NGL@1.0.0-beta.7 Home Manual Reference Source Gallery


 * @file Cif Parser
 * @author Alexander Rose <>
 * @private

import { Vector3, Matrix4 } from '../../lib/three.es6.js'

import { Debug, Log, ParserRegistry } from '../globals.js'
import StructureParser from './structure-parser.js'
import { HelixTypes } from './pdb-parser.js'
import Entity from '../structure/entity.js'
import Unitcell from '../symmetry/unitcell.js'
import Assembly from '../symmetry/assembly.js'
import Selection from '../selection/selection.js'
import {
  assignResidueTypeBonds, assignSecondaryStructure, buildUnitcellAssembly,
  calculateBonds, calculateSecondaryStructure
} from '../structure/structure-utils.js'

const reWhitespace = /\s+/
const reQuotedWhitespace = /'((?:(?!'\s).)*)'|"((?:(?!"\s).)*)"|(\S+)/g
const reDoubleQuote = /"/g
const reTrimQuotes = /^['"]+|['"]+$/g

function trimQuotes (str) {
  if (str && str[0] === str[ str.length - 1 ] && (str[0] === "'" || str[0] === '"')) {
    return str.substring(1, str.length - 1)
  } else {
    return str

function ensureArray (dict, field) {
  if (!Array.isArray(dict[ field ])) {
    Object.keys(dict).forEach(function (key) {
      dict[ key ] = [ dict[ key ] ]

function hasValue (d) {
  return d !== '?'

function cifDefaults (value, defaultValue) {
  return hasValue(value) ? value : defaultValue

function getBondOrder (valueOrder) {
  switch (valueOrder.toLowerCase()) {
    case '?':  // assume single bond
    case 'sing':
      return 1
    case 'doub':
      return 2
    case 'trip':
      return 3
    case 'quad':
      return 4
  return 0

function parseChemComp (cif, structure, structureBuilder) {
  var atomStore = structure.atomStore
  var atomMap = structure.atomMap

  var i, n
  var cc = cif.chem_comp
  var cca = cif.chem_comp_atom
  var ccb = cif.chem_comp_bond

  if (cc) {
    if ( {
      structure.title =, '')
    if ( { =, '')

  var atomnameDict = {}

  if (cca) {
    var atomname, element, resname, resno
    n = cca.comp_id.length

    for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {

      atomname = cca.atom_id[ i ].replace(reDoubleQuote, '')
      element = cca.type_symbol[ i ]

      atomnameDict[ atomname ] = i
      atomStore.atomTypeId[ i ] = atomMap.add(atomname, element)

      atomStore.x[ i ] = cca.model_Cartn_x[ i ]
      atomStore.y[ i ] = cca.model_Cartn_y[ i ]
      atomStore.z[ i ] = cca.model_Cartn_z[ i ]
      atomStore.serial[ i ] = i

      resname = cca.pdbx_component_comp_id[ i ]
      resno = cca.pdbx_residue_numbering ? cca.pdbx_residue_numbering[ i ] : 1

      structureBuilder.addAtom(0, '', '', resname, resno, 1)

    for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
      var j = i + n


      atomname = cca.atom_id[ i ].replace(reDoubleQuote, '')
      element = cca.type_symbol[ i ]

      atomStore.atomTypeId[ j ] = atomMap.add(atomname, element)

      atomStore.x[ j ] = cca.pdbx_model_Cartn_x_ideal[ i ]
      atomStore.y[ j ] = cca.pdbx_model_Cartn_y_ideal[ i ]
      atomStore.z[ j ] = cca.pdbx_model_Cartn_z_ideal[ i ]
      atomStore.serial[ j ] = j

      resname = cca.pdbx_component_comp_id[ i ]
      resno = cca.pdbx_residue_numbering ? cca.pdbx_residue_numbering[ i ] : 1

      structureBuilder.addAtom(1, '', '', resname, resno, 1)

  if (cca && ccb) {
    var atomname1, atomname2, bondOrder
    n = ccb.comp_id.length
    var na = cca.comp_id.length

    var ap1 = structure.getAtomProxy()
    var ap2 = structure.getAtomProxy()

    for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
      atomname1 = ccb.atom_id_1[ i ].replace(reDoubleQuote, '')
      atomname2 = ccb.atom_id_2[ i ].replace(reDoubleQuote, '')
      bondOrder = getBondOrder(ccb.value_order[ i ])

      ap1.index = atomnameDict[ atomname1 ]
      ap2.index = atomnameDict[ atomname2 ]
      structure.bondStore.addBond(ap1, ap2, bondOrder)

