- /**
- * @file Ply Parser
- * @author Alexander Rose <>
- * @private
- */
- import {
- Geometry, Vector3, Face3, Color
- } from '../../lib/three.es6.js'
- import { ParserRegistry } from '../globals.js'
- import SurfaceParser from './surface-parser.js'
- /**
- * PLYLoader
- * @class
- * @private
- * @author Wei Meng /
- *
- * @description
- * A THREE loader for PLY ASCII files (known as the Polygon File Format or the Stanford Triangle Format).
- *
- * Limitations: ASCII decoding assumes file is UTF-8.
- *
- * @example
- * var loader = new THREE.PLYLoader();
- * loader.load('./models/ply/ascii/dolphins.ply', function (geometry) {
- * scene.add( new THREE.Mesh( geometry ) );
- * } );
- *
- * // If the PLY file uses non standard property names, they can be mapped while
- * // loading. For example, the following maps the properties
- * // “diffuse_(red|green|blue)” in the file to standard color names.
- *
- * loader.setPropertyNameMapping( {
- * diffuse_red: 'red',
- * diffuse_green: 'green',
- * diffuse_blue: 'blue'
- * } );
- *
- */
- function PLYLoader () {
- this.propertyNameMapping = {}
- }
- PLYLoader.prototype = {
- constructor: PLYLoader,
- setPropertyNameMapping: function (mapping) {
- this.propertyNameMapping = mapping
- },
- bin2str: function (buf) {
- var arrayBuffer = new Uint8Array(buf)
- var str = ''
- for (var i = 0; i < buf.byteLength; i++) {
- str += String.fromCharCode(arrayBuffer[ i ]) // implicitly assumes little-endian
- }
- return str
- },
- isASCII: function (data) {
- var header = this.parseHeader(this.bin2str(data))
- return header.format === 'ascii'
- },
- parse: function (data) {
- if (data instanceof ArrayBuffer) {
- return (
- this.isASCII(data)
- ? this.parseASCII(this.bin2str(data))
- : this.parseBinary(data)
- )
- } else {
- return this.parseASCII(data)
- }
- },
- parseHeader: function (data) {
- var patternHeader = /ply([\s\S]*)end_header\s/
- var headerText = ''
- var headerLength = 0
- var result = patternHeader.exec(data)
- if (result !== null) {
- headerText = result[ 1 ]
- headerLength = result[ 0 ].length
- }
- var header = {
- comments: [],
- elements: [],
- headerLength: headerLength
- }
- var lines = headerText.split('\n')
- var currentElement, lineType, lineValues
- function makePlyElementProperty (propertValues, propertyNameMapping) {
- var property = {
- type: propertValues[ 0 ]
- }
- if (property.type === 'list') {
- = propertValues[ 3 ]
- property.countType = propertValues[ 1 ]
- property.itemType = propertValues[ 2 ]
- } else {
- = propertValues[ 1 ]
- }
- if ( in propertyNameMapping) {
- = propertyNameMapping[ ]
- }
- return property
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
- var line = lines[ i ]
- line = line.trim()
- if (line === '') {
- continue
- }
- lineValues = line.split(/\s+/)
- lineType = lineValues.shift()
- line = lineValues.join(' ')
- switch (lineType) {
- case 'format':
- header.format = lineValues[ 0 ]
- header.version = lineValues[ 1 ]
- break
- case 'comment':
- header.comments.push(line)
- break
- case 'element':
- if (currentElement !== undefined) {
- header.elements.push(currentElement)
- }
- currentElement = {}
- = lineValues[ 0 ]
- currentElement.count = parseInt(lineValues[ 1 ])
- = []
- break
- case 'property':
-, this.propertyNameMapping))
- break
- default:
- console.log('unhandled', lineType, lineValues)
- }
- }
- if (currentElement !== undefined) {
- header.elements.push(currentElement)
- }
- return header
- },
- parseASCIINumber: function (n, type) {
- switch (type) {
- case 'char': case 'uchar': case 'short': case 'ushort': case 'int': case 'uint':
- case 'int8': case 'uint8': case 'int16': case 'uint16': case 'int32': case 'uint32':
- return parseInt(n)
- case 'float': case 'double': case 'float32': case 'float64':
- return parseFloat(n)
- }
- },
- parseASCIIElement: function (properties, line) {
- var values = line.split(/\s+/)
- var element = {}
- for (var i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) {
- if (properties[ i ].type === 'list') {
- var list = []
- var n = this.parseASCIINumber(values.shift(), properties[ i ].countType)
- for (var j = 0; j < n; j++) {
- list.push(this.parseASCIINumber(values.shift(), properties[ i ].itemType))
- }
- element[ properties[ i ].name ] = list
- } else {
- element[ properties[ i ].name ] = this.parseASCIINumber(values.shift(), properties[ i ].type)
- }
- }
- return element
- },
- parseASCII: function (data) {
- // PLY ascii format specification, as per
- var geometry = new Geometry()
- var result
