NGL@1.0.0-beta.7 Home Manual Reference Source Gallery


 * @file Animation Controls
 * @author Alexander Rose <>
 * @private

import { Vector3, Quaternion } from '../../lib/three.es6.js'

import { ensureMatrix4 } from '../utils.js'
import {
    SpinAnimation, RockAnimation, MoveAnimation, ZoomAnimation,
    RotateAnimation, ValueAnimation, TimeoutAnimation, AnimationList
} from '../animation/animation.js'

 * Animation controls
class AnimationControls {
     * Create animation controls
     * @param  {Stage} stage - the stage object
  constructor (stage) {
    this.stage = stage
    this.viewer = stage.viewer
    this.controls = stage.viewerControls

    this.animationList = []
    this.finishedList = []

     * True when all animations are paused
     * @type {Boolean}
  get paused () {
    return this.animationList.every(animation => animation.paused)

     * Add an animation
     * @param {Animation} animation - the animation
     * @return {Animation} the animation
  add (animation) {
    if (animation.duration === 0) {
    } else {

    return animation

     * Remove an animation
     * @param {Animation} animation - the animation
     * @return {undefined}
  remove (animation) {
    const list = this.animationList
    const index = list.indexOf(animation)

    if (index > -1) {
      list.splice(index, 1)

     * Run all animations
     * @param  {Stats} stats - a viewer stats objects
     * @return {undefined}
  run (stats) {
    const finishedList = this.finishedList
    const animationList = this.animationList

    const n = animationList.length
    for (let i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
      const animation = animationList[ i ]
            // tick returns true when finished
      if (animation.tick(stats)) {

    const m = finishedList.length
    if (m) {
      for (let j = 0; j < m; ++j) {
        this.remove(finishedList[ j ])
      finishedList.length = 0

     * Add a spin animation
     * @param  {Vector3} axis - axis to spin around
     * @param  {Number} angle - amount to spin per frame, radians
     * @param  {Number} duration - animation time in milliseconds
     * @return {SpinAnimation} the animation
  spin (axis, angle, duration) {
    return this.add(
            new SpinAnimation(duration, this.controls, axis, angle)

     * Add a rock animation
     * @param  {Vector3} axis - axis to rock around
     * @param  {Number} angle - amount to spin per frame, radians
     * @param  {Number} end - maximum extend of motion, radians
     * @param  {Number} duration - animation time in milliseconds
     * @return {SpinAnimation} the animation
  rock (axis, angle, end, duration) {
    return this.add(
            new RockAnimation(duration, this.controls, axis, angle, end)

     * Add a rotate animation
     * @param  {Quaternion} rotateTo - target rotation
     * @param  {Number} duration - animation time in milliseconds
     * @return {RotateAnimation} the animation
  rotate (rotateTo, duration) {
    const rotateFrom = this.viewer.rotationGroup.quaternion.clone()

    return this.add(
            new RotateAnimation(duration, this.controls, rotateFrom, rotateTo)

     * Add a move animation
     * @param  {Vector3} moveTo - target position
     * @param  {Number} duration - animation time in milliseconds
     * @return {MoveAnimation} the animation
  move (moveTo, duration) {
    const moveFrom = this.controls.position.clone().negate()

    return this.add(
            new MoveAnimation(duration, this.controls, moveFrom, moveTo)

     * Add a zoom animation
     * @param  {Number} zoomTo - target distance
     * @param  {Number} duration - animation time in milliseconds
     * @return {ZoomAnimation} the animation
  zoom (zoomTo, duration) {
    const zoomFrom =

    return this.add(
            new ZoomAnimation(duration, this.controls, zoomFrom, zoomTo)

     * Add a zoom and a move animation
     * @param  {Vector3} moveTo - target position
     * @param  {Number} zoomTo - target distance
     * @param  {Number} duration - animation time in milliseconds
     * @return {Array} the animations
  zoomMove (moveTo, zoomTo, duration) {
    return new AnimationList([
      this.move(moveTo, duration),
      this.zoom(zoomTo, duration)

     * Add an orient animation
     * @param  {OrientationMatrix|Array} orientTo - target orientation
     * @param  {Number} duration - animation time in milliseconds
     * @return {Array} the animations
  orient (orientTo, duration) {
    const p = new Vector3()
    const q = new Quaternion()
    const s = new Vector3()

    ensureMatrix4(orientTo).decompose(p, q, s)

    return new AnimationList([
      this.move(p.negate(), duration),
      this.rotate(q, duration),
      this.zoom(-s.x, duration)

     * Add a value animation
     * @param  {Number} valueFrom - start value
     * @param  {Number} valueTo - target value
     * @param  {Function} callback - called on every tick
     * @param  {Number} duration - animation time in milliseconds
     * @return {ValueAnimation} the animation
  value (valueFrom, valueTo, callback, duration) {
    return this.add(
            new ValueAnimation(duration, this.controls, valueFrom, valueTo, callback)

     * Add a timeout animation
     * @param  {Function} callback - called after duration
     * @param  {Number} duration - timeout in milliseconds
     * @return {TimeoutAnimation} the animation
  timeout (callback, duration) {
    return this.add(
            new TimeoutAnimation(duration, this.controls, callback)

     * Add a component spin animation
     * @param  {Component} component - object to move
     * @param  {Vector3} axis - axis to spin around
     * @param  {Number} angle - amount to spin per frame, radians
     * @param  {Number} duration - animation time in milliseconds
     * @return {SpinAnimation} the animation
  spinComponent (component, axis, angle, duration) {
    return this.add(
            new SpinAnimation(duration, component.controls, axis, angle)

     * Add a component rock animation
     * @param  {Component} component - object to move
     * @param  {Vector3} axis - axis to rock around
     * @param  {Number} angle - amount to spin per frame, radians
     * @param  {Number} end - maximum extend of motion, radians
     * @param  {Number} duration - animation time in milliseconds
     * @return {SpinAnimation} the animation
  rockComponent (component, axis, angle, end, duration) {
    return this.add(
            new RockAnimation(duration, component.controls, axis, angle, end)

     * Add a component move animation
     * @param  {Component} component - object to move
     * @param  {Vector3} moveTo - target position
     * @param  {Number} duration - animation time in milliseconds
     * @return {MoveAnimation} the animation
  moveComponent (component, moveTo, duration) {
    const moveFrom = component.controls.position.clone().negate()

    return this.add(
            new MoveAnimation(duration, component.controls, moveFrom, moveTo)

     * Pause all animations
     * @return {undefined}
  pause () {
    this.animationList.forEach(animation => animation.pause())

     * Resume all animations
     * @return {undefined}
  resume () {
    this.animationList.forEach(animation => animation.resume())

     * Toggle all animations
     * @return {undefined}
  toggle () {
    if (this.paused) {
    } else {

     * Clear all animations
     * @return {undefined}
  clear () {
    this.animationList.length = 0

  dispose () {

export default AnimationControls