sectorLength, c.r, c.g, c.b)
}, this.getBufferParams({
visible: this.sectorVisible,
opacity: this.sectorOpacity
this.sectorDoubleSidedBuffer = new DoubleSidedBuffer(this.sectorMeshBuffer)
sview: this.structureView,
bufferList: [
this.sectorDoubleSidedBuffer ]
updateData (what, data) {
super.updateData(what, data)
const vectorData = {}
const arcData = {}
const sectorData = {}
if (what.color) {
const c = new Color(this.colorValue)
vectorData.color = vectorData.color2 = uniformArray3(this.n * 2, c.r, c.g, c.b)
arcData.color = arcData.color2 = uniformArray3(this.arcLength, c.r, c.g, c.b)
sectorData.color = uniformArray3(this.sectorLength, c.r, c.g, c.b)
// if (what.sectorOpacity) {
// this.sectorMeshBuffer.opacity = what.sectorOpacity
// }
setParameters (params) {
var rebuild = false
var what = {}
super.setParameters(params, what, rebuild)
if (params && (
params.vectorVisible !== undefined ||
params.arcVisible !== undefined ||
params.sectorVisible !== undefined)) {
if (params && params.lineOpacity) {
{opacity: params.lineOpacity})
{opacity: params.lineOpacity})
if (params && params.opacity !== undefined) {
{opacity: this.lineOpacity})
{opacity: this.lineOpacity})
if (params && params.linewidth) {
this.vectorBuffer.setParameters({ linewidth: params.linewidth })
this.arcBuffer.setParameters({ linewidth: params.linewidth })
return this
setVisibility (value, noRenderRequest) {
super.setVisibility(value, true)
this.vectorBuffer.setVisibility(this.vectorVisible && this.visible)
this.arcBuffer.setVisibility(this.arcVisible && this.visible)
this.sectorDoubleSidedBuffer.setVisibility(this.sectorVisible && this.visible)
if (!noRenderRequest) this.viewer.requestRender()
return this
* Ensure mid point does not coincide with first or second
* @param {Float32Array} position 9*nAngle array of coordinates
* @return {Float32Array} Filtered position array, may be shorter
function validatePositions (position) {
const include = []
const n = position.length / 9
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
// Check that first point not same as second and that second not same as third
let okay = true
for (let j = i; j < i + 3; j += 3) {
if (position[j] === position[j + 3] &&
position[j + 1] === position[j + 4] &&
position[j + 2] === position[j + 5]) {
okay = false
if (okay) include.push(i)
const outPosition = new Float32Array(include.length * 9)
let outIdx = 0
include.forEach(function (i) {
copyArray(position, outPosition, i * 9, outIdx * 9, 9)
return outPosition
function atomTriplePositions (sview, atomTriple) {
return validatePositions(parseNestedAtoms(sview, atomTriple))
* Converts triple positions into data required to build various buffers.
function getAngleData (position, params) {
params = params || {}
const angleStep = defaults(params.angleStep, Math.PI / 90)
const n = position.length / 9
const angles = new Float32Array(n)
const labelPosition = new Float32Array(n * 3)
const labelText = new Array(n)
const vectorPosition1 = new Float32Array(n * 6) // Two lines per angle
const vectorPosition2 = new Float32Array(n * 6)
const arcPositionTmp1 = new Array(n) // Start points for arc lines
const arcPositionTmp2 = new Array(n) // End points for arc lines
const sectorPositionTmp = new Array(n) // Triangle points
let totalSegments = 0
// Re-used vectors etc
const p1 = v3new() // Positions of points for each angel
const p2 = v3new()
const p3 = v3new()
const v21 = v3new() // Vectors
const v23 = v3new()
const cross = v3new() // Cross product v21xv23
const cross2 = v3new() // In-plane cross product v21 x (v21 x v23)
const labelTmp = v3new()
const arcPoint = v3new()
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
let p = 9 * i
v3fromArray(p1, position, p)
v3fromArray(p2, position, p + 3)
v3fromArray(p3, position, p + 6)
let v = 6 * i
v3toArray(p1, vectorPosition1, v)
v3toArray(p2, vectorPosition2, v)
v3toArray(p2, vectorPosition1, v + 3)
v3toArray(p3, vectorPosition2, v + 3)
v3sub(v21, p1, p2)
v3sub(v23, p3, p2)
v3normalize(v21, v21) // validatePositions ensures valid
v3normalize(v23, v23)
v3cross(cross, v21, v23)
const crossLength = v3length(cross)
const dot = v3dot(v21, v23)
const angle = angles[i] = Math.atan2(crossLength, dot)
labelText[i] = (RAD2DEG * angle).toFixed(1) + String.fromCharCode(0x00B0)
if (v3length(cross) === 0.0) {
// Angle exactly 0/180, pick an arbitrary direction
cross[ 0 ] = 1.0
cross[ 1 ] = 0.0
cross[ 2 ] = 0.0
v3cross(cross2, cross, v21)
v3normalize(cross2, cross2)
calcArcPoint(labelTmp, p2, v21, cross2, angle / 2.0)
// TODO: Scale label position?
v3toArray(labelTmp, labelPosition, 3 * i)
// Build the arc and sector
const nSegments = Math.ceil(angle / angleStep)
const sectorVertices = new Float32Array(nSegments * 9)
sectorPositionTmp[ i ] = sectorVertices
const arcVertices1 = new Float32Array(nSegments * 3)
const arcVertices2 = new Float32Array(nSegments * 3)
arcPositionTmp1[ i ] = arcVertices1
arcPositionTmp2[ i ] = arcVertices2
v3add(arcPoint, p2, v21) // Our initial arc point
const appendArcSection = function (a, j) {
const si = j * 9
const ai = j * 3
v3toArray(p2, sectorVertices, si)
v3toArray(arcPoint, sectorVertices, si + 3)
v3toArray(arcPoint, arcVertices1, ai)
calcArcPoint(arcPoint, p2, v21, cross2, a)
v3toArray(arcPoint, sectorVertices, si + 6)
v3toArray(arcPoint, arcVertices2, ai)
let j = 0
for (let a = angleStep; a < angle; a += angleStep) {
appendArcSection(a, j)
appendArcSection(angle, j)
totalSegments += nSegments
// Flatten nested arrays of arc/segment points
const arcSize = totalSegments * 3
const sectorSize = totalSegments * 9
const arcPosition1 = new Float32Array(arcSize)
const arcPosition2 = new Float32Array(arcSize)
const sectorPosition = new Float32Array(sectorSize)
let sectorOffset = 0
let arcOffset = 0
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
const ap1 = arcPositionTmp1[ i ]
const ap2 = arcPositionTmp2[ i ]
copyArray(ap1, arcPosition1, 0, arcOffset, ap1.length)
copyArray(ap2, arcPosition2, 0, arcOffset, ap2.length)
arcOffset += ap1.length // === ap2.length
const sp = sectorPositionTmp[ i ]
copyArray(sp, sectorPosition, 0, sectorOffset, sp.length)
sectorOffset += sp.length
return {
RepresentationRegistry.add('angle', AngleRepresentation)
export default AngleRepresentation