      ap1.index += na
      ap2.index += na
      structure.bondStore.addBond(ap1, ap2, bondOrder)

function parseCore (cif, structure, structureBuilder) {
  var atomStore = structure.atomStore
  var atomMap = structure.atomMap

  if ( { = =

  structure.unitcell = new Unitcell({
    a: parseFloat(cif.cell_length_a),
    b: parseFloat(cif.cell_length_b),
    c: parseFloat(cif.cell_length_c),
    alpha: parseFloat(cif.cell_angle_alpha),
    beta: parseFloat(cif.cell_angle_beta),
    gamma: parseFloat(cif.cell_angle_gamma),
    spacegroup: trimQuotes(cif.symmetry_space_group_name_H)

  const v = new Vector3()
  const c = new Vector3()
  const n = cif.atom_site_type_symbol.length

  for (let i = 0; i < n; ++i) {

    const atomname = cif.atom_site_label[ i ]
    const element = cif.atom_site_type_symbol[ i ]

    atomStore.atomTypeId[ i ] = atomMap.add(atomname, element)

      cif.atom_site_fract_x[ i ],
      cif.atom_site_fract_y[ i ],
      cif.atom_site_fract_z[ i ]

    atomStore.x[ i ] = v.x
    atomStore.y[ i ] = v.y
    atomStore.z[ i ] = v.z
    if (cif.atom_site_occupancy) {
      atomStore.occupancy[ i ] = parseFloat(cif.atom_site_occupancy[ i ])
    atomStore.serial[ i ] = i

    structureBuilder.addAtom(0, '', '', 'HET', 1, 1)

  c.divideScalar(n) = c

  const v2 = new Vector3()
  const v3 = new Vector3()
  const ml = structure.biomolDict.SUPERCELL.partList[ 0 ].matrixList

  let k = n

  function covalent (idx) {
    return atomMap.get(atomStore.atomTypeId[ idx ]).covalent
  const identityMatrix = new Matrix4()

  for (let i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    const covalentI = covalent(i)

      atomStore.x[ i ],
      atomStore.y[ i ],
      atomStore.z[ i ]

    ml.forEach(function (m) {
      if (identityMatrix.equals(m)) return


      for (let j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
          atomStore.x[ j ],
          atomStore.y[ j ],
          atomStore.z[ j ]

        const distSquared = v2.distanceToSquared(v3)
        const d = covalent(j) + covalentI
        const d1 = d + 0.3
        const d2 = d - 0.5

        if (distSquared < (d1 * d1) && distSquared > (d2 * d2)) {

          atomStore.atomTypeId[ k ] = atomStore.atomTypeId[ i ]
          atomStore.x[ k ] = v2.x
          atomStore.y[ k ] = v2.y
          atomStore.z[ k ] = v2.z
          atomStore.occupancy[ k ] = atomStore.occupancy[ i ]
          atomStore.serial[ k ] = k
          atomStore.altloc[ k ] = 'A'.charCodeAt(0)

          structureBuilder.addAtom(0, '', '', 'HET', 1, 1)

          k += 1

function processSecondaryStructure (cif, structure, asymIdDict) {
  var helices = []
  var sheets = []

  var i, il, begIcode, endIcode

  // get helices
  var sc = cif.struct_conf

  if (sc) {
    ensureArray(sc, 'id')

    for (i = 0, il = sc.beg_auth_seq_id.length; i < il; ++i) {
      var helixType = parseInt(sc.pdbx_PDB_helix_class[ i ])
      if (!Number.isNaN(helixType)) {
        begIcode = sc.pdbx_beg_PDB_ins_code[ i ]
        endIcode = sc.pdbx_end_PDB_ins_code[ i ]
          asymIdDict[ sc.beg_label_asym_id[ i ] ],
          parseInt(sc.beg_auth_seq_id[ i ]),
          cifDefaults(begIcode, ''),
          asymIdDict[ sc.end_label_asym_id[ i ] ],
          parseInt(sc.end_auth_seq_id[ i ]),
          cifDefaults(endIcode, ''),
          (HelixTypes[ helixType ] || HelixTypes['']).charCodeAt(0)