- var header = this.parseHeader(data)
- var patternBody = /end_header\s([\s\S]*)$/
- var body = ''
- if ((result = patternBody.exec(data)) !== null) {
- body = result[ 1 ]
- }
- var lines = body.split('\n')
- var currentElement = 0
- var currentElementCount = 0
- geometry.useColor = false
- for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
- var line = lines[ i ]
- line = line.trim()
- if (line === '') {
- continue
- }
- if (currentElementCount >= header.elements[ currentElement ].count) {
- currentElement++
- currentElementCount = 0
- }
- var element = this.parseASCIIElement(header.elements[ currentElement ].properties, line)
- this.handleElement(geometry, header.elements[ currentElement ].name, element)
- currentElementCount++
- }
- return this.postProcess(geometry)
- },
- postProcess: function (geometry) {
- if (geometry.useColor) {
- for (var i = 0; i < geometry.faces.length; i++) {
- geometry.faces[ i ].vertexColors = [
- geometry.colors[ geometry.faces[ i ].a ],
- geometry.colors[ geometry.faces[ i ].b ],
- geometry.colors[ geometry.faces[ i ].c ]
- ]
- }
- geometry.elementsNeedUpdate = true
- }
- geometry.computeBoundingSphere()
- return geometry
- },
- handleElement: function (geometry, elementName, element) {
- if (elementName === 'vertex') {
- geometry.vertices.push(
- new Vector3(element.x, element.y, element.z)
- )
- if ('red' in element && 'green' in element && 'blue' in element) {
- geometry.useColor = true
- var color = new Color()
- color.setRGB( / 255.0, / 255.0, / 255.0)
- geometry.colors.push(color)
- }
- } else if (elementName === 'face') {
- var vertexIndices = element.vertex_indices
- if (vertexIndices.length === 3) {
- geometry.faces.push(
- new Face3(vertexIndices[ 0 ], vertexIndices[ 1 ], vertexIndices[ 2 ])
- )
- } else if (vertexIndices.length === 4) {
- geometry.faces.push(
- new Face3(vertexIndices[ 0 ], vertexIndices[ 1 ], vertexIndices[ 3 ]),
- new Face3(vertexIndices[ 1 ], vertexIndices[ 2 ], vertexIndices[ 3 ])
- )
- }
- }
- },
- binaryRead: function (dataview, at, type, littleEndian) {
- switch (type) {
- // corespondences for non-specific length types here match rply:
- case 'int8': case 'char': return [ dataview.getInt8(at), 1 ]
- case 'uint8': case 'uchar': return [ dataview.getUint8(at), 1 ]
- case 'int16': case 'short': return [ dataview.getInt16(at, littleEndian), 2 ]
- case 'uint16': case 'ushort': return [ dataview.getUint16(at, littleEndian), 2 ]
- case 'int32': case 'int': return [ dataview.getInt32(at, littleEndian), 4 ]
- case 'uint32': case 'uint': return [ dataview.getUint32(at, littleEndian), 4 ]
- case 'float32': case 'float': return [ dataview.getFloat32(at, littleEndian), 4 ]
- case 'float64': case 'double': return [ dataview.getFloat64(at, littleEndian), 8 ]
- }
- },
- binaryReadElement: function (dataview, at, properties, littleEndian) {
- var element = {}
- var result
- var read = 0
- for (var i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) {
- if (properties[ i ].type === 'list') {
- var list = []
- result = this.binaryRead(dataview, at + read, properties[ i ].countType, littleEndian)
- var n = result[ 0 ]
- read += result[ 1 ]
- for (var j = 0; j < n; j++) {
- result = this.binaryRead(dataview, at + read, properties[ i ].itemType, littleEndian)
- list.push(result[ 0 ])
- read += result[ 1 ]
- }
- element[ properties[ i ].name ] = list
- } else {
- result = this.binaryRead(dataview, at + read, properties[ i ].type, littleEndian)
- element[ properties[ i ].name ] = result[ 0 ]
- read += result[ 1 ]
- }
- }
- return [ element, read ]
- },
- parseBinary: function (data) {
- var geometry = new Geometry()
- var header = this.parseHeader(this.bin2str(data))
- var littleEndian = (header.format === 'binary_little_endian')
- var body = new DataView(data, header.headerLength)
- var result
- var loc = 0
- for (var currentElement = 0; currentElement < header.elements.length; currentElement++) {
- for (var currentElementCount = 0; currentElementCount < header.elements[ currentElement ].count; currentElementCount++) {
- result = this.binaryReadElement(body, loc, header.elements[ currentElement ].properties, littleEndian)
- loc += result[ 1 ]
- var element = result[ 0 ]
- this.handleElement(geometry, header.elements[ currentElement ].name, element)
- }
- }
- return this.postProcess(geometry)
- }
- }
- class PlyParser extends SurfaceParser {
- get type () { return 'ply' }
- getLoader () {
- return new PLYLoader()
- }
- }
- ParserRegistry.add('ply', PlyParser)
- export default PlyParser