  // get sheets
  var ssr = cif.struct_sheet_range

  if (ssr) {
    ensureArray(ssr, 'id')

    for (i = 0, il = ssr.beg_auth_seq_id.length; i < il; ++i) {
      begIcode = ssr.pdbx_beg_PDB_ins_code[ i ]
      endIcode = ssr.pdbx_end_PDB_ins_code[ i ]
        asymIdDict[ ssr.beg_label_asym_id[ i ] ],
        parseInt(ssr.beg_auth_seq_id[ i ]),
        cifDefaults(begIcode, ''),
        asymIdDict[ ssr.end_label_asym_id[ i ] ],
        parseInt(ssr.end_auth_seq_id[ i ]),
        cifDefaults(endIcode, '')

  if (sc || ssr) {
    return {
      helices: helices,
      sheets: sheets
  } else {
    return false

function processSymmetry (cif, structure, asymIdDict) {
  // biomol & ncs processing
  var operDict = {}
  var biomolDict = structure.biomolDict

  if (cif.pdbx_struct_oper_list) {
    var biomolOp = cif.pdbx_struct_oper_list
    ensureArray(biomolOp, 'id') (id, i) {
      var m = new Matrix4()
      var elms = m.elements

      elms[ 0 ] = parseFloat(biomolOp[ 'matrix[1][1]' ][ i ])
      elms[ 1 ] = parseFloat(biomolOp[ 'matrix[1][2]' ][ i ])
      elms[ 2 ] = parseFloat(biomolOp[ 'matrix[1][3]' ][ i ])

      elms[ 4 ] = parseFloat(biomolOp[ 'matrix[2][1]' ][ i ])
      elms[ 5 ] = parseFloat(biomolOp[ 'matrix[2][2]' ][ i ])
      elms[ 6 ] = parseFloat(biomolOp[ 'matrix[2][3]' ][ i ])

      elms[ 8 ] = parseFloat(biomolOp[ 'matrix[3][1]' ][ i ])
      elms[ 9 ] = parseFloat(biomolOp[ 'matrix[3][2]' ][ i ])
      elms[ 10 ] = parseFloat(biomolOp[ 'matrix[3][3]' ][ i ])

      elms[ 3 ] = parseFloat(biomolOp[ 'vector[1]' ][ i ])
      elms[ 7 ] = parseFloat(biomolOp[ 'vector[2]' ][ i ])
      elms[ 11 ] = parseFloat(biomolOp[ 'vector[3]' ][ i ])


      operDict[ id ] = m

  if (cif.pdbx_struct_assembly_gen) {
    var gen = cif.pdbx_struct_assembly_gen
    ensureArray(gen, 'assembly_id')

    var getMatrixDict = function (expr) {
      var matDict = {}

      var l = expr.replace(/[()']/g, '').split(',')

      l.forEach(function (e) {
        if (e.includes('-')) {
          var es = e.split('-')

          var j = parseInt(es[ 0 ])
          var m = parseInt(es[ 1 ])

          for (; j <= m; ++j) {
            matDict[ j ] = operDict[ j ]
        } else {
          matDict[ e ] = operDict[ e ]

      return matDict

    gen.assembly_id.forEach(function (id, i) {
      var md = {}
      var oe = gen.oper_expression[ i ].replace(/['"]\(|['"]/g, '')

      if (oe.includes(')(') || oe.indexOf('(') > 0) {
        oe = oe.split('(')

        var md1 = getMatrixDict(oe[ 0 ])
        var md2 = getMatrixDict(oe[ 1 ])

        Object.keys(md1).forEach(function (k1) {
          Object.keys(md2).forEach(function (k2) {
            var mat = new Matrix4()

            mat.multiplyMatrices(md1[ k1 ], md2[ k2 ])
            md[ k1 + 'x' + k2 ] = mat
      } else {
        md = getMatrixDict(oe)

      var matrixList = []
      for (var k in md) {
        matrixList.push(md[ k ])

      var name = id
      if (/^(0|[1-9][0-9]*)$/.test(name)) name = 'BU' + name

      var chainList = gen.asym_id_list[ i ].split(',')
      for (var j = 0, jl = chainList.length; j < jl; ++j) {
        chainList[ j ] = asymIdDict[ chainList[ j ] ]

      if (biomolDict[ name ] === undefined) {
        biomolDict[ name ] = new Assembly(name)
      biomolDict[ name ].addPart(matrixList, chainList)

  // non-crystallographic symmetry operations
  if (cif.struct_ncs_oper) {
    var ncsOp = cif.struct_ncs_oper
    ensureArray(ncsOp, 'id')

    var ncsName = 'NCS'
    biomolDict[ ncsName ] = new Assembly(ncsName)
    var ncsPart = biomolDict[ ncsName ].addPart() (id, i) {
      // ignore 'given' operators
      if (ncsOp.code[ i ] === 'given') return

      var m = new Matrix4()
      var elms = m.elements

      elms[ 0 ] = parseFloat(ncsOp[ 'matrix[1][1]' ][ i ])
      elms[ 1 ] = parseFloat(ncsOp[ 'matrix[1][2]' ][ i ])
      elms[ 2 ] = parseFloat(ncsOp[ 'matrix[1][3]' ][ i ])

      elms[ 4 ] = parseFloat(ncsOp[ 'matrix[2][1]' ][ i ])
      elms[ 5 ] = parseFloat(ncsOp[ 'matrix[2][2]' ][ i ])
      elms[ 6 ] = parseFloat(ncsOp[ 'matrix[2][3]' ][ i ])

      elms[ 8 ] = parseFloat(ncsOp[ 'matrix[3][1]' ][ i ])
      elms[ 9 ] = parseFloat(ncsOp[ 'matrix[3][2]' ][ i ])
      elms[ 10 ] = parseFloat(ncsOp[ 'matrix[3][3]' ][ i ])

      elms[ 3 ] = parseFloat(ncsOp[ 'vector[1]' ][ i ])
      elms[ 7 ] = parseFloat(ncsOp[ 'vector[2]' ][ i ])
      elms[ 11 ] = parseFloat(ncsOp[ 'vector[3]' ][ i ])



    if (ncsPart.matrixList.length === 0) {
      delete biomolDict[ ncsName ]

  // cell & symmetry
  var unitcellDict = {}

  if (cif.cell) {
    var cell = cif.cell

    var a = parseFloat(cell.length_a)
    var b = parseFloat(cell.length_b)
    var c = parseFloat(cell.length_c)

    var box = new Float32Array(9)
    box[ 0 ] = a
    box[ 4 ] = b
    box[ 8 ] = c

    unitcellDict.a = a
    unitcellDict.b = b
    unitcellDict.c = c
    unitcellDict.alpha = parseFloat(cell.angle_alpha)
    unitcellDict.beta = parseFloat(cell.angle_beta)
    unitcellDict.gamma = parseFloat(cell.angle_gamma)

  if (cif.symmetry) {
    unitcellDict.spacegroup = trimQuotes(
            cif.symmetry[ 'space_group_name_H-M' ]

  // origx
  var origx = new Matrix4()

  if (cif.database_PDB_matrix) {
    var origxMat = cif.database_PDB_matrix
    var origxElms = origx.elements

    origxElms[ 0 ] = parseFloat(origxMat[ 'origx[1][1]' ])
    origxElms[ 1 ] = parseFloat(origxMat[ 'origx[1][2]' ])
    origxElms[ 2 ] = parseFloat(origxMat[ 'origx[1][3]' ])

    origxElms[ 4 ] = parseFloat(origxMat[ 'origx[2][1]' ])
    origxElms[ 5 ] = parseFloat(origxMat[ 'origx[2][2]' ])
    origxElms[ 6 ] = parseFloat(origxMat[ 'origx[2][3]' ])

    origxElms[ 8 ] = parseFloat(origxMat[ 'origx[3][1]' ])
    origxElms[ 9 ] = parseFloat(origxMat[ 'origx[3][2]' ])
    origxElms[ 10 ] = parseFloat(origxMat[ 'origx[3][3]' ])

    origxElms[ 3 ] = parseFloat(origxMat[ 'origx_vector[1]' ])
    origxElms[ 7 ] = parseFloat(origxMat[ 'origx_vector[2]' ])
    origxElms[ 11 ] = parseFloat(origxMat[ 'origx_vector[3]' ])


    unitcellDict.origx = origx

  // scale
  var scale = new Matrix4()

  if (cif.atom_sites) {
    var scaleMat = cif.atom_sites
    var scaleElms = scale.elements

    scaleElms[ 0 ] = parseFloat(scaleMat[ 'fract_transf_matrix[1][1]' ])
    scaleElms[ 1 ] = parseFloat(scaleMat[ 'fract_transf_matrix[1][2]' ])
    scaleElms[ 2 ] = parseFloat(scaleMat[ 'fract_transf_matrix[1][3]' ])

    scaleElms[ 4 ] = parseFloat(scaleMat[ 'fract_transf_matrix[2][1]' ])
    scaleElms[ 5 ] = parseFloat(scaleMat[ 'fract_transf_matrix[2][2]' ])
    scaleElms[ 6 ] = parseFloat(scaleMat[ 'fract_transf_matrix[2][3]' ])

    scaleElms[ 8 ] = parseFloat(scaleMat[ 'fract_transf_matrix[3][1]' ])
    scaleElms[ 9 ] = parseFloat(scaleMat[ 'fract_transf_matrix[3][2]' ])
    scaleElms[ 10 ] = parseFloat(scaleMat[ 'fract_transf_matrix[3][3]' ])

    scaleElms[ 3 ] = parseFloat(scaleMat[ 'fract_transf_vector[1]' ])
    scaleElms[ 7 ] = parseFloat(scaleMat[ 'fract_transf_vector[2]' ])
    scaleElms[ 11 ] = parseFloat(scaleMat[ 'fract_transf_vector[3]' ])


    unitcellDict.scale = scale

  if (unitcellDict.a !== undefined) {
    structure.unitcell = new Unitcell(unitcellDict)
  } else {
    structure.unitcell = undefined

function processConnections (cif, structure, asymIdDict) {
  // add connections
  var sc = cif.struct_conn

  if (sc) {
    ensureArray(sc, 'id')

    var reDoubleQuote = /"/g
    var ap1 = structure.getAtomProxy()
    var ap2 = structure.getAtomProxy()
    var atomIndicesCache = {}

    for (var i = 0, il =; i < il; ++i) {
      // ignore:
      // hydrog - hydrogen bond
      // mismat - mismatched base pairs
      // saltbr - ionic interaction

      var connTypeId = sc.conn_type_id[ i ]
      if (connTypeId === 'hydrog' ||
          connTypeId === 'mismat' ||
          connTypeId === 'saltbr') continue

      // ignore bonds between symmetry mates
      if (sc.ptnr1_symmetry[ i ] !== '1_555' ||
          sc.ptnr2_symmetry[ i ] !== '1_555') continue

      // process:
      // covale - covalent bond
      // covale_base -
      //      covalent modification of a nucleotide base
      // covale_phosphate -
      //      covalent modification of a nucleotide phosphate
      // covale_sugar -
      //      covalent modification of a nucleotide sugar
      // disulf - disulfide bridge
      // metalc - metal coordination
      // modres - covalent residue modification

      var inscode1 = sc.pdbx_ptnr1_PDB_ins_code[ i ]
      var altloc1 = sc.pdbx_ptnr1_label_alt_id[ i ]
      var sele1 = (
        sc.ptnr1_auth_seq_id[ i ] +
        (hasValue(inscode1) ? ('^' + inscode1) : '') +
        ':' + asymIdDict[ sc.ptnr1_label_asym_id[ i ] ] +
        '.' + sc.ptnr1_label_atom_id[ i ].replace(reDoubleQuote, '') +
        (hasValue(altloc1) ? ('%' + altloc1) : '')
      var atomIndices1 = atomIndicesCache[ sele1 ]
      if (!atomIndices1) {
        var selection1 = new Selection(sele1)
        if (selection1.selection.error) {
          if (Debug) Log.warn('invalid selection for connection', sele1)
        atomIndices1 = structure.getAtomIndices(selection1)
        atomIndicesCache[ sele1 ] = atomIndices1

      var inscode2 = sc.pdbx_ptnr2_PDB_ins_code[ i ]
      var altloc2 = sc.pdbx_ptnr2_label_alt_id[ i ]
      var sele2 = (
        sc.ptnr2_auth_seq_id[ i ] +
        (hasValue(inscode2) ? ('^' + inscode2) : '') +
        ':' + asymIdDict[ sc.ptnr2_label_asym_id[ i ] ] +
        '.' + sc.ptnr2_label_atom_id[ i ].replace(reDoubleQuote, '') +
        (hasValue(altloc2) ? ('%' + altloc2) : '')
      var atomIndices2 = atomIndicesCache[ sele2 ]
      if (!atomIndices2) {
        var selection2 = new Selection(sele2)
        if (selection2.selection.error) {
          if (Debug) Log.warn('invalid selection for connection', sele2)
        atomIndices2 = structure.getAtomIndices(selection2)
        atomIndicesCache[ sele2 ] = atomIndices2

      // cases with more than one atom per selection
      // - #altloc1 to #altloc2
      // - #model to #model
      // - #altloc1 * #model to #altloc2 * #model

      var k = atomIndices1.length
      var l = atomIndices2.length

      if (k > l) {
        var tmpA = k
        k = l
        l = tmpA
        var tmpB = atomIndices1
        atomIndices1 = atomIndices2
        atomIndices2 = tmpB

      // console.log( k, l );

      if (k === 0 || l === 0) {
        if (Debug) Log.warn('no atoms found for', sele1, sele2)

      for (var j = 0; j < l; ++j) {
        ap1.index = atomIndices1[ j % k ]
        ap2.index = atomIndices2[ j ]

        if (ap1 && ap2) {
            ap1, ap2, getBondOrder(sc.pdbx_value_order[ i ])
        } else {
          Log.log('atoms for connection not found')

function processEntities (cif, structure, chainIndexDict) {
  if (cif.entity) {
    ensureArray(cif.entity, 'id')
    var e = cif.entity
    var n =
    for (var i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
      var description = e.pdbx_description[ i ]
      var type = e.type[ i ]
      var chainIndexList = Array.from(chainIndexDict[[ i ] ])
      structure.entityList[ i ] = new Entity(
        structure, i, description, type, chainIndexList


class CifParser extends StructureParser {
  get type () { return 'cif' }

  _parse () {

    Log.time('CifParser._parse ' +

    var s = this.structure
    var sb = this.structureBuilder

    var firstModelOnly = this.firstModelOnly
    var asTrajectory = this.asTrajectory
    var cAlphaOnly = this.cAlphaOnly

    var frames = s.frames
    var currentFrame, currentCoord

    var rawline, line


    var cif = {}
    var asymIdDict = {}
    var chainIndexDict = {}

    var pendingString = false
    var currentString = null
    var pendingValue = false
    var pendingLoop = false
    var pendingName = false
    var loopPointers = []
    var currentLoopIndex = null
    var currentCategory = null
    var currentName = null
    var first = null
    var pointerNames = []

    var authAsymId, authSeqId,
      labelAtomId, labelCompId, labelAsymId, labelEntityId, labelAltId,
      groupPDB, id, typeSymbol, pdbxPDBmodelNum, pdbxPDBinsCode,
      CartnX, CartnY, CartnZ, bIsoOrEquiv, occupancy


    var atomMap = s.atomMap
    var atomStore = s.atomStore
    atomStore.resize( / 100)

    var idx = 0
    var modelIdx = 0
    var modelNum

    function _parseChunkOfLines (_i, _n, lines) {
      for (var i = _i; i < _n; ++i) {
        rawline = lines[i]
        line = rawline.trim()

        if ((!line && !pendingString && !pendingLoop) || line[0] === '#') {
          // Log.log( "NEW BLOCK" );

          pendingString = false
          pendingLoop = false
          pendingValue = false
          loopPointers.length = 0
          currentLoopIndex = null
          currentCategory = null
          currentName = null
          first = null
          pointerNames.length = 0
        } else if (line.substring(0, 5) === 'data_') {
 = line.substring(5).trim()

          // Log.log( "DATA", data );
        } else if (line[0] === ';') {
          if (pendingString) {
            // Log.log( "STRING END", currentString );

            if (pendingLoop) {
              if (currentLoopIndex === loopPointers.length) {
                currentLoopIndex = 0
              loopPointers[ currentLoopIndex ].push(currentString)
              currentLoopIndex += 1
            } else {
              if (currentName === false) {
                cif[ currentCategory ] = currentString
              } else {
                cif[ currentCategory ][ currentName ] = currentString

            pendingString = false
            currentString = null
          } else {
            // Log.log( "STRING START" );

            pendingString = true
            currentString = line.substring(1)
        } else if (line === 'loop_') {
          // Log.log( "LOOP START" );

          pendingLoop = true
          pendingName = true
          loopPointers.length = 0
          pointerNames.length = 0
          currentLoopIndex = 0
        } else if (line[0] === '_') {
          var keyParts, category, name

          if (pendingLoop && !pendingName) {
            pendingLoop = false

          if (pendingLoop) {
            // Log.log( "LOOP KEY", line );

            keyParts = line.split('.')
            category = keyParts[ 0 ].substring(1)
            name = keyParts[ 1 ]

            if (keyParts.length === 1) {
              name = false
              if (!cif[ category ]) cif[ category ] = []
              loopPointers.push(cif[ category ])
            } else {
              if (!cif[ category ]) cif[ category ] = {}
              if (cif[ category ][ name ]) {
                if (Debug) Log.warn(category, name, 'already exists')
              } else {
                cif[ category ][ name ] = []
                loopPointers.push(cif[ category ][ name ])

            currentCategory = category
            currentName = name
            first = true
          } else {
            var keyValuePair = line.match(reQuotedWhitespace)
            var key = keyValuePair[ 0 ]
            var value = keyValuePair[ 1 ]
            keyParts = key.split('.')
            category = keyParts[ 0 ].substring(1)
            name = keyParts[ 1 ]

            if (keyParts.length === 1) {
              name = false
              cif[ category ] = value
            } else {
              if (!cif[ category ]) cif[ category ] = {}

              if (cif[ category ][ name ]) {
                if (Debug) Log.warn(category, name, 'already exists')
              } else {
                cif[ category ][ name ] = value

            if (!value) pendingValue = true

            currentCategory = category
            currentName = name
        } else {
          if (pendingString) {
            // Log.log( "STRING VALUE", line );

            currentString += rawline
          } else if (pendingLoop) {
            // Log.log( "LOOP VALUE", line );

            if (!line) {
            } else if (currentCategory === 'atom_site') {
              const ls = line.split(reWhitespace)

              if (first) {
                authAsymId = pointerNames.indexOf('auth_asym_id')
                authSeqId = pointerNames.indexOf('auth_seq_id')
                labelAtomId = pointerNames.indexOf('label_atom_id')
                labelCompId = pointerNames.indexOf('label_comp_id')
                labelAsymId = pointerNames.indexOf('label_asym_id')
                labelEntityId = pointerNames.indexOf('label_entity_id')
                labelAltId = pointerNames.indexOf('label_alt_id')
                CartnX = pointerNames.indexOf('Cartn_x')
                CartnY = pointerNames.indexOf('Cartn_y')
                CartnZ = pointerNames.indexOf('Cartn_z')
                id = pointerNames.indexOf('id')
                typeSymbol = pointerNames.indexOf('type_symbol')
                groupPDB = pointerNames.indexOf('group_PDB')
                bIsoOrEquiv = pointerNames.indexOf('B_iso_or_equiv')
                pdbxPDBmodelNum = pointerNames.indexOf('pdbx_PDB_model_num')

                pdbxPDBinsCode = pointerNames.indexOf('pdbx_PDB_ins_code')
                occupancy = pointerNames.indexOf('occupancy')

                first = false

                modelNum = parseInt(ls[ pdbxPDBmodelNum ])

                if (asTrajectory) {
                  currentFrame = []
                  currentCoord = 0


              const _modelNum = parseInt(ls[ pdbxPDBmodelNum ])

              if (modelNum !== _modelNum) {
                if (asTrajectory) {
                  if (modelIdx === 0) {
                    frames.push(new Float32Array(currentFrame))

                  currentFrame = new Float32Array(atomStore.count * 3)
                  currentCoord = 0

                modelIdx += 1

              modelNum = _modelNum

              if (firstModelOnly && modelIdx > 0) continue


              const atomname = ls[ labelAtomId ].replace(reDoubleQuote, '')
              if (cAlphaOnly && atomname !== 'CA') continue

              const x = parseFloat(ls[ CartnX ])
              const y = parseFloat(ls[ CartnY ])
              const z = parseFloat(ls[ CartnZ ])

              if (asTrajectory) {
                const frameOffset = currentCoord * 3

                currentFrame[ frameOffset + 0 ] = x
                currentFrame[ frameOffset + 1 ] = y
                currentFrame[ frameOffset + 2 ] = z

                currentCoord += 1

                if (modelIdx > 0) continue


              const resname = ls[ labelCompId ]
              const resno = parseInt(ls[ authSeqId ])
              let inscode = ls[ pdbxPDBinsCode ]
              inscode = (inscode === '?') ? '' : inscode
              const chainname = ls[ authAsymId ]
              const chainid = ls[ labelAsymId ]
              const hetero = (ls[ groupPDB ][ 0 ] === 'H') ? 1 : 0


              const element = ls[ typeSymbol ]
              const bfactor = parseFloat(ls[ bIsoOrEquiv ])
              const occ = parseFloat(ls[ occupancy ])
              let altloc = ls[ labelAltId ]
              altloc = (altloc === '.') ? '' : altloc

              atomStore.atomTypeId[ idx ] = atomMap.add(atomname, element)

              atomStore.x[ idx ] = x
              atomStore.y[ idx ] = y
              atomStore.z[ idx ] = z
              atomStore.serial[ idx ] = parseInt(ls[ id ])
              atomStore.bfactor[ idx ] = isNaN(bfactor) ? 0 : bfactor
              atomStore.occupancy[ idx ] = isNaN(occ) ? 0 : occ
              atomStore.altloc[ idx ] = altloc.charCodeAt(0)

              sb.addAtom(modelIdx, chainname, chainid, resname, resno, hetero, undefined, inscode)

              if (Debug) {
                // check if one-to-many (chainname-asymId) relationship is
                // actually a many-to-many mapping
                const assignedChainname = asymIdDict[ chainid ]
                if (assignedChainname !== undefined && assignedChainname !== chainname) {
                  if (Debug) Log.warn(assignedChainname, chainname)
              // chainname mapping: label_asym_id -> auth_asym_id
              asymIdDict[ chainid ] = chainname

              // entity mapping: chainIndex -> label_entity_id
              const entityId = ls[ labelEntityId ]
              if (!chainIndexDict[ entityId ]) {
                chainIndexDict[ entityId ] = new Set()
              chainIndexDict[ entityId ].add(s.chainStore.count - 1)

              idx += 1
            } else {
              const ls = line.match(reQuotedWhitespace)
              const nn = ls.length

              if (currentLoopIndex === loopPointers.length) {
                currentLoopIndex = 0
              }/* else if( currentLoopIndex + nn > loopPointers.length ){
                Log.warn( "cif parsing error, wrong number of loop data entries", nn, loopPointers.length );
              } */

              for (let j = 0; j < nn; ++j) {
                loopPointers[ currentLoopIndex + j ].push(ls[ j ])

              currentLoopIndex += nn

            pendingName = false
          } else if (line[0] === "'" && line[line.length - 1] === "'") {
            // Log.log( "NEWLINE STRING", line );

            const str = line.substring(1, line.length - 1)

            if (currentName === false) {
              cif[ currentCategory ] = str
            } else {
              cif[ currentCategory ][ currentName ] = str
          } else if (pendingValue) {
            // Log.log( "NEWLINE VALUE", line );

            if (currentName === false) {
              cif[ currentCategory ] = line
            } else {
              cif[ currentCategory ][ currentName ] = line
          } else {
            if (Debug) Log.log('CifParser._parse: unknown state', line)

    this.streamer.eachChunkOfLines(function (lines/*, chunkNo, chunkCount */) {
      _parseChunkOfLines(0, lines.length, lines)

    if (cif.chem_comp && cif.chem_comp_atom) {
      parseChemComp(cif, s, sb)
    } else if (cif.atom_site_type_symbol && cif.atom_site_label && cif.atom_site_fract_x) {
      parseCore(cif, s, sb)
      // assignResidueTypeBonds( s );
    } else {
      var secStruct = processSecondaryStructure(cif, s, asymIdDict)
      processSymmetry(cif, s, asymIdDict)
      processConnections(cif, s, asymIdDict)
      processEntities(cif, s, chainIndexDict)

      if (cif.struct && cif.struct.title) {
        s.title = cif.struct.title.trim().replace(reTrimQuotes, '')
      if (cif.entry && { =, '')

      // structure header (mimicking biojava)
      if (cif.pdbx_audit_revision_history) {
        if (cif.pdbx_audit_revision_history.revision_date) {
          ensureArray(cif.pdbx_audit_revision_history, 'revision_date')
          const dates = cif.pdbx_audit_revision_history.revision_date.filter(hasValue)
          if (dates.length) {
            s.header.releaseDate = dates[ 0 ]
        if (cif.pdbx_database_status.recvd_initial_deposition_date) {
          ensureArray(cif.pdbx_database_status, 'recvd_initial_deposition_date')
          const depDates = cif.pdbx_database_status.recvd_initial_deposition_date.filter(hasValue)
          if (depDates.length) {
            s.header.depositionDate = depDates[ 0 ]
      } else if (cif.database_PDB_rev) {
        if ( {
          ensureArray(cif.database_PDB_rev, 'date')
          const dates =
          if (dates.length) {
            s.header.releaseDate = dates[ 0 ]
        if (cif.database_PDB_rev.date_original) {
          ensureArray(cif.database_PDB_rev, 'date_original')
          const depDates = cif.database_PDB_rev.date_original.filter(hasValue)
          if (depDates.length) {
            s.header.depositionDate = depDates[ 0 ]
      if (cif.reflns && cif.reflns.d_resolution_high) {
        if (hasValue(cif.reflns.d_resolution_high)) {
          s.header.resolution = parseFloat(cif.reflns.d_resolution_high)
      } else if (cif.refine && cif.refine.ls_d_res_high) {
        if (hasValue(cif.refine.ls_d_res_high)) {
          s.header.resolution = parseFloat(cif.refine.ls_d_res_high)
      if (cif.refine && cif.refine.ls_R_factor_R_free) {
        if (hasValue(cif.refine.ls_R_factor_R_free)) {
          s.header.rFree = parseFloat(cif.refine.ls_R_factor_R_free)
      if (cif.refine && cif.refine.ls_R_factor_R_work) {
        if (hasValue(cif.refine.ls_R_factor_R_work)) {
          s.header.rWork = parseFloat(cif.refine.ls_R_factor_R_work)
      if (cif.exptl && cif.exptl.method) {
        ensureArray(cif.exptl, 'method')
        s.header.experimentalMethods = (m) {
          return m.replace(reTrimQuotes, '')


      if (!secStruct) {
      } else {
        assignSecondaryStructure(s, secStruct)

      s.extraData.cif = cif

    if (Debug) Log.timeEnd('CifParser._parse ' +

ParserRegistry.add('cif', CifParser)
ParserRegistry.add('mcif', CifParser)
ParserRegistry.add('mmcif', CifParser)

export default CifParser